The Bible study in the mountains

Dear brothers and sisters, I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ. May God bless all of you with His richness and generosity. With His help, we continue to serve the people around us.

Vasia, son of our sister Ira in Hertza, had came home from the front line for a week. Irina and her mother Vera were extremely happy to see him healthy and alive. He visited our church when he was young, but then he went to Chernivtsi and spent time along with friends and left God and church. So we rejoiced together with Ira and Vera and prayed for his service in the military and for protection of his life.

We conducted the last session of our Bible school in Karpatian mountains. We had 4 days of lessons and different games. Also, we had a trip on a small mountain. Teenagers studied the Old and New Testaments, Bible ethics and the parse of the Jonas book. We had 20 teenagers from churches and from refugee families. God blessed the weather and study time.

We had baptism in the House of prayer church in Chernivtsi. We had a wonderful holiday and worship of God for those persons who made a will with God. This day is always a special service and exciting emotions. I served as photographer there.

We many camps and youth meetings where we could worship and glorify our God.

Prayer needs:

  1. For God`s protection of my family, may the war would not have influence on us.

  2. For our church in Hertza town, so that people might grow spiritually.

  3. For our Bible school, so that teenagers can use knowledge that they got at our lessons.

  4. For the end of the war in Ukraine.

Thank you so much for your spiritual and material help for us. We feel that you are close to us, and you are our partners in evangelism. May God bless your families and ministry.

With prayers for you, the missionary in Hertza and Chernivtsi Alex Pastushak

Visiting widows of soldiers

Greetings brothers and sisters of the PIEI mission. May God send His grace upon you. We are grateful to God for such wonderful and devoted partners in the service of the Ukrainian people.

At the beginning of the month, we remembered the death, suffering and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Without Him we would have no hope of eternal life.

I also broke bread in the House of Peace church in Chernivtsi for a group of people. It was a special time when we analyzed ourselves and repented in order to participate worthily in this commandment.

I visited the church in the village of Vikno and shared the Word of God with the members of the church, as well as with unbelieving immigrants who were later given humanitarian aid. I supported and inspired the displaced people to trust God in the circumstances in which they found themselves.

In the House of Peace church, I conducted an analysis of the Word of God for young people. He taught about the Holy Spirit, His divine nature and action in our lives.

We visited widows of fallen soldiers, as well as parents whose sons died in the war. We saw a lot of heart-breaking pain and tears. We sympathized with them, encouraged them as best we could and prayed for them.

Prayer requests:

1. For the spiritual growth of church members in the city of Herts

2. For displaced persons who have lost everything and have nowhere to return

3. For widows and bereaved parents, that God may comfort their hearts

4. For us, may God give strength and inspiration with the Holy Spirit, so that we can continue to serve Him

Thank you for your prayers and your support of our ministry. May God show His glory and generosity in your life.

With respect and prayers for you,

a missionary in Chernivtsi and Hertsia Pastushak Alex

Easter service with children

Greetings brothers and sisters of the PIEI mission. May God bless you and your families.

With God's help, we continue to serve on the territory of Ukraine, where a brutal war continues. By His grace we live and can serve.

In the church of the city of Herts, we held a festive service dedicated to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We all rejoiced because Christ was not left in the grave but resurrected. He lives and is coming again to take His Church to Himself.

In Chernivtsi, we held another session of Bible school, where we studied such subjects as Overview of the Old and New Testaments. Teenagers come and want to know more about God.

A special Easter service was held in the House of Peace church with the participation of a children's choir. It was nice to watch how the children glorified God with their talents. I served as a photographer.

In the city of Novoselitsa, a meeting of missionaries took place in the Emanuel Church, where we could support and pray for each other.

We thank everyone who helps us spiritually and materially. May God bless you and reward you a hundredfold.

Missionary in Chernivtsi and Herts Oleksandr Pastushak.

Evangelization in Hertza

God’s peace and grace may fill your hearts and families, dear brothers and sisters. Thank the Lord, we are able to continue to serve God during raging the war in Ukraine.

We had evangelization in Hertza church. We invited the group Sion which consists from 5 men. They sang for the glory of God and encouraged us to follow Jesus. One non-Christian woman came to the service. So we pray for her, may the planted seed will grow in her heart.

Our sister Domka had grandson Bogdan on the war. Unfortunately, he died right before he supposed to come back home. She has difficult time, she is in despair and baffled, and she has many questions to God why He allowed to die him.

A couple of days ago, we had a burial service in Hertza. Our the eldest sister Lena passed away. She was almost 97 years old. Her son Andriy is a soldier, and he came recently to take care of her, but now she went to heaven. He and his family are non-Christian so we comforted them with Word of God. Also, many non-Christian neighbors were present on the funeral, who could listen the Gospel.

I with my wife Nadia were invited to the Sniatyn town to family service to share the Gospel. There were a lot of non-Christian families and refugees. I talked about the foundation of the Christian family, that without God no one family can be happy.

Prayer needs:

1. For sister Domka, may God comfort her with His grace.

2. For extended family of sister Lena may they come to Christ.

3. For families in Sniatyn may they strengthen in knowing God.

4. For my family may God protect us from bad people and results of war.

Thank you for your prayers and support. May God bless you all

Oleksandr Pastushak, a missionary in the city of Chernivtsi and in the city of Hertza

Great joy of the church

I greet you brothers and sisters from the PIEI mission with the love of Jesus Christ. God is good to us and continues our life despite all the dangers around us. He supports and gives strength to serve Him and people in such a difficult time.

There is great joy in the church of the city of Hertz because one soul has come to the Lord. Sister Domka used to attend church, but the world pulled her back, she was tempted by the lures of the colorful world and left. But after many years, she remembered God and started attending church. And now she felt God's call and dared to leave the old way of life and start living for God. Therefore, our church rejoices in the new soul, which was lost and now found.

On the first Sunday of the month, as always, our church remembered the suffering and death of Jesus Christ.

In the city of Chernivtsi, there was a solemn service dedicated to the birth of Jesus Christ, and children took part. A large children's choir, children showed various performances and talents to glorify God's name.

Our church constantly visits the sick in hospitals, as well as wounded soldiers. We bring them words of encouragement and support, as well as help with food and witness the Word of God.

Prayer requests:

1. For our safety, that God may protect us in our ministry

2. For God's guidance and wisdom, so that we may have success and fruit in service

3. For the residents of our krana, so that they open their hearts to God

4. For the church in the city of Herts, so that it grows and strengthens spiritually

Thank you for your prayers and support, may the bountiful God bless you abundantly.

Oleksandr Pastushak, a missionary in the city of Chernivtsi and in the city of Hertsa

Ordination of new deacons

Greetings brothers and sisters of the Pai mission. May God richly bless you and give you his peace for all the good you do for us. We are infinitely grateful to you for your participation in our ministry! God leads us here and gives us His fruits.

As every month, we break bread and remember the death and suffering of Jesus Christ. Our oldest sister, Lena, is in the hospital in Hertz, who is 96 years old. We visited her, supported her, and also gave her the opportunity to partake of the bread and wine. It is always a holiday of unity for us, because we are all one body of Christ.

Brother Ruslan has a disease with a support apparatus, but at every service he tries to sing songs to God for His glory.

New deacons and an evangelist were ordained in the House of Peace church in Chernivtsi. It was a special holiday for our church and I served as the photographer.

We had a family service in the House of Peace church, where many families came. Nowadays, there are many challenges and problems in families, so such meetings are very necessary. The topic was about the testament, about what character traits and qualities we pass on to our children. I served as a video and photo operator.

Our children's choir, in which our son Mark sings, visited the Church of the Family of God. It was a blessed service and the whole hall praised God together with the children.

Thank you for your financial and prayer support. May God reward you a hundredfold.

Alex Pastushak, a missionary in Chernivtsi and Hertza.

Awakening among teenagers

Greetings, my dear friends and coworkers in ministry for God! May Almighty God richly bless you and fill you up with His joy and peace!

I am glad to share with you briefly about our ministry. Recently, we had the Harvest Day or Thanksgiving Day at our church in Hertza. We celebrated this holiday with guests from neighbor village. All present people praised the Lord for food, fruits and bread that we have on our tables. We conducted special prayer with the Bible, bread and water.

I attended our old sister. She fell three times at home, and then she got to the hospital. Now doctors take care about her. She was really happy to see us because not a lot of people visit her there. We prayed for her recovery and for doctors, may God give them wisdom to treat her and give them repentance.

With God’s help, we could build the barn and toilet behind the house of prayer.

In Chernivtsi city in the house of prayer "House of peace" was the regional conference of children and teenagers. The theme was "Believe, grow and serve". There were more than 700 people. I conducted the Bible quiz to all audience, and also I served as camera men and made video. In the end, after calling to repentance, more than 70 children got to know Jesus Christ and became Christians.

Thanks for your prayers and financial support for our ministry. May God give you back for hundredfold.

Missionary in Chernivtsi and Hertza Alex Pastushak

Session of the Bible school

Greetings to you brothers and sisters from the USA.

God blessed us in Hertza city. We could have another evangelization meeting at the house of our brother. Unchristian neiborgs came and I shared the Gospel with them also I told them my testimony of how great is God in my life and how many miracles He made. We had brought them boxes of food and handed them out to them.

A couple of days ago we made a path to the house of prayer with concrete. Also, we made the foundation for the barn and restroom behind the house of prayer. So, thank God that He gave us strength me, my father, and other brothers to do that, and also thank you for financial assistance.

We made the third session of our Bible school in the mountains where we could see god's creation and were inspired by how great is our God. Up to 20 teens attended our lessons. Some of them are from refugee families.

We teach them how to follow Jesus and how to behave in this age.

Prayer needs:

- For those unchristian people whom we atended so that they come to Christ.

- For teens that attended our school may they grow in faith.

- For me and my family so that God gives us strength and power of the Holy Spirit to serve Him zealously and fruitfully.

Thanks for your prayers and financial support for our ministry. May God give you back for hundredfold.

Missionary in Chernivtsi and Hertza Alex Pastushak

Evangelization in Hertza

Greeting to you brothers and sisters from the USA. By God’s grace, we still alive, and we are able to serve people. The war is raging more from day to day, but we hope and lean on God and trust only Him.

We conducted evangelization in Hertza from house to house. Two evangelists came to us and we visited different households. We shared our testimonies, explained the plan of salvation and love of Jesus Christ. People were opened to listen to the Word and to accept us. We invited them to come to Christ and to come to the church. We pray so that seed planted in their hearts bear a good fruit.

Likewise, we had a special service in the House of Peace church in Chernivtsi with children’s choir. It is so moving to see how little hearts worship God with their talents.

We had a wonderful camp Candela where I served as cameraman and interpreter for Americans. We visited a lot of villages with the eyeglasses ministry and many people hear the Gospel. At this camp, teenagers were ready to accept the seed that teachers planted. And on the final day we saw how Holly Spirit touched them and about 50 people came to know Christ.

We are preparing for the next session of our Bible school. We plan to conduct it in the mountain location. So please pray so that many teenagers could come and learn more from the Bible.

Prayer request:

  • For people in Hertza who heard the Gospel so that they come to Christ.

  • For teenagers who repented in camp so that they join to the local churches.

  • For our Bible school

  • For our health and strength to serve God despite anything.

Thank you for your participation in our ministry. Thanks especially for your prayers and financial support. God bless you and your families.

With prayer for you,

missionary in Chernivtsi and Hertza Alex Pastushak.

He is sick but worships God

Greetings to you brothers and sisters from the USA. May God bless all of you for your kindness and merciful hearts to us Ukrainians, for your prayers and support.

In Hertza church one brother Ruslan who is about 30 years he likes to serve in the service with songs. He has such a good voice and sing in Romanian. When he was 11 he had a fever for a couple of days and when he got to the hospital doctors diagnosed meningitis. It affected on his mind and his left arm and leg. So he began to lame, and his brain is on teenager age. But he loves God and want to glorify Him through his talents. Almost at each service he sings two songs. Members of the church love him and let he feels acceptance.

In the church of "House of peace" in Chenivtsi there was a youth meeting with topic "Ask pastor".

People were able to give any questions to pastors openly or anonymity. That was good possibility to ask something important to you when you're shy to ask openly. I served there as photographer.

We had a scaled conference on volunteers from whole Ukraine. There were 350 volunteers from different regions of Ukraine, and they shared with their experience how they help people during the war. That was good meeting of worshiping God and exchanging of experience. I served as photographer.

We had sisters meeting of Chernivtsi where were more than 50 young ladies and women. The subject was what God expects from the Christian women and wives. That was nice and pleasure time for them to study the Bible and to get to know each other.

We visited widows and mothers of died soldiers in Chernivtsi and villages of our region. They are in despair and don't know how to live further. We comforted them and granted packages with products. They thanked us that their relative are not forgotten, and we remember about their input in our victory. We distributed about 37 packages.

That is a brief report of what we are doing here. Thank you for your prayers and support that you are not apart from our problems, and you help us in our situation and ministry.

With prayer for you, missionary in Hertza and Chernivtsi Alex Pastushak.