Renewal of the House of Prayer


1. Peace be upon you, beloved brothers and sisters in Christ. We rejoice in the fellowship we can maintain with you and in the common ministry, we perform before our Lord.

Thank you for supporting our ministry morally and materially to improve God's work where we need to serve.


2. We continue to hold services on Sundays, we thank God for every meeting we can hold, which is very valuable and important in these last days.

Also, I continued to work near the prayer house there is still a bit of work to finish.

3. Please pray for some people who have been attending services for a long time to repent.

4. May God bless you, strengthen you even more in the work of God, give you a vision in service. Thank you for your prayers for us, for your material support, may God give you more.

Your brother and servant Dziadyk Igor.

Thanksgiving day


1. Peace be upon you, dear and beloved brothers and sisters in the Lord, may God bless you! Thank God for the grace and freedom we have in our lands to preach the gospel and serve. Thank you for donating to our family, which means a lot to us.

2. On the first Sunday of October, as always, they had a feast in the church - the Lord's Supper. We also continue to visit the homes of those sisters who do not have the opportunity to come to the meeting.

On the 11th I was invited to a service in the village of Stetsevo where there was a good service of Thanksgiving and communion with the church.

3. Please pray because Chernivtsi region is in the red zone again, so that God will strengthen the shepherds and give wisdom on how to be in this situation.

4. May God bless you for your sacrifice for us, we pray for you so that we can work together for the glory of God.

With respect and love to you, the pastor of the church Dziadyk Igor.

Renovation of the House of Prayer


1. Peace and grace to you brothers and sisters, may God bless you abundantly in your work before God and sacrifice for us.


2. The last two weeks of September I had to work with the brothers near the house of prayer. Now the house of prayer is being renovated, and we are still working. We also had a day of thanksgiving to the Lord for all that He gave this year and spiritual things as well.

3. Please pray for my family so that we can work together to have the same vision in ministry, to give ourselves more than the Lord needs.

4. May God helps you and we pray for you so that all may work together faithfully.

With respect and love to you, the pastor of the church Dziadyk Igor.

Blessing of our baby


Peace to you brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ, thank God that by the grace of God we serve God together on this earth, thank you for your sacrifice and prayerful support.

09/06/20 We had a service where we had bread breaking and also went from house to house with the old sisters.

09/08/20 I was invited and some of the church to the funeral service, a young boy of 16 died in a car accident. He is an unbelieving guy. Here I had a sermon where there were many people who listened to the Word of God.

09/10/20 There was a pre-funeral service for our sister who lived 86 years, on the second day we had a funeral service, our brother Pavlo Pitikhachny was also invited to give a sermon.


09/13/20 Kushnir Yura was also invited to our service and blessed our daughter Sabina.

09/14/20. At the request of our brother from the church, we had his aunt's funeral, she was an unbeliever, but people could also hear about sin, death, eternal life, and the justification of our sins through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Please pray for the people to whom the Word was preached, and also thank God for the opportunities we have to preach the gospel today.

May God bless you in your work, that you care for us materially, support us in prayer. We also pray for you that God will help you, give you wisdom, and God's protection for your families.

With respect and love to you, the pastor of the church Dziadyk Igor.

New generation


1. Peace to you and grace, brothers and sisters, thank God that we can still work, be needed by God at this time, thank you for material support, for prayer support, despite the long distance between us, God unites us in prayer and work.

2. God gave us the opportunity to meet in the house of prayer In Valery Popov in Novoselytsia to have fellowship with brothers and sisters, to see each other, to share the work we do before the Lord, and also to hear the sermon of Brother Paul. He reminded us not to boast of our wisdom, nor of our strength, nor of our riches, but only of the Lord whom we know.

I was also able to help one widow who is an unbeliever. We helped her dig up potatoes, two months ago we buried her husband, he was a member of the church, we try to keep in touch and pray for her, to help in deeds to come to repentance, to see our love.

Also this Sunday, August 30, we had a holiday where we had the blessing of a small child, we are glad that we have a young generation growing up in the church.


3. Prayer requests: Pray for our ministry. For those we help with deeds and words to repent So that we can gather in the church whenever possible.

4. We pray for you, we thank you for your care, may God support you, and may you not lose heart in God's work, knowing that the reward is great for you and us in heaven.

With love to you servant and employee Dziadyk Igor.

Funeral services


1. I greet you all with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, who loved us and gave himself for us, that we might be ministers of the new testament. I am grateful to you for remembering us, sacrificing so that we can carry out the ministry to which the Lord has called us.

2. On August 2, we had a service at which we had the Lord's Supper, doing what Christ commanded us. And we also have houses that we visit with bread-breaking, unfortunately the photos have been lost.


On the same day they also had a funeral service, buried a 92-year-old woman, she was once a member of our church, there was an opportunity to preach the Gospel.

I also had the opportunity to be with my brother Hryhoriy Kioresco at the funeral in the village of Podvirne and to preach the Gospel. God still gives people time to remind them of salvation and eternal life and that there will be a resurrection from the dead.

3. Prayer requests:

- Pray for the sown Word, that God may grow it in the hearts of those who have heard.

- For our family.

- For our service.

4. Thank you for not forgetting about us and supporting us in your prayers, and supporting us financially as well. We also pray for you constantly that God may fill you with wisdom from above, give you knowledge and strength, and preserve you for His glory, that we may meet together in heaven.

Sincerely yours, Pastor of the Church Igor Dziadyk.

Gathered for worship


Peace be with you, brothers and sisters, our fellow workers and ministers of the New Testament.

We thank our God for uniting us to work together to preach the gospel and live for Christ. Thank you for your prayers, for your material sacrifice, that we can work together for the glory of God.

1. For two Sundays of this month we had a service in the house of prayer, also on one of the Sundays we had bread-breaking, and we also went to the houses of the members of the church because not everyone can come. We are very glad that we can gather and worship God.

2. Please pray for our family and our service before God to do God's work faithfully.

3. May God strengthens you, give you grace in every work you do, we pray for you, and we also thank you for everything, for your prayers for your support. God's blessings, your brother Dziadyk Igor.

Social help


Peace and grace to you from our Lord Savior Jesus Christ, who protects and strengthens us and comforts us at all times. I love you, I pray that the Lord will lead as He wills, Our Lord is good and merciful. Thank you for your grace and material sacrifice for our family, we accept it as from the Lord.

The first two Sundays of July, the church and I did not have the opportunity to gather, we plan for this Sunday, as well as to make bread breaks. On Saturday, July 11, we had a meeting with all the missionaries at the House of Prayer in Novoselytsia with Valery Popov. On which Paul the Pitihachny preached to us, comforted, instructed, was for our edification. We also all gave a short report for six months, I was very glad that we could meet and talk. Also on this day, Grisha Chiorescu organized aid for the village of Tarasivtsi, which was partially flooded. I went with my brother Grisha and had the opportunity to distribute packages prepared in the Name of Jesus Christ. I was happy to serve and join this ministry, someone donated I had the opportunity to distribute and talk to people.


Please pray for the people who have been helped so that they may also reflect on the fact that God cares for them as well, so that it will be a testimony and repent.

We pray for you, we thank you for all that God will bless you and help in the ministry to which he has called.

With love, your brother and servant Dziadyk Igor.

My mom is still in the hospital


Peace be to you brothers and sisters, may the grace of the Lord be with you. Thank you for the cooperation we can do together in the Lord, for what I have to pray for and for whom. May God bless you, strengthen you, heal you physically, so that you may also work for the Name of Jesus Christ, thank you also for your material support.

1. The last two Sundays in June I had to be with my mother in the hospital, to go to her every day. She has bilateral pneumonia, at the moment she will probably be in the hospital for another week, thank God she is getting better. We canceled the service in the house of prayer due to the fact that 13 members of the church had a fever and it so happened that all appeared at the same time for a couple of days and then passed but because there was a suspicion of the virus we stopped meeting because it was very bad. My mother and I thought that we had COVID19, some members of the church took the test and it turned out to be negative, thank God. It was an experience and it was also a privilege to pray for each other and see what God does, allows and so on to test our faith.

2. Prayer requests:

-Please pray for my mother so that if it is God's will to heal and come home.

-for a young unbelieving couple who will sign on July 8, 2020 and will have to pray at their request.

-so that we can meet again in the house of prayer.

3. May God's peace be with you, we pray for you so that we may be in the same spirit no matter where we are, but faithfully serve God in the ministry he has entrusted to us. Thank you very much again for your support, for your prayers for us, for your love for us.

Your employee and brother Igor Dziadyk.

Church is sick


Peace be to you brothers and sisters, may the grace of the Lord be with you, and may the peace of God keep you so that you may live for Christ and serve the church of Christ, I want to thank you for not forgetting us, helping materially and praying for us.

Summer began with the funeral of our brother in Christ, who passed away at the age of 86. I had to conduct a pre-funeral service as well as the funeral itself, and there were unbelievers who could hear the preaching of the gospel, thanking God for helping to conduct this service.


And also there was the engagement of one young unbelieving couple, not everything was as planned, but only a prayer over them is planned for July in the wedding prayer house.

Also on the first Sunday of June, we had the remembrance of the Body of the Lord, there was a service in the house of prayer, and we went from house to house who could not come because of old age and sickness.

I'm sick, and so is my wife, I don't know what the virus is, but tomorrow, Monday, we'll take a test to see if we're sick with the coronavirus because most of our church is weak. The situation is a bit complicated we will hope that the test result it will be negative just some disease that needs to be overcome. Although one sister confirmed that she has COVID19, we want everything to go smoothly because she is pregnant. 3.

Prayer requests:

- that God may preserve the church and help it to go through all the trials to remain faithful

-for me and my family to be healthy and the test showed negative

-for our ministry to be useful to the Lord

May God strengthens you all, be your protection, give you wisdom in all decisions, we pray for you so that we can continue to cooperate for the glory of God, this is a special year in which God wants to be glorified through us.

With respect to you, and with love to your brother and servant Dziadyk Igor

The church is opened


Peace be to you and grace from Our Lord Jesus Christ! By the great grace of God we still live and work. I believe that despite the times in which we live, we have a blessing from God, and we also have something to thank for, because everything is for our good.

1. Thank you to all the mission, brothers and sisters for your prayers, for your financial support, it is also a blessing for us for the whole family. It is also a proof that in the Body of Christ there must be equality for all, as it is written in 2 Cor. 8: 13-14, and from you as a mission you keep this commandment. May God bless you generously as He wills, we are happy and grateful to you.

2. The last two weeks of May we had the opportunity to gather in the house of prayer. I talked to the local head of the village, and he only allowed me to meet the conditions of the quarantine, which is good. Also, if possible, I have to visit the elders of our church who can no longer come to the service.

3. Prayer requests:

- Please pray for our family so that they can serve in the church with the wisdom of God, so that God will give us a vision of how to act.

- And also the request to pray on Thursday, June 4, 2020, we will have to be engaged to one unbelieving young couple, how to do everything so that God will give words to say.

4. I want to thank you in advance for your prayerful support, as well as for your material support, that together we can serve the Lord together. May Almighty God help you in everything.

With love and respect to you Pastor of the church Dziadyk Igor

Services in quarantine


Peace be upon you, beloved brothers and sisters of the mission, may the grace of God abide with you, gratitude to you for your joint work, for your material sacrifice, for the betterment of your service to God.

Ignoring quarantine, we want to gather and worship God. On the first Sunday in May, we had a fellowship in the house of prayer with small groups of people at the bakery, there was a short service with those who came in groups of five, six, so we could unite in the Lord's Supper, and we went home to the rest of the brothers and sisters. We are glad that we could gather in this way. We have already gathered in large numbers on May 10, we are already thinking of holding a meeting to worship God.

Everything that is done or happens through quarantine is all for the good.


Prayer requests:

- Pray that we may best serve the church and that God will use us in any ministry.

- Pray that God will give wisdom in these times, how to direct everything to build the church.

I want to thank you for your prayers for us, for your financial support, which facilitates our ministry, it really is as it is written in 2 Corinthians that equality is so we can complement each other, may God bless you abundantly.

We pray for you that God will help you in everything you do before God,

with love Pastor of the Church Dziadyk Igor


Personal evangelization


Peace and grace be to you from God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, brothers and sisters, Christ is risen! I want to thank you for the material sacrifice for our family in service to the Lord, to serve in the conditions that the Lord gives us. Glory be to Him.

We live in a time when ministry is being broadcast online, it is also a blessed time, it is a time of trial for the church, and we need to learn to appreciate all that was before and have now. to have community with each other. On Holy Thursday we could remember the suffering of Christ. I went home to some members of the church with a meal, some two came to the house of prayer, so we could pray and fulfill the commandment of Christ. During these two weeks of April, I had a conversation with various unsaved people, with three people I talked about the fact that revenge belongs only to the Lord, we as humans cannot take revenge on our own. Also, I had a conversation with one man about life after death, that there is eternal life, the present is only temporary, the person listened, it is difficult for him to make the choice to accept and believe it. Also, the other day I talked to another teacher about sanctifying the priest, and the basket of food, I tried to tell her that every meal or all foods are sanctified by prayer, and God looks at our hearts to be pure, not that which the priest drops. It was an opportunity to sow the Word of God, of course it took time for everyone to think. I pray for these people that I testify that they are not too late to make a choice where to spend eternity. Unfortunately there is no photo with these people. Due to the illness that is now there was a short time to attend one brother's funeral, pray there, and have a word of condolence for all those present and the family.

Prayer needs:

  1. pray for my family, that God may preserve the family in love, and that there be understanding in common ministry.

  2. Pray for people who have heard about eternal life, and also that Christ sanctifies those who come to Him.

God bless you abundantly, your work, your support, your prayers for us, who are not indifferent to our service before the Lord, we pray for you, a great reward for all of us in heaven when we appear before Him.

I love you, I bless you, Pastor of the church Dzadik Ihor Illich


Pastoral conference


1. Peace to you and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, be blessed. Thank you for your financial help, for the prayerful support that we are united by one God in working together and in ministry

2. On the first Sunday of March, as always, we have a bread service at home, but this time we had to visit two sisters widows and one brother in old age. We also began renovating the house of prayer from the outside and had to be with the brothers together for this work. In the second week of March, from 10-13, I was with the Roman-speaking brothers at the Pastoral Conference in Jaremche, where we had good fellowship and faith-building.


On Saturday, March 14, the Pastoral Conference was organized by brother Petykhachniy Paul in the village Nesvoya, who had the honor of serving the brothers and read the letter to Philimon. He showed us an example of apostle Paul's how to reconcile the host with the slave, with Philemon's example of forgiveness, and with Onesimus's repentance, in all this was one of the purposes of this message to show how to do


1. Observation

2. Interpretation

3. Application

I think that for all of us the Brothers of the Shepherds was an instructive meeting. I am very glad that God is using me in his ministry for his glory.

3. I want to thank all of you in the mission, for your support, prayerful support, so that God and you may be especially blessed with His spiritual blessing. Your brother and colleague Dziadyk Igor.

Visiting houses


I congratulate all the brothers and sisters in the Lord with the love of Jesus Christ, for their joint work and service, and thank you for your material blessings or as the apostle Paul calls the grace given to us. To you sincere blessings from our Lord, as well as His wisdom in all spiritual and material work.

This month, the first church service took place to commemorate the death of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our redemption from this world, as there are some old widows in our church who are unable to attend the service, I, as a Shepherd, and with the deacon of the church, we visited them and they also had the opportunity to attend the Lord's Supper.


Also, at the request of the brother of the Petachachny Paul, I was able to be the second Sunday of the week in the village of Zhilivka in a small church with a bakery, very glad to be able to serve them, to share the Word of God with them, to remember once again how important the Lord's Supper is to us and how responsible we are we must approach the body of the Lord, the church was very pleased with our visit, and very much praised Brother Paul for not leaving them thinking about them.


I also visited with my wife one elderly woman, 79 years old in our village, who is a widow, living alone, presented her with a calendar, also said that a short life is necessary for repentance, to prepare to move from this life to another, for a better one. to hope that he will make the right choice for how much more he lives.

Please support in prayer for your teenage ministry in the church, there is a desire to begin to study with them the book of Jonah, the little prophet of God, to organize and finish and to have a definite result.

Therefore, I thank you again, the whole mission, for your financial support, for your prayers for us, for remembering us, and for being able to work together in God's vineyard together in our common ministry.

Greetings from all the family, wife and daughter.

Sincerely, Igor Dziadyk - Pastor of the church of the village of Kotilevo.

Study at the Theological Institute


Peace be upon you, brothers and sisters, and may the grace of God dwell on you. Thank you for being able to work together for the glory of God, to serve together for those in the Body of Christ, a great reward awaiting us all in due time.

1. The New Year, which transgressed with the will of God, began with the funeral service; It was an opportunity to preach the gospel, and I am very grateful to God that the word of God was sown.

On Sunday, January 5, a memorial service was held to commemorate the death of our Lord, after which I visited several widowed sisters, with whom they also had fellowship and involvement in the bakery.

On January 6, the brothers and sisters of Vyzhnytsia and the pastor of the church had the opportunity to be in the village of Shepoti in Transcarpathia with the good news. I also visited some people in my village, gave a new testament, unfortunately there were no photos myself, other times I will try to go with someone.

Last week from January 27-30, he attended a seminar at the Chernivtsi Theological Institute, studied 2 Corinthians 5-8 chapters.

May the Lord bless you richly.

Sincerely, Igor Dziadyk - Pastor of the church of the village of Kotilevo.

Our strategy is to work with children


Peace of God brothers and sisters from the PIEI mission!

My name is Igor Dzyadyk born August 28, 1983. I repented on May 1, 1994, and in December 2003 I was baptized. Since January 26, 2014 I am a deacon of the Evangelical Baptist Church in the village of Kotilevo, Novoselitsky district, Chernivtsi region.

Married since May 19, 2013 to Maria Dzyadyk, she was born on January 1, 1984. We have a daughter, Solomiya, born on April 15, 2015.

I was appointed to pastoral service on June 12, 2016. Our church is not big, but a youth. 30 members of the church, there are young families and 10 children in our church. My wife is now engaged in youth studying songs.

Our strategy for working with children: To teach children the Word of God and to attract other children from the world to our Sunday school through children's Christian camps and other Christian events.

At the beginning of this year, Oleg Vasilevich, the brother of deacon Lamb, was ordained to the church.

I am very grateful to God that our brothers missionaries from the PIEI mission accepted me on this mission. I pray to God that He will strengthen me spiritually and give me health so that I can work harder and bear good fruit in the Field of God.

Prayer Needs:

-Pray for me and my family so that we all work together with zeal for the work of the Lord.

-Pray for the village of Kotelevo, so that people repent.

-Pray for our church from Kotelevo.

May the Lord bless you richly.

Sincerely, Igor Dziadyk - Pastor of the church of the village of Kotilevo.