I visited the church in Vizhnitsa, where my son Benjamin and his wife Lily live. There I preached at a morning service; but the most wonderful moment there was the dedication of Benjamin and Lily’s first newborn Mathew, and my first grandson.
November 2016
This month I was ill, I had a cold. I praise God for healing me. My family is getting bigger: in Benjamin’s family a baby boy was born. The most important thing is that everybody is serving the Lord. I may say the words written in 3 John 4- “I have no greater joy than to hear that my childrenare walking in the truth.”
About Grigory Kioresko
I was born on December 22nd, 1963 in a family with 10 children, being the youngest child. My Christian parents were a great example for me, so that after I finished school I received the Lord Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I completed 10 grades of middle school, then three years of professional school. During these last three years I also attended music school and learned to become a choir conductor. I started to work in the church as a choir director. On February 2nd 1985 I was baptized shortly after I accepted the Lord as my Savior.