Teaching in the camp


I greet with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, friends, brothers and sisters ...

I thank God in my prayers for you, which are next to me, and my family, your prayers and your means, without which I could not serve so much ...

With God's help, and with your prayers, and with great Grace, I had the honor to serve:

1. In the youth camp in Boyan, he taught young girls and boys about the life of Joseph and Samson. It was an honor for me to serve these young people.


2. In the church of the village of Rakitnoye there was a baptism, 3 young guys and a sister. Our church for 4 souls has become larger. One of these young people is Edgar, who last year repented in the Boyan camp. Thank God. Thank you again for your prayers, for your support, may God bless you richly.

Prayer Needs:

1. For the parents of Edgar, who have not calmed down yet and are chasing Edgar. They are very angry with him and me. They call me, they threaten me in different ways.

2. For me, that the Lord will give wisdom in work and in my Church, and in our area. I can’t describe it in detail, but wisdom and strength are very necessary.

3. For my family, so that the Lord will keep the devil from all the loops, who sets before them and waits to be caught. Please pray.

Encouraged each other


Hello by the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Very grateful for you brothers and sisters, for your prayers, for your support, I feel your prayers have been heard. Thank God for you every day. I thank God for his grace to me, for the service that He entrusted to me. On the 14th I visited the Church with. Cheponosy, there were some problems, eventually they made up, brothers and sisters embraced, took a pretty photo, and went home. Praise God for the world that only He can give.

I had one very pleasant and important ministry: I visited a shepherd in the village of Buzivtsi, Kelmenets rn, with him, and with his family and I and my wife, Mila, we spent the whole day: we prayed, reasoned over the Word of God, wept together, sharing service, they joked, laughed, a very blessed day was for them and for us.

Prayer needs:

1. For the youth camp in Boyana, so that God would give strength and wisdom to serve young people.

2. On 4 of August in the village of Rakitnoye, there will be a baptism, 3 young brothers and one sister, one of these three brothers, this is Edgar, who repented in the Boyans last year.

His parents have risen right now, they are very opposed, they came to me, they screamed ... but Edgar said that there is no way back ... Pray for him, parents promised that they would come to baptism and they would hinder, pray for me that the Lord gave wisdom and endurance in all work.

Thank you for worrying about God's work here in Ukraine with us. Be blessed.

Missionary and pastor in the Rokitne village, Kioresku Grigoriy

Camp with widows


I congratulate my brothers and sisters in the name of Jesus Christ.

I thank God for you, in my prayers, for your prayers and material help. Be blessed and your families.

By your prayers, with the help of God, I organized the regional conference, on July 9, "Ukraine without orphans". There were the families that had adopted the children and those with a desire took part.

From 17 to 21, they organized a camp for the widows in the Boyans. I had the honor and grace to be at the opening of this camp, with our youth, they sang and I preached. There were 67 widows who were very happy with our arrival.

Prayer needs:

o   July 29, youth camp in Boyana will start, pray for us.

o   August 4 we have a baptism in the Church in Rokitne. One of the baptized is Edgard, who last year received the Lord in the Boyans.

o   5-9 August children's day camp in the village Rokite.

And again, thank you for the fact that you will pray, and God will bless us and you.

Missionary and pastor in the Rokitne village, Kioresku Grigoriy

Power of the invisible work


I congratulate my brothers and sisters in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the central prayer, I mention you, and I thank God for you, for your sacrifice, with which I can do the work of God.

It passed a month already as we had started to organize a massive evangelization in Chernivtsi at the stadiums. I was engaged in the organization of fasting and prayer. Every day a certain Church was in fasting and prayer, and on Sunday 26 May, Organized a three-hour prayer marathon, during the evangelization, each group for half an hour, and so six groups.

I was in the stadium building all the time, and I was in prayer with the groups of brothers and sisters. I did not see anything as evangelism passed, I did not hear anything, but in the end, I saw the result.

Thank God, so many people came to repentance. I am grateful to God for our prayers He has heard, for those whom He brought, and gave repentance. I am very grateful to God for the fact that He used me in this work as invisible but very important.

Prayer needs:

- for new converts.

- for our training for the camp in Boyana, there will be a youth camp.

- for children's day camp in Rokite Village

- for my family for me so that God gave wisdom and strength in service.

Thank you for your prayer and material support. Be blessed

Missionary and pastor in the Rokitne village, Kioresku Grigoriy

Children devoted to God

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I greet you all through the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I thank God for you, for your support in prayer and in material, my prayer that the Lord gave you every reward.

This Sunday, in the early service, the Church of the Christ (Rokitne Village), had the opportunity to rejoice again for the young family who brought Gabriel to devote himself to the Lord. Just 2 weeks ago we had the ministry of blessing the child. In such ministries, I preach only about the family, as well as 20 of our children sing, also serve as servants to the Lord.

Thank God for our Church, I pray to God that Ukraine had a good future, and children are our future.

Ask to pray for us, for our children, so that they could praise God in the future. For my family, for my wife, pray for us so that we can go through all the affairs with victory in Christ.

Missionary and pastor in the Rokitne village, Kioresku Grigoriy

Ministry in an orphanage

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Dear brothers and sisters,

First, I greet you with the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Every day I thank the Lord for you, for your support, prayers and everything you do for us. May the Lord reward you!

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27

God tells us to look after them so we have to fulfill it.

Together with Br. Pavel and s. Larissa, we visited an Orphanage in Sadgory. 95 children of all ages have heard about the main person of the Bible, God and Jesus Christ. We talked to them, sang songs and played games. Gifts were handed out at the end. Thank God for such a ministry.

Thank God for our brothers and sisters from the United States, who are with us in prayer and materially.

Pastor Kioresku Grigoriy

The fruit of Christian camp

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I am happy to be a servant of God. He entrusted a very important ministry for us – make people followers of Jesus Christ.

Thank you, everyone, who supports us and pray about us. You help us to realize our vision of ministry.

This Sunday after common congregation we conducted the youth meeting. There were a lot of young people who came to worship God and to hear the Scripture. One brother was preaching, his name is Edgar and he had repented last year in the Christian youth camp in Boyan. So, how it is a pleasure to see the fruit of that camp that this guy came to Jesus and even much more he is preaching today. Praise the Lord.

Please, pray of him, because his parents are unbelievers and make some persecution to him. Let God gives the strength to his faith.

Love, the Kioresko family

Rich in Blessings

From the first lines I greet you with the Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. I always thank God for you, for your prayers for me and for the financial support in the ministry in Ukraine. 

  The month that passed has been a month rich in blessings. With the help of God, I preached in the church I serve, encouraged the Church and urged the members to draw nearer to God and more knowledge of Him.

On the second Sunday of the month, we dedicated the Sunday service to our youth at which they served with singing and preaching. I write with joy that at that service, a young man, Edgar, who repented in the PIE camp last summer, went out to preach. In his family he is persecuted by his parents, but God strengthens him and he faces any difficulty. I pray for him, spend time with him praying with him, and I see him rejoicing in the Lord. Join with us in prayer for Edgar.

Ministry of People

In February I preached at two funerals, visited and preached in six churches in our region, prayed at the ordination of two deacons in a village called Ropcha, in another church I assisted at the election of two deacons and in another church, I counseled a couple who have been living together for a year and want to divorce now. I am terrified of what is happening nowadays in our churches. I prayed with them and we continue to pray for this family to get wisdom from God and keep their marriage. 

I rejoice in the Lord for the family He has given to me. We serve together the Lord. My wife Milla has had some problems with her stomach recently. The others are fine. I thank you once more for your support, may the Lord reward you with His rich blessings! May His peace follow you! 

Love, the Kioresko’s family

God's Wonderful Works


Dear brothers and sisters, 

With our first lines we greet you with the peace of our Lord Jesus. 

By the help of God, the first month of this year has passed and I come to the Lord with much gratitude for His rich grace and His wonderful works.

Right from the beginning of the year, we had a week of prayer at church and every day we met up for prayer, then for two days we went caroling through the village to the people's homes, and there we had a special grace to preach about Jesus to people in our community.

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This month we visited 5 churches in our region, where by the Grace of the Lord we could serve those churches and encourage them, as well as the church in our village. 

Charity and Outreach

Our church raised some charity for brothers in Christ from the war area. We gave the charity to our brothers from Dinauts church who went to Donetsk region and brought it to our brothers in need there. We thank the Lord for protecting our brothers in Christ in the way and have been able bring joy to the brethren who live in the war zone. We also thank you for praying for them and for your help in this ministry. 

Our church organized an outreach in the center of the village for the people of our community. 50 unsaved people, 30 children and several youths came to the outreach. We pray that the Lord will work on the hearts of those people who overcame shame and came to the evangelization. Let the Holy Spirit investigate their hearts as the Word sown in them brings fruit.

Our family rejoices in the peace of the Lord. Thank you for supporting us in the ministry. May the Lord bless you and reward you and may His peace be with you! 

Love, the Kioresko family

Bringing In the New Year

Dear brothers and sisters, 


I greet you with the peace of our Lord Jesus! I praise the Lord for you who stand with us in our fight against the enemy and pray for us and the ministry in Ukraine. I thank God for the financial support too which is not less important in the ministry. 

With God’s help and mercy, we lived one more year, the last month of which was quite busy. We have the privilege to celebrate Christmas twice this year. We celebrated it on December 25th, when we had a special service at church. We will celebrate it on January 7th again, with other people in our community. On December 31st we had a special service at church which started at 9 p.m. and ended at midnight. Thus, everybody from our church had the opportunity to begin the New Year in the church. 

I preached at two funerals in December and made ten pastoral visits. I visited two nonbeliever families and I had the opportunity to share the Gospel to them. 

In December I had a bad flu but with God’s mercy it passed without side effects and I am alive and fine now. I praise the Lord that no one in the family caught the flu I had. 

May the Lord reward your sacrifice you do for us in Ukraine! May the peace and love of the Lord be with you!

Love, Kioresko family