Сhildren's week-long camp

Greetings to you brothers and sisters from the USA - our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine!

1. I am grateful to God for giving me health and protecting me from all evil so that I can serve here in our church from Dinivtsi and also help in the church from the neighboring village in Dolzhok.

- In these churches I held bread-breaking services at the beginning of the month.

- I also drove 7 rehabilitants who live in the Center for rehabilitants in Malinovka to services in Dolzhok in my car. We are glad that 2 of them have already repented. They are given lessons and prepared for baptism, glory to God. We pray for them.

2. The wedding of my son Joseph.

- On August 24th there was the wedding of our son Joseph with his bride Natasha. The wedding was in Chernivtsi, the weather was wonderful, we blessed the bride and groom and entrusted them in the hands of the Lord. This was the second wedding this year in our family. It was a little difficult for us parents, but thank God for His mercy and support. The most important thing is that the young people are happy, healthy, faithful to our God, and for us parents this is only a joy.

3. Day children's camp.

- In the second ten days of August, our church organized a day children's week-long camp. Every day 60-70 children came. Before lunch, the children had Bible lessons for children, games and various competitions. And at lunch they were fed and then sent home.

We organized the same thing in the village of Dolzhok, a two-day camp where 50 children came. We pray for these children who were in our camps, so that the Lord tests the hearts of these children, so that they understand that the Lord loves them and so that they attend our Sunday schools at our churches.

4. Funerals

- With our church choir, we were invited to 2 funerals: in Shcherbintsy and in Kotilevo. There I preached the Word, where there were many listeners from among the unbelievers and they listened attentively to the Word of God and the singing of the choir. We pray for these people too.

5. Thanksgiving

- I am grateful to God for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA - our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine. For your material support and for your prayers that help us so much in this difficult time here in Ukraine.

- I thank God for His protection and safety this month. For the fact that there were no missile strikes in our region. Glory to God for His mercy to us.

6. Prayer requests:

- Pray with us that if God's will be done, peace would come to Ukraine.

- Pray for those people who listened to the Word of God this month, at evangelism, at funerals and for the children who were in our camp at the church. So that the children would come to our Bible classes at the church.

- Pray for peace to continue and for there to be no missile strikes. For there to be no missile strikes all over Ukraine. Pray for all the leaders of our country, that the Lord may give them wisdom to lead.

We also pray for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA. We wish you abundant blessings from our Lord God. And we also wish that the Lord will return to you a hundredfold in blessings for your sacrifice for Ukraine.

Please accept heartfelt Christian greetings from my family. With love, your brother in Christ, Alexa Paskar.

Wedding of my son Daniel

We greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, dear brothers and sisters from the USA.

I am very grateful to God for His protection this month and for the fact that I had the opportunity to preach the Word of God to my church, as well as the church in the village of Dolzhok.

1.Thank God for the US team

-I thank God for protecting the brothers and sisters from the team from the USA, led by brother Cornel Stef, who came for the whole week to serve in our camp in Boyany, as well as in 4 churches of our Novoseletsky district for evangelization with glasses. On Monday, July 22, they were with us in Dinivtsi. And almost 100 people came to the church to choose glasses for themselves. Medic Debby Conry checked each visitor and selected glasses for them. As well as the Philbrook family, Christen and Stanley, served as spiritual guardians for those people. And Brother Cornel Stef also served these people. There were among these people who prayed the prayer of repentance. Brother Stanley wrote them all in his notebook so that they could continue to pray for these people. At lunchtime and in the evening we fed the brothers and sisters from the United States because they worked very hard and were tired, and then they left for the whole night in the camp in Boyany. There they spent the night, so that on the second day they would again leave for another village and another church to serve people. We are very grateful to the entire US team for their work and donations.

2.Service in the camp.

- Our youth served in the camp, in Boyany, in the worship group and also as leaders. I am glad that my 2 children (Lily and Joseph) participated in the glorification. I’m also glad that 3 teenagers in the camp repented. We pray for them.

3.Marriages of Daniel and Anna:

-Last week, our son Daniel had a wedding with his bride Anna, and we were traveling to Romania and celebrated this wedding in one of the Radauti restaurants, Suceava County. Daniel's bride is also from Ukraine, but they work in Paris, France. It turned out that they could not come to Ukraine because of the war, but we still rejoiced with them.


-We thank God and you for praying for us and for our ministry here in Ukraine. Thank God that He heard your and our prayers and blessed our ministry and the ministry of the team of brothers and sisters from the USA,

-Thank you for sponsoring our camp in Boyany. May the Lord return your blessings a hundredfold.

5.Prayer needs:

-Continue to pray for us, for Ukraine, so that our war will end.

-Pray for our family, because on August 24 there will be another wedding, our other son Joseph. His bride Natasha, she is from Transcarpathia, and the wedding will be here in Chernivtsi.

-Pray for those who repented both in the camp and at evangelizations with glasses.

And we pray for you and wish you abundant blessings from the Lord.

With love, your brother in Christ, Pascari Alex.

Serving with rehabilitates

We greet you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ! I am very grateful to God for another month under the protection and protection of God during this difficult time of war in our Ukraine.

Thank God for helping me this month to preach the Word of the Gospel among the people who live among us.

1. Breaking of bread

-On the first Sunday of the month, we remembered the death and suffering of Jesus Christ through the breaking of bread both in our church in Dinivtsi and in the church from the village of Dolzhok. He also visited the sick with communion at home, where they were very happy that they could, together with the church, remember the suffering and death of Christ through Holy Communion.

2. Serving with rehabilitates

-Also 4 times I drove 5 rehabilitates from the rehab center from Malinovka to the church in the village. I owe you a debt. Two of them repented, thank God. There is no pastor in the church yet. Duty, I go to this church every Sunday for service. Sometimes I take a worship group with me to participate in services in this small church. We pray for the people from this village so that the Lord will test their hearts to repentance.


-Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the brothers and sisters from the USA, our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine, for supporting us in your prayers and your social help. Thanks to this, we will also be able to help people in need who live among us.

-I thank the Lord for the peaceful sky in our region, although in other regions of the country people are dying under the rubble of destroyed houses due to the arrival of enemy missiles. Only God can deliver us from this difficult war.

4.Prayer needs:

-Pray with us that the Lord will help us stop this war in Ukraine.

-Pray that the people to whom we preach the Word of God will accept this Holy Word in their hearts.

-Pray that there will be no further missile attacks in our region. We must organize Christian camps for children in the summer and we are worried that we will have a peaceful sky.

-Pray for our youth who will go and serve in a Christian camp in the summer in Boyany. So that the Lord will preserve and protect everyone from all evil in this difficult time of war.

And we pray for you, brothers and sisters, and bless you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We love and pray for you.

With love, your brother in Christ Pascar Alex.

Meeting of missionaries of PIEI Ukraine mission

We greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, dear brothers and sisters from the USA - our evangelization partners here in Ukraine!

I am grateful to the Lord for His mercy and protection in our troubled time.

During this month, the Lord helped me to serve and evangelize the Word of the Gospel.

1. After the Easter holiday, during which we held evangelizations both in our church in Dinivtsi and in the church in the village of Dolzhok. And also, I went to Malinovka to hold a service.

I thank God that He helped me to take 6 rehabilitated people from Malinovka to the church in Dolzhok. Thank God that two men from these rehabilitators repented: Anatoly Pavlenko and Igor Popovych. They are from the Ivano-Frankivsk region. We pray for them that the Lord strengthens their faith and they continue to serve only God.

I continue to lead this service in the church of the village of Dolzhok, and I also take these people from the Rehabilitation Center every Sunday to the service in the church from Dolzhok, and I take these people back to the Rehabilitation Center. They rejoice that they have such an opportunity to listen to the Word of God and pray to God every Sunday. And I praise God for the fact that He helps and strengthens me for a good deed for the Lord.

- At our evangelizations, the Choir of the Khotyn district and the Zion group served as singing and praise. They wonderfully glorified the Lord. We pray for those unbelieving people who attended our evangelizations and heard the Word and have not yet repented. May the Lord stir up all people to repentance, because the time is near, and tomorrow is only in God's hands.

2. Also, together with our church, we help people who are in need. There is one man from the village, he is a former school teacher, but he is left alone and cannot walk now. We also help him with money, products and things. He is very grateful to us. We pray for him that the Lord will test his heart and that he will repent. I know that former teachers, especially if they were atheists, come to God with difficulty. But we pray for him. My name is Ivan.

- We help poor and needy people with food. And we also evangelize in their homes so that they too hear that Jesus Christ is a loving Lord and is waiting for all people to repent and come to Him.

3. Meeting of missionaries of PIEI Ukraine mission

- This month we had a meeting with our missionary brothers in Novoselytsa, in the Emmanuel Church. We thanked God very much for this meeting, prayed together and studied the Word of God. Whenever we meet with our brothers, we encourage each other and pray for each other. I am very glad that the Lord gives strength and zeal to our servants to serve the Lord in this difficult time of war, Glory be to God! We also prayed for our sponsors from the USA. May the Lord give them all health and healing in their illnesses.

4. Thanks:

- I am very grateful to God for the fact that He protects our land from rocket attacks. And we can calmly serve God here.

- Thank God for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for your support and help, for your prayers.

5. Prayer needs.

- Pray, together with us, for peace in Ukraine and Israel.

-For those who heard the Word of God in this month to repent.

- So that enemy rockets and bombs don't fly towards us any further. May the Lord protect us from this evil.

- May the Lord protect my family from all evil.

- May God give me health and zeal to serve the Lord.

We continue to pray for all of you, we pray for the Dornbos family, especially for sister Sherynne. We believe that the Lord will heal our sister Sheryna and strengthen our brother Bill and everything will be fine with them. We are very grateful for all our brothers and sisters from the USA. We wish you abundant blessings from the Lord.

With love, your brother in Christ Paskar Alex.

3 evangelizations

We greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, dear brothers and sisters from the USA!

I am grateful to God for His protection in these days of anxiety and, already, 2 years of war in Ukraine. And we were able to evangelize here in the place where we serve the Lord.

1. We had 3 evangelizations this month, both in Dinivtsi and Dolzhok. At the first evangelization there was a group from Chernivtsi “Zion”, which glorified the Lord through singing and preaching. There were 7 people from the world who listened to the Word of God attentively. We pray for them.

-The second evangelization was with a choir from the Khotyn region. There were also sermons inspired by the Holy Spirit and the choir sang beautiful songs to the glory of God. At this evangelization there were 11 listeners from the world who listened to the Word of God. We distributed the New Testament in Ukrainian to all the guests.

-We held the third evangelization in Dolzhok together with our choir and held an Easter service together with this church. I also carried 6 rehabilitators from Malinovka on my bus. Thank God for giving us a wonderful, quiet time where we, together with this small church, were able to rejoice and glorify the Risen Christ.

2. We also had a funeral service. A one-year-old child (Emil) died and then we were able to console this family through His Holy Word. The Word of God was preached and there were many listeners from the world who listened to the Word of God attentively. We pray for these people.

3. I distributed seeds for sowing the field to each member of our church, which we received through Brother Pavel Petihachny. Our church is very grateful to God for such a gift, just at this time when we need to sow our vegetable gardens.


-We thank God for protecting our region from incoming missiles and enemy bombs.

-We thank God for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, for supporting us and our country in your prayers and financially.

5.Prayer needs:

-Please continue to pray that the Lord will give us peace in Ukraine and in the country of Israel.

-So that the Lord will continue to protect our Chernivtsi region from the arrival of enemy missiles.

-So that the Lord will continue to protect us and our families from all misfortune and troubles.

And we pray for you, brothers and sisters from the USA - our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine. May the Lord return to you a hundredfold of His blessings. Please accept my family's heartfelt greetings to your families. Be blessed, our dears!

With love to you Paskar Alex.

Aid for 2 cancer patients

We greet you brothers and sisters from the USA with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I am very grateful to God for His mercy and protection in this second month of this year. Although we live in the context of war, a difficult time for us, the Lord helps me and my family to serve God in such times.

1. Every Sunday I conduct a service to our church from Dynivtsi, and then immediately go to another church, from the village of Dolzhok. I go there to the Rehabilitation Center in Malinovka and pick up 6 rehabilitators. I take them to the meeting. After the meeting I drive back to the Center. There I serve the Word, I preach because there is no pastor in this church. My wife Nadya always prepares fresh cow's milk for these rehabilitators. We have a cow at home and we can bless these people with milk. They are very grateful to God for this milk every Sunday.

We are also preparing for Holy Communion in these two churches. If only the Lord would give us a peaceful sky and health.

2. Our youth have Word analysis and prayer on Mondays.

-And every Saturday they have rehearsals and make programs for the worship service.

3. Also, our church raised money for 2 cancer patients, members of our church who need surgery. We pray for them that God will heal them.

4.Children and teenagers also have Bible lessons every Saturday with their leader. We also pray for our children that they grow in faith, because children are the future of our church.


-I always thank God for the fact that He protects our places where we live and we can safely serve here.

-We thank God for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for your support in our ministry here.

-I thank God for giving me strength and health, and I can still serve God.

6.Prayer needs:

-Pray with us that the Lord will give peace to Ukraine and Israel.

-So that enemy missiles and bombs do not come to us.

-Pray for Fedor and Yulia, who are sick with cancer and must undergo surgery.

-Pray for our children and youth, that the Lord will protect them from the horrors of this war.

-Pray for those small churches where there are no pastors, that the Lord will give ministers to these churches. More and more churches are left without a pastor in this time of war.

And we pray for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine. May the Lord bless you greatly and reward you with a hundredfold blessing. Please accept heartfelt Christian greetings from my family.

With love to you, your brother in Christ, Pascar Alex.

Ministry in Dolzhok village

We welcome you, brothers and sisters from the USA - our partners in evangelization here in Ukraine, with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I am very grateful to God for His mercy and protection that we had in this month, the first month of 2024. For the fact that there were no enemy rockets arriving in our area and we were able to serve God peacefully.

1. On the first Sunday, we had the breaking of the bread. In the morning, I celebrated Holy Communion in our church, and later I went to the church from the village of Dolzhok, where there is no pastor, and celebrated the breaking of bread there.

- I also went to the church in Dolzhok 4 times this month for service. And I took those people who live in the rehabilitation center in Malinovka - 6 people. They do not understand the Romanian language, so they go to Dolzhok, where the service is held in the Ukrainian language.

2. On January 7, our youth went around our village with carols and brought the good news to people. They also gave them spiritual calendars.

-Also, the youth have once a week the analysis of the Word. Our son Joseph deals with them, he was chosen as a youth leader. We pray for him that the Lord will strengthen him spiritually.

- We also have a group of teenagers where sister Tamara Buzdugan works with them. Thank God for the youth, for the teenagers and for the children from the Easter school. We pray that the Lord will protect everyone and protect them from all evil.

3. Together with our church, we helped the churches of the village of Malyntsi to collect donations for the purchase of a house of prayer, because the believers in this village do not have a house of prayer. We are also praying about this so that our brothers and sisters can acquire their House of Prayer and that the Holy Spirit will move people to repentance in this village.

4. Thank you

- We thank God for the fact that he saved and protected us this month from all evil and gave us success in serving the Lord in this difficult time for us - the time of war.

- We thank God for you, brothers and sisters, for supporting us in your prayers and helping us financially so that we can continue to help other people who need help.

5. Prayer needs:

- Pray, together with us, that the Lord will help us and that this terrible war will stop. Only in God is our hope and support.

- Let us also pray that the war in Israel will stop.

- Pray that the arrival of enemy missiles and drones in Ukraine will stop. These flights bring destruction and death to many.

Pray that the Lord will protect us and our children from all evil and misfortune in this time of war.

Pray for me too, that the Lord may give me health, wisdom and success in evangelism.

And we pray for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, that God bless you, your families, your churches and your country USA.

Please accept cordial greetings from my family.

With love, the Paskar family.

Merry Christmas

Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine, we greet you with the New Year 2024, peace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I am grateful to God for helping me in this last month of the year, to serve Him and for the fact that He protects us from all evil. Although the war is still raging in our country, sirens are squealing all the time, announcing an air raid warning throughout the country, people are dying under the rubble of destroyed houses. Thank God that we are still calm and there are no missiles arriving. But we are still worried at this time, because no one knows what awaits us tomorrow. We pray and hope for God's mercy.

1. Our church celebrated Christmas on December 25th. We organized a large evangelism, there were many children and we had a very beautiful program. There were 8 people from the world who listened carefully to the Word of God and we pray for them. Also, all the children received gifts and were very pleased. Thank God for everything!

2. I also go to church every Sunday from the village of Dolzhok, and lead services from 9:00 to 10:00 in the morning. There I also select rehabilitators from Malinovka for my bus. The good news is that one of these guys repented - thank God!

3. On the last Sunday, December 31, we also had evangelization and celebrated the New Year on our knees. There were a lot of people for this evangelization. The youth prepared a good program and congratulated everyone present on the New Year and gave everyone cards and spiritual calendars.

4. We also have one week of daily prayer, together with the church, for the needs of our church, for peace in Ukraine and in Israel, so that these arrivals of drones and missiles in our Ukraine will stop. For the spiritual growth of the faith of the Church of Christ, so that we are ready to meet our Savior Jesus Christ.

5.We are also planning evangelism in our church on Sunday, January 7th. These days we will walk around the village with our youth to give people an invitation to this evangelization, and we have also prepared spiritual calendars for 2024.


-We thank the Lord for peace and tranquility in our region, for the fact that we can serve the Lord here by helping people who are in need.

-We thank God and for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for always supporting us both spiritually and financially.

7.Prayer needs:

-Pray with us for the war to end in both Ukraine and Israel.

-For the Lord to stop the arrival of enemy missiles, drones and suicide bombers in the cities of Ukraine. Too many peaceful people are dying under the rubble of collapsed houses.

-So that those people who were at our evangelizations this month heard the Word of God and repented.

Pray that the Lord will continue to protect us from this war and give us health to work in His field.

And we pray for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, that the Lord will bless you richly and return your blessings a hundredfold for your sacrifice for Ukraine. Please accept heartfelt Christian greetings from my family.

With love, your brother in Christ, Alex Pascar.

Blessing of a child

We greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, our dear brothers and sisters from the USA!

First of all, I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024! On behalf of my family, we wish you abundant blessings from God, much health, peace, happiness and joy in Christ Jesus!

I am grateful to God for helping me to work in His field this month too.

1. At the beginning of the month I had one blessing of a child, in our church, in one young family. There was a rich program where youth and children congratulated this family and the church and I prayed for this child and for the parents so that God would bless them. The good news was that this blessing included the non-believing relatives of this young family. We pray that they understand the love of Jesus Christ and come to Him.

2. Every Sunday I go to the village of Dolzhok, to the church, where I conduct services there. Our service in Dinivtsi begins at 9:00, and in Dolzhok a couple of hours later. So I start a service at our church, and then immediately go to Dolzhok. There, on the way, I pick up people from the rehab center in Malinovka into my bus, and we go with them to church. Then after the service I take them to their center. There is no pastor in Dolzhok yet and I have to serve in this church as well.

3. Our church had a youth leadership meeting and elected a new youth leader because the former leader was not keeping up. He has a family and gave his position to young people. They chose our son Joseph to be the youth leader of our church. We pray for him that the Lord will bless him for this responsible ministry.

4. Our youth and children are all preparing a program for the Christmas holidays and the New Year 2024. They will sing carols in people's homes; we have prepared Christian literature and spiritual calendars for these people. And also an invitation to the Christmas evangelization.


-We always thank God for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for having us. For the fact that you always support us in your prayers, as well as financially.

- We thank God for protecting us from all the evil that happens to our country. Thank God that there are no enemy missiles arriving in our area. This is God's mercy to us.

6.Prayer needs:

-Pray with us that the Lord will help us so that the war ends in both Ukraine and Israel.

-So that there are no further arrivals of enemy missiles into our region so that we can calmly serve in this territory where we live, both poor people and displaced people.

-So that the Lord gives me health and strength so that I can work in His Field.

-And we pray for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, our partners in the gospel here in Ukraine. We pray that the Lord bless you, your families, your churches and your country USA!

Please accept Christian and Christmas greetings from my family!

With love to you, your brother in Christ, Pascar Alex.

Three evangelization

We greet you brothers and sisters from the USA with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I am very grateful to God for His mercy, protection, and support, because until this time He helped us during this difficult time of the war in Ukraine.

1.This month the Lord helped us to carry out one evangelization with brothers from Romania. We pray for those unbelievers who visited our house of prayer on this day.

-The second evangelization was when there was a marriage of one of our leaders Vasily, who married one of the sisters of refugees from Zaporozhye. His parents and all his relatives are non-believers. They really enjoyed the marriage of their son and their daughter-in-law. We also pray for Vasily’s relatives so that they too will repent.

-The third evangelization was when our sister Marina was buried. She is just about to turn 32 years old. She was a good chorus girl, a good wife and mother. We prayed very much for the Lord to heal her from cancer, but the Lord took her to himself. A husband and three sons were left without a mother. There were a lot of people at this funeral and heard the word of the Lord which was preached in the power of the Holy Spirit.

2. I went to churches from the village of Dolzhok four times and took people from the rehab center there as well. A service was held there because, due to the war, there was no pastor in this church. Our brothers also go to church from the village of Zhilovka and lead services there.

3. I went to Novoselitsa for a regional pastoral meeting, where we had wonderful communication with pastor brothers from the district and from the regional office.

-On another Saturday we had a meeting with the missionary brothers of the PIEI Ukraine mission. There, all our missionary brothers reported on the work they had done in 2023. Everyone expressed their prayer needs and we prayed to the Lord asking Him for help and protection for the future. We also prayed and thanked God for the sponsors of our PIEI mission from the USA.


-We sincerely thank you brothers and sisters from the USA for your material and prayer support. We always thank the Lord for you and always pray for you.

-We are grateful to the Lord for protecting us and helping us during this difficult time with us. Thank God that no enemy missiles are flying into our area.

5.Prayer needs:

-Pray with us for this war to end both in Ukraine and Israel.

-Pray that the Lord will continue to protect us from the arrival of enemy missiles in our area.

-Pray for all those non-believers who heard the Word of God this month at various evangelizations, so that the Lord will prompt them to repentance.

-Pray that the Lord will give me health and strength to serve Him zealously in this difficult time of war.

We, too, always, out of gratitude to you, pray for you and never forget to thank God for you. May the Lord reward you with a hundredfold blessing!

With love, your brother in Christ, Alex Pascar.