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Apologetic Conference

Apologetic Conference

The most important works in May were the Apologetic Conferences: one with regional pastors and another with the youth from Chernovtsy region. The conferences were very useful for everybody. We felt God's hand touching the people's hearts at the conference…

Music and Evangelism

Music and Evangelism

Lots of unsaved people who attended the outreaches purchased the singers' CDs  because they liked the songs. I met many people who ask me lots of questions about Jesus and the Bible. Some of them started to come to our church regularly. We pray for all of them…

Encouraging the Missionaries

Encouraging the Missionaries

On March 16 the PIEI missionaries attended the funeral of our brother in Christ, and our former PIEI missionary, Motrescu Ion from the village Chudey, a village in Chernovtsy region. A lot of friends and villagers attended his funeral…

January 2018

In January we organized a meeting with a special service for orphans at the Christian Centre in Chernovtsy. Around 300 orphans and their educators came to the meeting. In the morning we fed them with sandwiches and divided them into small groups.

December 2017

he youth and the children of our church did preparations for the winter evangelisms that are going to be in our church during Christmas and New Year. The youth also plan to go caroling to people’s houses in the village.