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Rehabilitation period


We greet you, dear brothers and sisters, with the love of Jesus Christ!

I am grateful to God that He gives wisdom to his servants so that in all circumstances the Name of the Lord be glorified. This month, as you know, God became famous through my operation, which doctors surgeons did on February 5, in the morning. As I wrote to you before, a hernia and a cyst were found in my spine, which squeezed a nerve and gave me terrible pain in my right leg, and it was hard to walk. Praise God that He heard the prayers of my family and the prayers of all the brothers and sisters who prayed for me and for my healing. The operation was successful and now I am rehabilitating myself at home. True, I have to walk on crutches for a month, and do not sit down, but only lie and stand on my feet. Thank God the leg no longer hurts and I am grateful to the Lord for the fact that in the hospital I could testify of Jesus Christ. There was a young man with me in the room, he was Georgian by nationality (his name was Khvich) and my wife and I spoke to him about Christ. My wife Larisa has been with me all these days that I spent in the hospital (6 days in a row), and I always thank God for my beautiful wife Larisa, my dear soul mate. And now Khvicha should still be in the hospital, but we keep in touch by phone with him and pray for him.

2.Funeral in Zhilovka:


-One day before the operation, one brother Zhenya from Zhilovka calls me and says: “Brother Pavel, what should we do, are you in the hospital and we have a funeral?” (One elderly sister died, Natalya). Then I called all the brothers who live next to Zhilovka: in Belovtsy, in Sherbintsy and in Kotilev. On the second day (I had an operation) The funeral was organized blessedly, there was good evangelism! Praise God that many unbelievers of this village heard His word. Divine, And on Sunday, when I was supposed to make bread-breaking in this church, the bread-breaking was carried out by Pastor Igor Dzyadiku (our new, young, missionary from the PIEI UKRAINE mission) from Kotilevo instead of me, and he gladly responded to help.


3. A sermon in college.

-This month, the husband of my daughter Angela, Michael, participated in spiritual studies in college number 14. One of these students began attending our meetings, thank God. Pray for him.


-Thank you for your prayers, the operation was successful and after the operation I feel good.

-for young families who work in our churches, may the Lord bless them, for they are the future of the church.

-Thank you for the financial assistance that helped me in this difficult operation.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray that God will give me complete healing through this rehabilitation, so that I can continue to work in the field of God.

- So that I can still prepare many young students for work in God's vineyard. Thanks to rehabilitation, I can stay more in word and in prayer.

Please accept my heartfelt greetings from my family. Love you and pray for you!

With respect to you, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny.

Sister Chernivtsi Regional Committee


Welcome, through the love of Jesus Christ, dear brothers and sisters from the USA!

I am grateful to God for helping me to complete His work this month with love and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

  1. Bread refraction:

After January 11, when we did the Christmas for Orphans campaign, where our team prepared and fed more than 200 orphans to breakfast and delicious lunch.

My wife Larisa and I went, on January 12, to the village of Zhilovka, where they carried out bread-breaking in this church. There the church is very small and they were waiting for us very much so that we would come so that they too could remember the sufferings of Christ through the breaking of bread. They prayed earnestly and very much asked the Lord for a minister in their church! There is a lot of spiritual work to do, because there are Jehovah's Witnesses in the village. There are a lot of them in this village. Imagine that the house where the witnesses are gathering is located across the road from the house of the prayers of our Christian Baptist brothers and sisters. I am constantly preparing to answer questions from our brothers on the subject of the Triune God, the 144,000 and thousand-year-old kingdom. Spiritual lessons are needed with this church. We pray that the Lord will have mercy and encourage young ministers to serve in this church.

2. Sister Chernivtsi Regional Committee:

On January 25, a sisterly regional committee was held, where 20 sisters in charge of district nursing services met to report work among the sisters for the whole of 2019 and to plan the services for 2020. Larisa is my wife, responsible for the Novoseletsky district, among the sisters. All sisters, from different areas of the Chernivtsi region, submitted reports for 2019 for the work done among the sisters: mercy among orphans and those in need, conducting prayers and studying the Word of God, camps for widows. All the sisters thanked the Lord for His help and support in the sisterly ministry. They planned to create even more groups for prayer and study the Word of God, to organize 2 sisterly conferences a year, in each district of the Chernivtsi region. We prayed for this plan so that the Lord would bless the sisterly ministry in 2020. We believe that the Lord will bless His Holy work-Glory to Him!


- Thank you for your financial help and for your prayers. We felt these prayers in the Christmas campaign for orphans and this meeting was very blessed. The children were very pleased and glorified the Lord, Glory be to God!

- Thank God for our young families who were caroling at holidays in villages where there are no our churches. May the Lord bless the Holy Seed, the Holy Word, which was sown on holidays in the hearts of people.

4. Prayer needs:

- Pray for children's ministry in the churches of the PIEI Ukraine mission, so that all children’s groups will be introduced in Bible study and in the glorification of Christ.

- Pray for our PIE Ukraine mission camp, which will be held July 27 to August 1 this summer.

- Pray for the church in the village of Zhilovka so that the Lord sends ministers to conduct spiritual work in this church and in this village.

- Pray for my operation, which is planned after February 3. I got sick, my vertebral hernia and cyst were revealed. He underwent various procedures, they thought that it would pass without surgery, but the tomography showed that surgical intervention was necessary. Pray that everything goes well and the Lord blesses the hands of surgeons. We believe that the Lord will be with us, glory to Him for everything!

Greetings from my family. We love you and pray for you. With love, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny.

A large conference for orphans


I am grateful to God that He opens up new opportunities for us to glorify Him.

1. A large conference for orphans.


On January 11, as I wrote to you before, we organized a conference for orphans. This was a wonderful Christmas holiday for them, with 200 children present. In the morning, my family cooked breakfast sandwiches for them for tea. Then all the children gathered in a church, which is located on the street. Kovelskaya 25, and the leader prepared a Christmas program for them. There were sketches on the theme of the Christmas holiday, they also sang carols together and glorified the Lord. Brother Gregory Chioresko had the Word for these children and prayed together that the Lord would bless all children of orphans - for the Lord is the Father of all widows and orphans. Then, according to the program, the children were divided into groups and, each group, had games and communication with leaders. They were very interested. And at lunch, we fed these children with a delicious lunch: meat rice, vegetables, salad, pies and a delicious compote. Each one was prepared with a bag of sweets and fruits: apples and tangerines. And each one received a gift for a hat, those that we received from the Pomona church from Michigan, where the brother of Brian Mikul, is a pastor. The children were very satisfied and thanked the Lord and all of us who had infiltrated this work, Thank God for everything! After such blessings and the Word of God that was heard by him, many children said that they want Jesus the Messiah to be born in their hearts. Thank you for praying for us, the Lord blessed our team and together we were able to fulfill the work of God.


2. Weekly services in the church:

For seven consecutive days we held prayer services in the church of the village of Nesvoia. Every evening we especially prayed:

- about the world in Ukraine, about the awakening of Ukraine to God, about the ministry of the PIEI mission in Ukraine, about young families, children and youth.

3. Meeting of missionaries of the mission PIEI UKRAINE.


We had a meeting with missionaries of the PIEI UKRAINE mission, where all our missionaries had excellent fellowship and prayer for the work of God, which we, with God's help, are trying to do. All our missionaries are grateful to you all for the gifts that you received from us and which came just on Christmas Day. Very good gifts, just what we need here. May God bless you and give you a hundred times. To this meeting, we thanked God for the past 2019, for the abundant blessings that the Lord sent down on us and our ministry. We also made many projects to serve in the field of the Lord in our mission and prayed that the Lord would bless us all in the service of the Lord. Brothers and sisters from the USA, who are our employees in the field of God in Ukraine, also prayed for you. May God bless you with health, success in work, peace and joy in Christ.


4. Christmas holiday in our church.

We celebrated the Birth of Jesus Christ on January 7. Young people and children had an excellent program. Children received gifts. There were children from unbelieving families who also received such gifts. On January 6 and 7, young people went with carols to the houses of our village, and on January 6 they did carols in the village of Podvirnoe. We pray for all the people who listened to the message of salvation in Jesus Christ on these holidays and evenings


Thank you for your support. With this support we work intensively with orphans and even visit unbelievers who also need social help, we can help people who live in the front-line zone of the ATO.

6. Prayer needs:

-Pray that God will give us health and that this 2020 we will be able to work intensively, proclaim the Word of God among orphans and among unbelievers.

-Conduct Christian children's and youth camps.

- Visit people in need in the ATO zone.

Thanks again for all that you do for us. Receive heartfelt greetings from my family. We love you and pray for you.

With love, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny.

An evangelistic Christmas meeting


I thank God for giving me physical and spiritual powers, and I could complete His work in the power of the Holy Spirit. I, along with my family, congratulate you on the holidays: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2020.

1. Evangelism:

On December 25th he held an evangelistic Christmas meeting in the church of the town of Hertz, where he preached the Word on the theme of the Nativity of Christ. After the sermon, there were many prayers of thanksgiving and glorification of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the whole world. After the service, he held a membership meeting to discuss and pray for the future pastor of this church. This shepherd is leaving, but will still stay 3-4 months with them so that during this time they will appoint another shepherd in this church. All church members agreed to this condition. We pray with this church that the Lord will encourage young workers to work in this church and that this church grows in faith and in quantity.


2. The blessing of children:

We visited the church of the village of Dinivtsi where pastor brother Pascar Alex and I blessed my eighth grandson, and the first-born Slavik and Tanya. They called him Caleb. The theme of my sermon in this ministry was "Moses is a servant of the Living God." There was a very eventful program for children and youth, and a prayer of thanksgiving was offered to God because He saved the life of mother Tanya, and baby Caleb. Everyone prayed with tears in their eyes because everyone knew how the Lord miraculously saved the lives of Brother Alex's children in the car accident that happened in October.

3. Congratulations to the families of missionaries of the mission and PIEI Ukraine:

The other day we received humanitarian aid packages from brothers and sisters from America — our partners in evangelism are here in Ukraine, for whom we are very grateful to all of you, dear ours, that you support us so much in this difficult time for us and thank God all the time for you. May God bless you all and reward you a hundredfold! We divided these packages into 12 parts so that all our missionaries would receive and rejoice, and thank God for you. Now we will visit our missionaries and congratulate them on your behalf with the Holy Holidays and will hand them these packages. Most of us celebrate Christmas on January 7th. So pro-Orthodox believers celebrate, and our brothers (Protestants) celebrate both December 25 and January 7. And on January 7 we celebrate for the sake of all the people who live in our area, in order to proclaim to them the Word of God by organizing evangelization everywhere. We have the opportunity to sow the Word of God for these holidays.

4. Thanks:

Thank you for your financial help that helps us a lot in our work here in Ukraine. We also thank you for your prayers that so support us in our ministry. -Thanks to God and to you that we could help and serve the orphans of the boarding school in Sadgor on December 5th. These children were very happy for the gifts, but also because of the encouragement that they received through the Holy Word.

5. Prayer needs:

  • Pray for us so that we can make a holiday on January 11 for 200 orphans, and for families who took orphans to adopt about 7 to 10 orphans from orphanages. We will feed these children 3 times a day, we will organize a Christmas program and give presents. We also have caps for them from the POMONA c Michigan church, where the pastor is brother Brian Mikul, thanks to this church and thanks to all those who helped in various purchases (sweets, medicines) for the parcels that were sent to us in Ukraine. Pray that the Lord blesses this meeting, and these children so that they understand why Jesus Christ came and was born on this earth. Because the Lord loves all people and wants to save everyone from hell.

  • Pray for peace in Ukraine. Pray for the sowed Seed, the Word of God in the hearts of people, that It will bear the fruit of repentance.

  • Pray for my family that God blesses us and gives us health, so that we can still work on the field of God. Once again, I thank you for everything you do for our ministry here in Ukraine.

    May the Lord bless abundantly you, your families, your churches and your country! Please accept my heartfelt regards from our family. We pray for you and love you.

    With respect to you, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny.

Evangelism among orphans


Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, before starting my report, I want to congratulate all of you on the occasion of the Nativity of Christ! May the Lord bless you all abundantly and send you His Peace, Joy and Grace in your homes and in your families.

Here we are on the threshold of the New Year 2020, and by the grace of the Lord we are completing 2019. We always thank the Lord for you, those who cooperate with us in the field of God in Ukraine, Thank God!

1. Evangelism among orphans:


On December 5, we, together with our family, made an evangelization in a boarding school for orphans in Sadgor (a suburb in Chernivtsi). There were 105 children, orphans, and we prepared for each child packages with food and sweets, as well as stationery (notebooks, pens, for small drawing books). I preached to them on the subject of Christmas, told them that we love them, and most importantly, that the Lord is their heavenly father and will never leave them. They prayed together, praised God through psalms. Angela, our daughter, and Sasha, our eldest grandson, and of course my wife Larisa, helped me a lot in this. The children were very satisfied and thanked us, as well as the staff who work there with them were satisfied. We are always at the end of this ministry, we say: Praise God for He is the Father of orphans and widows! We always pray for these children. May the Lord bless them!

2. Baptism:

-One sister, her name is Daria, from Zhilovka, was baptized in Chernivtsi on December 1. And on December 8, we held a solemn meeting in the church of the village of Zhilovka. There, the whole church, together with my family, congratulated Sister Daria on this significant day in her life. They prayed together and praised God. And also spent there bread refraction. There, a woman comes, about 50 years old, but still lingers with repentance. We see that she really likes to come to worship, but her husband does not come and she does not dare to repent. We pray for this woman (her name is Valentina), and we also pray for her husband. We believe that the Lord will awaken and this village to repentance.



- I thank you for your financial help, as well as for your prayers, which so encourage me and which help us expand the work of God.

-I thank you that in this difficult time for Ukraine, you are standing nearby and praying with us that we, missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, have success in the preaching of Christ in our area.

4.Prayer requests:

-Pray for young families to establish themselves in the Word.

-for youth to be more active, for the expansion of the gospel.

- For the reason that young ministers were found and decided to come to teach the church in Zhilovka, the Word of God (there is almost 55 km from Chernivtsi). For awakening to the repentance of this village.

- For peace in Ukraine.

-January 11, 2020, we plan to do evangelism for 200 orphans in Chernivtsi, on Kovelskaya Street 25. We will also give gifts and together we will praise the Lord. Pray that the Lord will help us in this matter, give health and peace in our country, and His name will be glorified among us and among these children.

Congratulations again, Merry Christmas !!! Love you and pray for you! With love to you, brother Paul and sister Larisa Petihachny!

A prayer for a baby


I thank God for giving me the wisdom to understand the Word of God correctly and pass this Word on to others.

1. Gospel Preaching

This month we continue to attend school number 4, where we continue to teach the Word of God to students of this institution. This month, students asked many questions on which we, with God's help, gave them answers.

2. The blessing of children:

A young family brought blessings to a church in the village of Nesvoia, and I spent this service asking God, along with our entire church, to bless this little boy Darius with everything he needed for him, for his parents and for his older brother (3 years old) ) The youth congratulated this family with chants and poems.

3.Bread refraction:

On Sunday, December 1, I had bread-making in a church from the village of Nesvoia and after that I visited 6 patients from our church where I had mini-evangelizations with them and where we participated in Holy Communion with them. And these brothers and sisters offered prayers of thanks to the Lord for allowing them, this month, the last month of this past year, to participate in the bread-breaking and in the remembrance of the Suffering and Sacrifice of Jesus Christ for all of us.


We thank God for opening the door for us to preach His Word in schools and boarding schools.

Thank God for your support in our ministry both materially and prayerfully.

5. Prayer needs:

- Pray for students who are taught the Word of God so that they believe.

- On December 5, we will conduct classes at the boarding school for orphans in Sadgor. I also prepared gifts for these children. Pray that this action will be blessed and that the Name of the Lord be glorified there.

- For young families who are members of our church, so that they grow more into the knowledge of Christ and are more transformed into the image of Christ.

- About peace in Ukraine, so that this war will finally end.

Please accept my heartfelt greetings from my family and I greet you with the love of Jesus Christ. Be blessed!

With love to you, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny.

The birth of a new family


Dear brothers and sisters, I greet you with the love of Jesus Christ!

- I thank the Most High God for the daily help that He gives me in glorifying Christ. I thank all those who pray for me so that I, with my family, will expand the work of God in Ukraine.

1. Preparation for baptism:

-In the church of Zhilovka village, I’m preparing lessons for baptism with one sister (her name is Daria) who repented and wants to be baptized in Chernivtsi, December 1, in church No. 2. We pray for another sister who goes to church but has not yet repented , because he is waiting for his husband to come to church. We pray that the Lord touched her heart and she decides to take a step to repentance. We also pray about her husband so that he also understands that all people need to repent.

2. Evangelism:

- We preached, together with another missionary from Russia, to the village of Marshentsi. There were many young people and through these sermons we wanted to encourage these young people to become missionaries where they live and more people to know the Lord Jesus Christ and repent.

3. Marriage:

-I preached for the marriage of my nephew Roger with his bride Sorina. The wedding took place in the church of the village of Koshulyany, because his bride lives there, and we, together with the pastor of this church, performed a prayer of blessing over the young so that they would have a strong family in front of the Lord. May the Lord bless this family!


-We are very grateful to you that you support us in your prayers and financially, so that we are more rooted in work for the Lord. I thank God that He gives me health and Spiritually, and financially, so that I can continue to work on His field. I thank the Lord for his wife Larisa and her children who help to conduct Christian lessons in school number 4.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray for peace in Ukraine.

-Pray for candidates for baptism, both from the village of Zhilovka, and from other villages that will be baptized in church No. 2 of the city of Chernivtsi on December 1. That the Lord strengthened them in faith, hope and love.

-Pray further for the family of brother Pascar Alex, that the Lord will heal his children completely, and that the children who went through these trials have patience and trust completely in the Lord.

May the Lord bless you brothers and sisters. My family sends you heartfelt greetings.

With love for you, brother Paul and sister Larisa Petihachny.

Great evangelism in the village of Bilivtsi


I thank God for the help that He gave me, and this month for the glorification of Christ and the conduct of evangelism.

1. Evangelism:

We had great evangelism in the village of Bilivtsi. Our main church choir glorified God through the singing of Christian psalms, through verses and duets. And also the Word of God was preached. There were many young people who listened carefully to the Word and even some of them decided to study the Bible regularly to become good preachers.

I also conducted evangelism in the village of Balkovtsi. There is a small church and we help her in evangelization together with our youth. There was one woman who cried a lot about her daughter who has cancer and lies in oncology in Chernivtsi. Her daughter is Aruna and she already repented , glory to God, but longs for God to heal her. We pray for her and her mother Eugene, so that she will repent.

2. Nursing conference:

On November 2, in Chernivtsi, our sisters from all over the region held a sister conference on the topic: "The Power of Hope." The speaker of that conference was Sister Ginger from the USA. Romans 15: 13- “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in the faith, so that you will be enriched with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” This is a very interesting topic that is still relevant today. There were about 600 sisters and they were very happy about such a conference.

And two days later, on November 4, both in our church and throughout our Planet Earth, our sisters gathered for a worldwide sister's prayer, where they studied the Word and prayed for the work of God. The theme of the prayer was “Get up and shine!” Very relevant words in our time. We donated to this conference, which was sent to Kiev, and from there to the place of destination.


I spent bread-breaking in two churches and visited 5 patients where I spent mini-evangelism in their houses. I carried out bread-breaking and preaching, as well as answered questions from guests in these houses. We also pray for these people that the Lord touched their hearts.

4. Visits and assistance:

My wife and I regularly visited the children of brother Alex Pascar in the hospital who had an accident. Four of them were in the hospital, then Adela and Inga, who were still in serious condition, remained in the hospital. They supported them in our prayers and all our churches prayed for them. The mission of PIEI Ukraine helped them both prayerfully and supported them with finances.

This week the girls were discharged from the hospital home, but they still have to lie for a very long time to restore their health. There, their ribs are broken and Inga also has a damaged vertebra.

There is also good news in this family. Tanya, the wife of Slavik Paskar, gave birth to a son and named him Caleb. Thank God that everything was fine, the child was born healthy and his mother was healthy after such a terrible accident. Our God is great and His miracles! May God bless this family.

5. Thanks:

-I thank you that you are always with us at this difficult time for Ukraine, when there is still a war in the country.

-Thank you for your help and for your prayers that help me to be successful in the gospel.

6. Prayer needs:

-Pray for the mission of PIEI Ukraine to have success in the gospel in 2020.

-Pray for the Lord to help me prepare more disciples for Christ in 2020.

-Pray further on the Pascar family so that sick children will regain their health and that God will strengthen the health of brother Alex and his wife Nadia.

May the Lord bless all our brothers and sisters from the USA, our partners in the field of God!

We love you and pray for you. With love, Paul and Larisa Petihachny.

Blessing of children


Greetings, brothers and sisters, with the love of Jesus Christ!

 I want to thank God for helping me this month in the gospel and in preaching the Word of the Holy Gospel for believers and unbelievers. I thank everyone who prayed for me so that I could fulfill my goal.

1. Evangelism:

-On Saturday, this month, in the church of the village of Nesvoi mi, they carried out an evangelization with one group (Gloria) of 8 people who came from Romania. They glorified the Lord through the singing of beautiful psalms, poems and the preaching of the gospel. There were guests of our house of prayer who listened to the Word of God. Pray for them.


Our choristers also plan, next Sunday, to conduct an evangelization in the church of the village of Bilivtsi. There recently opened a new House of Prayer. We also pray for this evangelization so that people come to repentance.

2. The blessing of children:

-October 6th in our church was a holiday for the whole church and for the family of our leader Tanya and her husband Dorin. They brought their newborn daughter Rachel to the church for blessing. I, along with our church, prayed over Rachel so that she would have, all her life, God's protection and blessings. Young people congratulated this family and everyone was happy for them.


-Thank you for your prayers and for your financial support that helps us expand the work of God in Ukraine. I thank all those from the USA who are our partners in the service of God.

-Thank you for praying for the family of brother Pascar Alex, his children were in a car accident and 4 children are injured and are in the hospital. Adela and Inga have to lie a lot on their back due to a spinal injury. Inga has two broken ribs, and Adela has 3 broken ribs, a cracked bone in the throat and a head injury. We prayed and pray with our churches so that the Lord would heal them.

4. Prayer needs:

-Pray further for the Pascar family, that the Lord will heal his children, strengthen both brother Alex and his wife Hope with health and patience.

-Pray that in 2020, our brothers from the USA will send to us, in Ukraine, teachers for our youth camp of our mission PIEI Ukraine.

-Pray that we will continue to have the strength and ability to serve the Word of God and material help in boarding schools for orphans, as well as in the ATO zone where there is still war in the east of Ukraine. Pray for an end to the war in Ukraine.

Please accept my heartfelt greetings from my family. Love you and pray for you.

Sincerely, brother Paul and sister Larisa Petihachny.

Thanksgiving in our church


I am very grateful to God that He also gave me health this month and I was able to talk about Christ to many people.

1. Thanksgiving:

29 September, our church celebrated the harvest-2019 holiday. We spent this day in the church, where all members of our church brought products from their first fruits so that the church could offer thanksgiving prayers to God for all earthly and heavenly blessings.

It was a blessed meeting where youth and our choir praised the Name of the Lord for all the blessings with which He blessed His children. All participated actively in the glorification of God, Glory to Him for everything!

Brothers and sisters from the Nesvoy Church decided that these gifts that we received from the Lord to share for the poor.


I was at the fraternal council of all the churches in our region (Chernivtsi) and there we resolved important issues that prevented us from witnessing to unbelievers about Christ. They prayed that we would be the minister of Christ, the light of Christ, and be filled with the Holy Spirit to serve in our churches.



Thank you for praying, for the evangelism that you spent in the center of Kiev, September 22. There were a lot of people and youth who came from all regions of Ukraine to spend this day in prayer of thanksgiving to God, along with all the people who were there on Khreschatyk Square. We are grateful to God that our state allowed to celebrate Thanksgiving in the center of Kiev.

I thank you for praying for us and we were allowed to conduct evangelism in a boarding school with orphans and this month we will conduct this evangelization.

We are grateful to you for your prayers for us, and for your material support in our work, to Ukraine.

4. Prayer needs:

-Pray that we have success in college number 4, the city of Chernivtsi where we have already begun to conduct Bible lessons.

- Pray that we will be successful in evangelizing with orphans, which will be held in the month of October, 2019.

-Pray for me and my family that the Lord will give us health, strength and wisdom in the work for the Lord.

May the Lord bless you all, brothers and sisters, abundantly. Love you and pray for you. With love, brother Paul and sister Larisa Petihachny.