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13th day of the war in Ukraine

Peace of God dear brothers and sisters from the USA!

Today is the 13th day of the war in Ukraine.

We thank God that in our region of Bukovina in the Chernivtsi region so far it is quiet and peaceful and they do not bomb us as it happens in the Kiev region, in Kharkov, in Kherson, in Nikolaev, in Sums, in Chernihiv regions and also in the city of Mariupol, which turned out to be blocked. There, 400,000 people cannot leave the city because the air artillery is hitting them. Many of the wounded cannot be treated. The humanitarian aid also cannot drive up because of the artillery. Pray for these cities and other small villages that are now in great danger. Pray that they stop war.

I, with my wife Larisa, went on Sundays to our church, to Nesvoya, where we held communions, remembered the death and suffering of Jesus Christ. We thanked God the Father for giving His Only Son as a sacrifice to die on the cross for the sins of the whole world. Our entire church prayed and wept before God and asked for forgiveness in repentance. We also asked for God's mercy on us. We also walked around the village and distributed money to families who accepted refugees so that they could feed them. We were in 5 families and helped - Thank God! And 50 refugees also want to come to our village. Our brothers and sisters are all preparing to receive these people in their homes. May God help us to serve our neighbors with love as to the Lord - Glory to God!

Also, 5 people from the city of Nikolaev were received at our home today. They said that they could not sleep normally for 11 days and spent their nights in a bomb shelter. Their city was also bombed. Last night, an air raid siren turned on. Thank God everything ended well. 6 missiles were heading towards Kiev, but, thank God, they shot down them and did not explode. We hope to God that this horror will end soon. Thank you for not forgetting us and praying for us and for Ukraine. May the Lord reward you for your sacrifice and kindness to us. Support us further in your prayers before God. Only in God is our hope. We love you and pray for you.

With love, the Petikhachny family, Pavel and Larisa.


Update from Pastor Pavel Petihacinii, PIEI National Director – Ukraine:

I called each individual missionary and each of them gave me an idea of how many refugees had come to them in their churches here in Southwestern Ukraine. They are including churches, schools and hotels. Some of the Christians were taken in by Christian families.

At the beginning of the war, I urged all our missionaries to leave and cross over to Romania to stay at the PIEI Christian Center in Alba Iulia, at least the wives should leave with the small children. They said they can't leave now because they have many refugees from the North and East who arrived in our towns and have to stay to take care of them and serve them. If the refugees will flee over the border, then they will also flee with their families to Romania when the time comes. We pray that if that time comes, everyone will be able to cross the border without any problems.

Ukraine: Chernivtsi Region / PIEI National Director Pavel Petihacinii

Our dearest brothers and sisters from the U.S.A., I greet you with the peace of the Lord Jesus, even though here in our country of Ukraine there is no peace, we get comforted with the words of our Lord Jesus from John 14: 1-2 “Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many rooms; if that were not so, I would have told you, because I am going there to prepare a place for you.”

It seems that now the Lord is pressing upon us to hep our brothers and sisters who are refugees even more, mothers and children who have left their homes in the far North, East, and the Center of Ukraine. Every day there are more and more of them arriving. All of our churches are helping as much as they can. Today is day 7 of this war. We do not know what it will be, but our hope is in the Lord. He is our refuge. He can free Ukraine from its agressors who came uninvited. We are weak, but God is Almighty, may He be glorified forever. May He show us His glory through our weaknesses. Amen.

Yesterday, my wife Larissa and I went to tend to the 100 refugees that are housed at the Bible Center in Chernivtsi (Koveliscaia St. Nr. 25). We took food items and canned goods. They were so happy to see us. There is a large kitchen there and they can prepare meals. Brother Alex Pascari came yesterday also with a van full of Christian Aid. Praise the Lord who provides help for these refugees from everywhere. They are so touched and surprised by the love and care that is shown to them. Glory to God that through this work His Name is being honored and proclaimed. May He continue to help us, and may God stop this war that doesn’t make any sense.

At the church in Nesvoia we have 11 families of mothers with children. (30 people). We divided them through the houses of our brothers and sisters, members of the church. Our family feeds them and takes care of them all: Christians and non-Christian families. We give them food, mattresses, pillows, clothing, and everything they need.

We are so thankful for all of you who are coming alongside of us with this situation in Ukraine. May God bless you and reward your love and your sacrifice for Ukraine.

With our love,
Petihacinii Family, Pavel and Larissa

Ukraine: Noua Sulita / PIEI National Missionary Valerii Popov

I greet you with the peace of the Lord, our dear brothers and sisters in the Lord!
I would like to write about the work with the Ukrainian refugees that have arrived and are staying with us.
We have three families that have settled in our church, three families in the church in the village of Dranita, and two families in Chernivtsi. These are Christian families. They come to meet with us daily for fellowship at our Emmanuel Church. We gave gifts to their children, and they were so happy! We are thankful that we can heat up the place for them, make tea and coffee, sandwiches, read the Word and pray together.
We are so happy that among these refugees there is also a pastor from Kiev, and he helps us out with the ministry among the refugees.

One woman made a decision for Christ during one of our devotinal times. Her name is Marina. She said that she started to attend a bible study in Kiev, but she did not understand much. Now she did and gave her heart and life to the Lord. Everyone congratulated and encouraged her for her decision, the pastor from Kiev prayed for her, and we also gave her flowers. She was so touched, saying that she waited so long wasting her life until now, that she should have made this decision a long time ago, but just didn’t have the courage to do it.

Our son Timotei told us that this war is a gain for the kingdom of God, for many people come to know Christ. This woman’s son whose name is also Timotei said that everyone needs to repent. Praise the Lord! One refugee brother said that he wants to help out our church needs with the refugees care, and contributed 3000 grivni (local currency), money that I used to purchase coal to heat up the boiler at the church.

In our town we have 20 refugee Christians, and 80 non-Christian refugees. The non-Christians have been accommodated through schools and hotels, while the Christians are accommodated by our families in the church (that was done for safety reasons for our homes, families and children). We take care of everyone and help everyone with produce, food, canned goods, with mattresses, pillows, blankets, and conforters. My family and I moved into another house and live with a brother, and gave our entire house to a refugee family. We help with what we can.

We are helping 10 other people and two children also refugees who are non-Christians, who are staying at the local hotel. We are also visiting them, giving them food items and gifts for their children.

May the Lord help us to continue this work and spiritual ministry for the souls of these people who are in much need. We thank you for praying for Ukraine. We know and believe that the Lord is working in a marvelous way and will deliver us from this terrible harsh war. May He bless you, brothers and sisters from the U.S.A., hundred fold, from His riches for you all.

With all our love, Popov Family

Chernivtsi: PIEI Missionary Pastor Grigore Pastusac

Currently, 30 people are housed in our church (all Christians), and we have accommodated 50 people through the families of our brothers in the church. Our church feeds them and brings them everything they need. At first there were 70 people at the church, but in the last two evenings many of them crossed over to Romania with relatives and acquaintances.

Tarasauti: PIEI Missionary Mihai (Misha) Gortopan

In our church we have three families who were accommodated by our brothers and sisters, and we are prepared and still waiting for more families with children to come along. In the village we also have non-Christian refugees who have been housed that we are helping.

Dinauti: PIEI Missionary Alexa Pascari

Five non-Christian families came to the village and were accommodated at the school. We bring them all the things they need. We also collected a lot of produce and food items and drove them to the Christian Center in Covelscaia St, in Chernivtsi (which was built by the PIEI U.S. partnership), where there are 100 Christian refugees who are accommodated. Every day we take food and other items there to care for and feed them.

Kotelevo: PIEI New Missionary Igor Dzeadic

We have 10 refugees that came to our village and we have housed them in the homes of our brothers and sisters from our church. We help them with food and other necessities.

Rachitna: PIEI Missionary Grigore Kioresco

I helped out with 1000 refugees that came in to be redistributed all over Hotin district, because there we have many larger Evangelical Christian churches that have accommodation. These churches take very good care of these refugees who come from all over the large cities of Ukraine near the Russian border: Chernigov, Rovno, Kyiv, Sumi, Kharkov,

Nikolaev, Odessa, Kherson as well as some other smaller cities. A large number of refugees were also sent to Chernivtsi and were housed at the Ceremosh Hotel.

Two families of refugees came to our church and we distributed them to the believers’ homes. We took two other refugee families, whom we found out that they had an open visa to immigrate to America, and took them to the border in Romania, because from there they can to go further and advance their immigration procedures. We do our best to help everyone, this is what we learn from God’s Word. Everyday we get new refugees arriving.

This is the report about the refugees. As far as the war is concerned, we are yet to see what the two parties with its own

parlament will decide, if they are to stop this war or not. Please pray for Ukraine and for the end of this war. May God bless you.
With Love,
Brother Pavel Petihacinii


Meeting with the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission

I am grateful to God that He gives us the opportunity to proclaim His Word in Ukraine. At the moment it is very difficult to comfort people from the threat of war with worldly advice. Only the Word of God can console and give hope to a person in this difficult time.

1.Study Word:

-This month, we studied the book of Job, together with many ministers, because we are preparing to serve God and people at this difficult time for Ukraine.

2. After studying this wonderful book, I began to teach the first lesson from the book of Job in 3 churches: Zhilovka, Forosna and Marchentsy. After these lessons, we did an hour of prayer and those who were from the unbelievers also prayed and asked God for forgiveness and prayed that there was peace in Ukraine. Fear of war makes everyone pray and cry out to God. These unbelievers come constantly to churches and pray together with believers. There were 40 people in these 3 churches.


- Held 2 funerals: in the village of Nesvoi and in the village of Balkovtsy. Especially at the funeral in Balkovtsy, 200 people attended, almost all of the unbelievers, who carefully listened to the Word of God. After the funeral, many of the unbelievers came up to me and want to organize with them hours of prayer to pray for Ukraine. I agreed to pray with them for peace in Ukraine.

4. Meeting with the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission.

-February 14, we had a meeting with the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, where all our missionaries talked about their ministry and their difficulties they encountered in the ministry. We prayed together and thanked God for the peace and tranquility that had been until now, and also asked the Lord to he had mercy on us and protected Ukraine from the aggression of the war. We all hope for the Lord God. He is our Protection and Salvation - Glory to Him forever and ever!

- We were very happy that the family of Pop Rodik and Alex were also present at this meeting. We met virtually in zoom and they gave us good instructions and encouraged us with the Word of God.

All the missionaries thanked them for the support and prayers of our US sponsors who are helping us to carry out this missionary service here in Ukraine.

At the end of the meeting, we all prayed for all our sponsors from the USA. For brothers and sisters in the Lord who pray for us and help us in our ministry. For the Lord to give everyone health and peace in the country where they live and to bless their families and churches.

5. Thanksgiving:

-Thank you for your help and prayers that help us in the ministry so much. I feel your prayers and the fact that the Lord helps me, Glory to Him.

-For the fact that we are one team with you and can do such wonderful things for God.

6. Prayer requests:

-Pray for peace in Ukraine.

-Pray for me. I am to teach the Book of the Holy Apostles at the Theological Institute to students at the end of February.

- Also at the end of February, we organized an action with all orphans from the orphanage from Khotyn where there are about 200 children. So that this lockdown due to the pandemic passes and we meet with these children. If God wills and be healthy, there will be peace in Ukraine then we will prepare gifts for these children, food, socks, and other needs for them. We will write about this later. Only for the Lord to help us do this. I would like us to give each child individually, such good gifts so that they feel that they are loved and that they glorified God. Pray for us and for this action.

We are once again grateful to you for everything you do for us. May the Lord bless you abundantly. We love you and pray for you.

With love, the Petikhachny family, Pavel and Larisa.

We are still living in peace - but preparing for war

We are still living in peace - but preparing for war.

Romans 14:8 But we live, we live for the Lord; whether we die, we die for the Lord; therefore, whether we live or die, we are always the Lord's.

Dear brothers and sisters, our evangelism partners in the USA!

We want to describe a little about the events that are taking place in Ukraine at the moment.

As the whole world already knows about the aggression by Russia against Ukraine, we think that you have seen it in the media.

- We are still quiet and peaceful. People are working, students are studying online because of the pandemic, churches are praying while we are allowed to gather. And some churches are in quarantine, they watch the service online.

Now, throughout our country, prayers with fasting for peace in Ukraine have intensified. So that the Lord stops the aggressor Russia and that they do not violate our borders with the war.

From January 24 to 30, all churches from Ukraine, and the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission with their churches, in turn, created round-the-clock prayer circles with fasting, for peace and tranquility in the country. Everyone prays, both children and schoolchildren in schools, all students in universities, workers in cities and peasants in villages - everyone wants peace and tranquility in Ukraine.

Of course people are in a panic. They go shopping and everyone buys a lot of products in a row, whether they have money for it or not. Even if they do not have money, they borrow and buy salt, sugar, cereals, pasta, butter and other products. People are getting ready. And how do you explain to them that it is not possible to stock up for life? Even if a war starts, there will still not be enough food for everyone.

The people of God pray to God and all trust in the Lord. Psalmist David writes in Psalm 19:8-9: Some boast in chariots, others in horses, but we boast in the Name of the Lord our God; they staggered and fell, but we got up and stand upright.

2 Chronicles 20:12 "Our God! You judge them. For we have no power against this great multitude that has come against us, and we do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you."

We believe in the prayer power of the Church of Christ, because the Church asks in prayers before God in the Name of Jesus Christ. And we believe that the Lord will answer us and protect his people.

Prayer Need:

Our dear brothers and sisters from the USA, all our brothers missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, we kindly ask you to join the prayers of our churches, our brothers and sisters. Pray for peace in Ukraine. Pray that the Lord God will protect us from war.

Pray that we, the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, at this difficult time for Ukraine, will be able to show more love to people and testify to them more about the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. Show people that earthly life is short, but life in Christ Jesus is eternal.

With love, missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission.

Help for orphans and widows

Greetings, dear brothers and sisters, with the love of Jesus Christ!

I praise and thank the Lord for His help and protection in the service in the Field of the Lord and at the beginning of this year.

1. Evangelism:

-With God's help, we did 2 evangelizations on January 7 and 8, where together with the church we celebrated the feast of the Nativity of Christ in the old style. This is how people in our village celebrate and we also decided to organize evangelizations this way. The youth went home with carols and gave people calendars and an invitation to evangelism on January 8. Thank God that few people responded and came to evangelism. We pray for them.

2.Help for orphans and widows:

-For 2 weeks we, together with our church, collected and bought food for orphans and widows. Prepared special packages with products, vegetables and fruits. We wanted to prepare a table of love for them, that is, a delicious dinner. Gather them all and feed them deliciously. We have been doing this for many years in a row. But now again because of the quarantine could not do it. Thank God that it turned out to be a very good and useful help for them. Although we could not enter a couple of such houses because the children there had the flu, we left the packages near the doors and they took them away. Then we texted us thanksgiving. On Friday, January 14, we were at Kovelskaya in 5 orphanages. In one of these houses, a father who brings up 10 children from a boarding school thanked us and said that he wanted to visit our church from Nesvoi. He plays the guitar himself and organized a good worship group from those children from the boarding school, those that they bring up together with their wife and their housemates who are also children from the boarding school. Of course, we gladly invited them to our church, although the distance is 75 km from Chernivtsi. But he said that they have transport to come to us. Thank God that these parents raise these children in love for the Lord. Each child was also given a package of sweets and tangerines. Children are always happy when they are given sweets. Pray for these families because they have their own difficulties.

And on Saturday, January 15, we were at the orphanage on Golovnaya Street and in Sadgora. How happy all the children were! There are no words to describe it. We thanked God that the Lord does not forget about them - Praise God for helping us serve Him through this service! We pray for orphans and widows that they all know the Lord Jesus Christ.

3. Thanksgiving:

-I thank the Lord for protecting us from diseases and helping us to work in God's Vineyard.

-We always thank God for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for supporting us missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, in your prayers and materially in our ministry in Ukraine. Thank you for your prayers because the Lord helped us to work for Him this month as well .

4. Prayer needs:

- Pray with us that the Lord will continue to protect us from all evil and disease, so that we can still sow the Word of God among the people around us.

-Now after these holidays, many people got sick with just the flu, so that the Lord would heal the members of our churches, the children who attended Sunday schools from Covid and from the simple flu.

-Pray for orphans and widows, that they may know Jesus Christ as the Savior of their souls.

-To stop the war in the South-East of Ukraine.

-To repent those people who attended our evangelizations on these holidays. So that the Lord would touch their hearts.

And we pray for you brothers and sisters that the Lord bless you and protect you and your families from all sickness and from all evil. That the Lord bless you with health and peace in Christ. My family sends heartfelt greetings to everyone in the Name of Jesus Christ.

With love, the Petikhachny family, Pavel and Larisa.

Merry Christmas and Happy New year!

Greetings, brothers and sisters from the United States, with the peace and love of Jesus Christ!

First, I want to praise the Lord for the fact that He is our Great God Who helps us serve Him and works in His Field on this earth.

1.So the month of December passed and we, with God's help, found ourselves at the beginning of the New Year, 2022. At the end of the year, on the last Sunday of December, we had a reporting meeting in the church, where I reported to the church for the work done throughout 2021 Together with our church we carried out services in 3 churches: in Nesvoi, in Balkivtsi and in Podvirna. Every month they held cereal breaks, visited the sick and helped the poor.

2. I was at a funeral in Novoselitsa. Alla Popov's father, the wife of our pastor missionary brother Valeria Popov, died, and I preached the Word of God. After the funeral, one person who lives in Novoselytsia asked us, me and my brother Valery, to visit him and to communicate with him from the Word of God. After our fellowship, this man, on the basis of the Gospel, repented, Glory to God. It turns out that this man is from the village of Zhilovka, where I have been helping in the ministry in this church for many years in a row. But now he lives in Novoselitsa. We pray that the Lord will strengthen the faith of this brother.

3. Evangelism:

-At the beginning of the New Year, 2 large evangelizations were carried out in the church in the village of Nesvoi. At these evangelizations, a choir from young families sang and there were edifying sermons. After these meetings, many prayed a prayer of repentance and asked God for forgiveness with tears in their eyes. At the moment, many unbelievers are attending our church for whom we are praying.

4.Help orphans and widows:

-After January 7, we want to help orphans from boarding schools, and widows, with food and gifts for the children. Now we are already preparing sweet gifts (200 bags) and collecting food from vegetables. We will also buy fruits and various cereals, pasta, sunflower oil and other products. At the same time, we want to help large families who took their children from orphanages to foster care, as well as widows who were left without husbands, and their children without fathers after this war, which has been going on in the South East of Ukraine with Russia for 8 years. They constantly ask us for help so that they do not go hungry and have everything they need for school and other needs.


-We are grateful to God and you for helping us with your prayers for us and for your material support which helps us to expand the work of God here, in Ukraine.

-Thank God for the fact that all our missionaries and their families are healthy and they can work in the Field of God in the Power of the Holy Spirit.

6.Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, that the war in the South-East of Ukraine ends, and that a new war does not ripen on the part of Russia in Ukraine.

-So that the Lord will protect us and our families from a pandemic.

-So that in the churches of our mission, PIEI Ukraine, in 2022, more people will repent and make a covenant with the Lord through water Baptism.

-Pray for the action of mercy with orphans and widows that we will hold in January. May the Lord help us in this and that the Name of the Lord be glorified among these children.

-Also, our church will celebrate the feast of Christmas on January 7 and 8. Pray that many people from the world will come to these evangelizations and that they will repent.

We also pray for you, brothers and sisters from the United States, our partners in ministry for the Lord in Ukraine. May the Lord bless you abundantly and protect you and your families from any disease. We wish you success, peace, and much health in 2022. Be blessed!

With love, the Petihachny family, Pavel and Larisa.

Annual PIE-Ukraine meeting

Greetings to you, dear brothers and sisters, with the love and peace of Jesus Christ!

Thank God for the month of November, for the fact that I was successful in preaching the gospel to the ministry before God.

1.Annual meeting of missionaries of the mission PIEI Ukraine:

-4 December, 2021, together with the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, we held an annual meeting where each of our missionaries could report on the work done in 2021. Together we praised and thanked the Lord for the fact that He protected us all from all evil and strengthened us to serve for Him. All missionaries worked with all dedication for the Lord throughout the year. In all the churches of our mission there were repentances and baptisms of repentant souls.

In all our churches there is a Sunday school where leaders work with children, as well as teenagers and youth gather to study the Word of God. We also prayed together and thanked the Lord for our brothers and sisters from the United States - our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine. For the fact that they always support us in our ministry in Ukraine. We prayed for everyone that the Lord would bless them all and protect them from any disease.

2. Bible Study:

- I taught the book of the prophet Ezekiel, part 2, for 30 students. At the beginning of this session there were few students, and then every day new students were added who wanted to study this blessed book. During these sessions one person began to visit our house of prayer, Glory God!

3.Mini Evangelism:

- I conducted a divine service in the family of one disabled person (Dima), at his request. A few weeks ago, his wife died from Covid and he is now experiencing major depression and has been unable to sleep for so many nights, he was very afraid that he would soon leave for eternity. And I taught him classes on the topic from the Philippians. 1:21-For me, life Christ, and death is an acquisition. After several such studies, he felt better and began to pray and serve God.

-I had evangelism with 5 families who asked me to help them. Larisa and I taught them Bible lessons and helped them with the food they needed. They were very happy with this help and thanked God for it.

4. Serving with young families and youth.

-In our church, we hold a service once a week with young families and youth. They study the Bible, and also prepare a worship program for Sunday services in the church. This group of young people has great success both in worship in the church program and in visiting sick people to help them and for their excitement.


We also had the breaking of bread with the church - we remembered the death and suffering of our Savior Jesus Christ. This is the last communion this year, and we thanked the Lord for the opportunity given to us to fulfill His will. We also visited one family (sick) with the breaking of bread.


- We always thank the Lord for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, our partners in evangelism in Ukraine, for always supporting us in missionary service both financially and with your prayers. Thank God that thanks to you we are successful in evangelism.

-Thank God for the fact that we are healthy and God listens to the prayers of His Church. Glory to Him for the answers to our prayers.

-Thank God for 5 people who regularly attend our meetings. We pray for them so that they know the Truth and repent.

-Thank God for the fact that all Sunday schools in our churches are functioning.

7.Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, that a large-scale war does not start in our Ukraine. The Russians are again preparing to attack us. They put military equipment along the entire border with Ukraine and led their troops. The people are in panic, but we are children of God hope in the Lord .Only the Lord can protect us from aggression and war. And this is how people suffer in the Luhansk and Donetsk regions of Ukraine. For almost 8 years there is no rest there, the war is still going on and young people are dying. We pray for them and we help these people as much as we can. ...

-Pray for us that our families and our churches are not infected by this Covid 19 virus.

We always pray for you, our dear brothers and sisters, and we wish that the Lord would bless you, your families, your churches and your country, that the Lord would protect you from all evil and from a pandemic. And we also want to wish you all Happy Christmas and Happy New Years. 2022! May the Lord bless you all, dear brothers and sisters, our partners in evangelism here in Ukraine!

With love to you, the Petihachny family, Pavel and Larisa.

Blessings of children

Greetings, brothers and sisters from the United States, with the love and grace of Jesus Christ!

I am grateful to the Lord for this month, October. Although it was a difficult month for evangelism, because in Bukovina, Ukraine, Covid 19 was very much raging. But despite this, believers look with faith at Jesus Christ and are not afraid of anyone or anything, because their Shepherd is Jesus Christ. He guards His church and the church with the power of the Holy Spirit testifies of Jesus Christ!

  1. Session in Zoom.

-I conducted and passed, with the students of the Bible Institute from Ukraine, a very blessed session where 30 students studied the book of Ezekiel-the second part. All students promised to teach these lessons further in their churches and in this way we want to raise the spiritual level in our churches and attract and other believers to study the Bible.

2. Evangelism:

-We held a blessed Evangelization in the church of the village of Balkovtsi in connection with the Thanksgiving holiday in this church. At this evangelization, a group from our church in the village of Nesvoya sang. Everyone thanked the Lord for a wonderful harvest this year, I preached the Word and again, together with the elders of this small church, thanked for bread, water and for the Word of God. This evangelism lasted more than 2 hours and those present did not want to let our singers go. They also wanted to hear songs to glorify our Lord. I realized that, in this difficult time, people are very eager to hear the spiritual psalms and spiritual sermons; these are consolations for your soul.

3. Blessings of children:

-My son Andrey and daughter-in-law of Revveka had a daughter Emima and they brought her to church for praying. They already have two children (son Mark and daughter Emima) and they wanted the Lord to put His blessed Hands on them and bless them so that they were under the protection of the Highest God. Andrew and Revveka want their children to love Jesus Christ and praise Him from a young age.

My brother Kioresko Gregory and I conducted this service to the church from the village of Rokitne. They were congratulated by both the youth and children of the Sunday school by this church. We pray for our children that they will be protected by the Lord from all evil, sickness and the temptations of the devil.


-In the village of Podvirnoe, I, together with a group of our choir, held the funeral of my cousin Mila. The Word was preached and sang songs for the glory of the Lord and consolation of relatives. There were about 30 non-believers who heard the Word. We pray for them.

5.World Sisters' Day of Prayer:

On November 1, all our Baptist sisters reunited in prayer, with all the sisters of the whole world, for a prayer of thanksgiving and petition before the Lord. The theme of the prayer was "Courageous life" of a Jew 13: 6. - So we boldly say "The Lord is my helper, And not I will fear: What will man do to me? ”In all our churches, our sisters gathered to pray to God. Thank God for our sisters who support our ministries in their prayers.

6.Bread breaking:

- I held a baking ceremony in the churches of the village of Nesvoya and the village of Balkovtsi where about 100 people were present. After the service, we visited the sick at home with the breaking of bread. They rejoiced and thanked God for being able, together with the church, to take part in the breaking of bread and remember the sufferings of our Savior Jesus Christ.


-Thanks to God for the fact that we can get together and hold services.

-For the fact that we can conduct the breaking of bread in the churches and visit the sick from these churches so that they too can participate in the service of the breaking of bread.

-Thank God for the fact that there is a Sunday school in our church.

-Thanks to God for the fact that my family and the families of our missionaries are healthy and all serve the Lord in His Field.

-Thankful to God for all our partners in the gospel, brothers and sisters from the USA, for your support and your prayers for our missionaries in our ministries here in Ukraine. Thank God for the fact that the Lord healed Brother Cornell and Sister Gabriella, as well as Brother Walter from USA. From illness, in Romania. We prayed very much for them. Thank God that they got safely home, in the USA.

8.Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, for those unbelieving people who heard the word of God, that the Lord would reveal the Truth to them.

-So that the Lord will open new doors for us to preach the gospel.

-So that we and our children have protection from Covid 19 with our Lord.

-Pray further for the family of Steph, Cornell and Gobriella and for Brother Walter from the USA, so that the Lord will restore their health after illness. We also pray for all our partners in the gospel in the USA from the PIEI America mission that the Lord will protect you all from this pandemic and healed all those who were already sick.

We love you very much, brothers and sisters, and we pray for you. Accept sincere Christian greetings from my family! The Lord will bless and protect you, your families, your churches and your country from all evil!

With love to you, Pavel and Larisa Petihachny.

Thanksgiving day

Greetings, dear brothers and sisters, with the peace and love of Jesus Christ!

I am grateful to God, from a pure heart, for the fact that He helped me to glorify Him in all my circumstances of life through which He led me this month.

1. Thanksgiving:

-Thank God that he helped us to gather in our church from Nesvoi, in order to celebrate and thank the Lord for all the fruits of the earth and for the spiritual fruits that God blessed us with this year. Our youth prepared a beautiful program especially for this holiday. After the meeting of this holiday we have helped the poor and sick in our church with the necessary help.

-At this holiday there were also unbelievers who listened to the Word of God and the singing of young people. Invited them to visit our meetings. They promised to come.

-October 10, they also prepared a program of thanksgiving and worship to the Lord for spiritual and earthly fruits to the church in the village of Podvirnoye. The choir from the church in the village of Perkvtsi was also invited and they glorified the Lord very beautifully through psalms and poems. And we preached the Word of God and offered prayers of gratitude to God for the Bible, for our daily bread and for the clean water that we drink every day. We thanked God for the blessed harvest of this year, 2021. We also pray for this little church that the Lord would bless it.

2.Help for the sick:

- We helped, this month, my eldest daughter and her family who fell ill with Covid 19. We helped with all the needs for 2 weeks. Thank God they are already better!

-We helped the preachers from the church of the village of Nesvoya who also got sick and had a high fever. I took them, with the bus of our mission, for an X-ray in Novoselytsia. After the X-ray, the doctor prescribed treatment for them and thank God they are already better.

3.Social assistance:

-Two churches from the Chernivtsi region donated clothing and other aid for those in need. We found a place and a person who is engaged in this mission and gave him these donations. Then we received letters of gratitude from these needy people - thanks for our help.


-I am grateful to God that all our missionaries are alive and well and all are working in the power of the Holy Spirit.

-Thanks to God for the fact that in all churches there is a Sunday school where children study the Word of God.

-Thanks to God for the fact that there are still people in the church who in the near future want to receive water baptism.

5.Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, that everyone who attended our services for our past evangelizations would come back at our meetings and that the Lord through the Holy Word would reveal himself to them.

-For me so that I can hold a session at the Bible Institute at the end of the month, from October 25, in the power of the Holy Spirit.

-Pray that I and my family will be saved by God from a pandemic, so that we can work in the Lord's Field.

We always thank God for you, brothers and sisters from the United States, for your support in our ministry here in Ukraine. May the Lord bless you all and give you a hundredfold blessings for your sacrifice in serving in our area.

We love you and always pray for you. With love Pavel and Larisa Petihachny.

100th anniversary of the church in the village of Nesvoya


I am grateful to God that in the month of September, all the circumstances of my life were for the success of the gospel.


-With God's help, I baptized in the church of the village of Nesvoi, on September 5, where 2 souls were baptized.

We are glad that these were my wife Larisa's classmate - Sima Cretu and my wife's cousin, Leonid Chebotar. Leonid worked as a French language teacher for 25 years in a secondary school in the village of Verinchanka. We prayed for him and his family for a long time and thank God for the fact that he repented. We continue to pray for this family, so that the Lord will induce both his wife Nadia and children to repentance.

We also prayed for Shema. Her parents were believers and she attended our church from childhood, but she married an unbeliever and so she lived her life in remorse for leaving the Lord and going into the world. After the death of her husband, we repeatedly spoke to her about Christ and prayed for her. Thank God that she came back and heard the voice of the Holy Spirit. She repented and now serves God through chants (she has a beautiful voice) and prayers before God. She is now praying for her sons (there are 2 of them), daughters-in-law and grandchildren.

This baptism was a blessed evangelistic meeting in our church, where many unbelievers who attended our church heard about Jesus Christ and about His love for us sinners. We pray for those who are baptized so that God would strengthen their faith in the path of Christ and for the unbelievers who visited us, so that the Lord would awaken them to repentance.


2. 100th anniversary of the church in the village of Nesvoya:

-At this holiday there were many pastors from different churches and they all had 10 minutes to congratulate our church on the 100th anniversary.

I read the history of our church over 100 years of its existence, how the Lord miraculously led our church both through trials and through blessings, and brother Sergei Moroz from the Kiev Chancellery of the ECB, had a blessed sermon for 20 minutes and also read a congratulatory letter from the Baptist Brotherhood of the Chancellery of the ECB Ukraine. Brother Kioresko Gregory read a congratulatory letter from Viorel Yuga, the president of the Baptist brotherhood from Romania, and brother Manoliy Dannik, the regional clerk of the ECB of the Chernivtsi region, had a congratulatory word from the regional brotherhood of the ECB.

A choir from the Zhivaya Loza church from the city of Chernivtsi was invited to this holiday. All the compositions and psalms that they performed had an effect on all those present, guests, church members and non-believers who visited us. All 300 people who were at this holiday sang and glorified God with hymns from collections of Christian songs. The meeting lasted more than 3 hours and it was not even felt that the time passed so quickly. All people were still waiting for the singing of the choir, which performed the psalms so beautifully. Thank God for everything!

At the end of the holiday, everyone was given bags of sandwiches and other sweets to strengthen the flesh, and a table of love was prepared for the guests from afar. We pray that the Lord will bless our church in the future, that in the future our church will be successful in work for the Lord and that all members of the church will be ready to meet with our Bridegroom Jesus Christ when the Rapture of the Church takes place.

3. Visits:

-This month I visited the church in the village of Podvirnoye and the church in the village of Balkovtsi. I conducted ceremonies in the churches of the village of Nesvoya and the village of Balkovtsi.

-I also visited the church of the village of Dynivtsi, where Pastor Alex Pascar, our missionary, and we held the blessings of his granddaughter Naomin. This is the 4th child of his son David with his wife Inga. We prayed that the Lord would bless Naomin and David's entire family.

And also 2 brothers from this church were chosen for the service of the deacons.

4. Thanks:

-Thank you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for your prayers and financial support that help us in our ministry in Ukraine.

-For the fact that you prayed for us and the Lord blessed these services that were in the month of September. I thank the Lord for the fact that no one got sick after the service, although we were very afraid.

-Thank God for the fact that I and my family did not get sick from this virus because the pandemic began to attack people again.

-For the fact that the Gospel is spreading successfully here, in the Chernivtsi region.

5. Prayer requests:

-Pray for those unbelieving people who heard the Word of God at our Evangelization, so that the Lord would test their hearts and that they would repent.

-Pray that during this pandemic we can successfully spread the Word of God.

-So that no one gets sick after our September Gospel meetings.

We also pray for you, brothers and sisters from the United States, that the Lord will bless you with health and success in work and give you hundredfold blessings for your contribution to the work of God in Ukraine.

We love you and pray for you! With love to you, the Petihachny family, Pavel and Larisa.