They need spiritual glasses and eyesight

Greeting to you brothers and sisters of the PIEI mission.

We have to spread the Gospel in various time like pandemic, crisis and war.

In the first picture I attended, Vintu family. Olya is sitting in wheelchair, she is 60, she is paralyzed for 6 years already. Her husband died 10 years ago and these young ladies take care of her. She listened to me but could not talk. Please pray for all them.

In the second picture, I am with Pavlina. She needed glasses, and she came to the meeting with Americans who handed out glasses, and she talked to brother Cornel. She is close to Jesus, so please pray for her.

In the third picture we talked with Antonina she was teacher of biology. She also came to get glases. She was an atheist, but after Soviet Union fell down, she became to realize that there is God. She is about 80. Furthermore, she understands that she needs to come to Christ.

In the fourth picture is Marina who talked with our team. She is a massager, she treated me and my granddaughter, and we invited her to the church to talk with our team from the USA.

I thank the PIE mission and the Stef family for all your help, we love all of you, and we always pray for you.

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasile Preutesa

He lost everything with drugs

Peace of God to all missionaries of the mission PIE and your families. We missionaries are very glad that we have you such brothers in Christ from America who help us on the material and spiritual, praying for health for successes missionary service in Ukraine.

During the week in churches I invited people in villages of unbelievers that the doctor will measure glasses for invited, then we talked about God and pray briefly and invite to the meeting so that they come. Let God preserve our brothers in our country, there is a terrible war for more than 2 years and 5 months.

At the first photo I communicate on the road with Alexey Senchuk about 30 years. From 2003 to 2006 he went to the children's meeting in the village. I told him Alexey do not joke with God, come to Christ. Then he replied: Help me I can not quit, I have been smoking for how many years, I had two wives and three children, but now I have nothing. Many years ago you told me: "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." I can not forget these words.

Alexey, I tell you, do not play with fire. Repent before God, sincerely ask God for help. Read, the Bible, go to meetings and God will help you get out of your situations.

At the second picture I met women and talked with them about an hour about the creation of the world, of God's love, about the salvation of man from Hell, the second descending of Jesus, they asked different questions and I replied. I told them how I repented, how came to God and serve him for 43 years and never regret about that.

Please pray for these people, may they find God.

Pray for the camp in Boyan for Pavel and Larisa who organize it.

I thank the PIE mission and the Stef family for all your help, we love all of you, and we always pray for you.

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasile Preutesa

Evangelization at school

Dear brothers of the PIE mission. We are very grateful to you for your support and prayers. We pray for the end of the terrible war.

In the first picture, I am at school. My granddaughter Julia graduated from the school. I had an opportunity to talk with three teachers. A couple of years ago we made evangelization in their classes. Ii with Valery and Julia had a good program for an hour. A head of school allowed us to tell children about God. We told them many stories from the Bible and about love of God. These teachers asked me many times to pray about them because they felt how God help them after our prayers.

In the second picture, I am with Illya. I attended him and asked does he read the Bible, he had been to the war for 8 months. I shared with my testimony.

Please pray for these people, may they find God.

Pray for the camp in Boyan for Pavel and Larisa who organize it.

I thank the PIE mission and the Stef family for all your help, we love all of you, and we always pray for you.

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasile Preutesa

Her son is drug addicted

Dear brothers and sisters from the PIEI mission, peace and grace to you!

Only God knows why Russia kill us and Russian people on the East of Ukraine. And we as missionaries have to spread the Gospel during this time.

I met Anya who is 85. She can not walk for a couple of years already. She asked me what she can do so that her son Ivan stop to take drugs. I gave her some advices. I shared the Gospel.

Then I visited Valentina`s family. She has parkison disease and can not walk. Her husband Alex and son Sergey. We talked for an hour and discuss war and God’s plan, I shared with them with my testimony. They asked to tell more about Jesus Christ and asked me to come again.

Please pray for these families.

I thank the PIE mission and the Stef family for all your help, we love all of you, and we always pray for you.

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasile Preutesa

Prayer at the clinic

Peace to you, dear members of the mission PIEI from my family. May God give you health and blessings. We pray for the end of this terrible war.

In the first picture, I am with the Bezushko family. They were teachers at school. We are familiar long time. We talked about life, and then I told them about Jesus Christ. They read the Bible and pray for the end of the war. I prayed about them and invited to the church.

In the second picture, I am with dentist Valera at the clinic. I prayed before he removed my tooth. And he asked me: Are you Christian, because you prayed. I shared with him with my testimony.

Please pray about these people.

I thank the PIE mission and the Stef family for all your help, we love all of you, and we always pray for you.

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasile Preutesa

Men need God

Peace and grace to you all, we are grateful to the brothers and sisters of the Pai mission and your love for us.

Ukraine lives in terrible times, the whole world cannot understand this. God's children are praying for this war to end.

In the first photo I am talking near an ATM with my old friend Victor. We talked about life and he asked who needs this war and why they are killing us. I told him the Gospel. And he invited him to serve in our church.

In the second photo I met Vanya. His mother-in-law was a believer, I came to her to talk about God and he also heard about Him. We told him about repentance and the love of God. I told him that he had lost many years without God. I prayed for him and his family.

In the third photo I met Leonid. He is Orthodox and knows a lot about God, we talked about Christ, icons and holidays. I told him about the love of God.

Let us pray for these families that they will find God.

I thank the PIE mission and the Stef family for all your help, we love all of you, and we always pray for you.

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasile Preutesa

Why God allows this war?

We live much closer to the coming of Christ and people run in different directions but not to God.

In the first picture, I am with Victor and Kostia. They asked me why this war happened, why God allows this? I explained them, shared the Gospel and prayed for them.

In the second picture is Dima, he repaired my seat in a car. I talked with him about God’s love, His judgement and afterlife. I told him my testimony and invited him to the church.

In the third picture, I visited sister Nadia with her son Ivan, who is non-Christian. He attended church before, but now not. So, I encourage him to come back to Christ.

Let’s pray about all these people I had met. May they come close to God.

We parse the book of Acts with our church.

I thank the PIE mission and the Stef family for all your help, we love all of you, and we always pray for you.

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasile Preutesa

Man who knows the path to God

Praise the Lord for you brothers and sisters in the USA.

Many of Ukrainians want to end this war but they don't seek God and reconcile with Him. We as missionaries share the love of God with everyone whom we meet.

In the first picture, I visited Kalin and Lida. She is Christain but he not. Kalin is sick and can not walk, so I attend him and talk with him. He attended the church before but have not repented yet. I shared the Gospel and prayed for him.

In the second picture, one family from Dinivtsi village attended our church. They participated in the ministry with sermon, songs, and poems.

In the third picture, I am with Marina who is a massager. She is gifted by God to find a problem point in the body and treat it. I took a procedure of massage and talked with her about God.

Let’s pray about all these people I had met. May they come close to God.

I thank the PIEI mission and the Stef family for all your help, we love all of you and we always pray for you.

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasile Preutesa

Doctor saw the miracle from God

Greetings to you brothers and sisters from the USA. In a couple of days it will be the day of 2 years of this war. During this time, a lot of towns and villages were destroyed completely. Many people moved abroad and men hide at homes, because don't want to die on the war.

In the first picture I visited a sister Valia. And I could talk with her family and grandson, Dmytriy. She tells her daughters about Christ, but they reply, one day we will come to God. I told them you don't know the time when you are going to die, it might happen any second. I shared the Gospel and invited them to the church. Once Dima was at service and he promised to come again.

In the second picture, I am in the hospital for check up my health. Close to me is doctor Misha, we are familiar from 2010 when they made a surgery for me. I told him that our soul is eternal and God can save me. He told that he read the Bible and see that death is close to any person.

Please pray about these people and their family, may they come to Christ.

I thank the PIEI mission and the Stef family for all your help, we love all of you and we always pray for you.

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasile Preutesa

Ministry to the village mates

Dear brothers and sisters of the PIEI mission may God bless all of you. Ukraine like no other countries go through hardship. We have the hideous war, people dying, kidnapping, houses destructed, and refugees around the world. It lasts almost two years already and only God knows when it will end. When people die so much it is time to tell them that you can not run from death and you need to get ready to meet Christ. I came to the burial service of one woman and I shared the Gospel with the people and God loves and waits for them.

In the first picture, I was at the burial service of Valeriya.

In the second picture, I conversed with neighbors. I talked with them for about an hour. They talked about their impressions of the war, that people move abroad, women give birth a little, and children are not obedient. I explained to them that we are living in the last time and then shared the love of God. They asked me a lot of spiritual questions.

In the third picture, I drove a woman to the hospital, her name is Antonina. Her husband died and she has a bedridden daughter, who is about 30. She addressed to me: Vasia, what do I need to do? Where do I need to approach? I don't have relatives here. So, I consoled and encouraged her with the Gospel. I prayed for her.

In the next picture is the deacon of the church Valeriy. He is a volunteer and drives humanitarian aid to the east of Ukraine. Soldiers and people of those villages are very grateful to him for everything that he brings them. We pray for his team may God bless them in their way and protect them.

Please pray for all of these people whom I met may they come closer to Jesus Christ.

I thank the PIEI mission and the Stef family for all your help, we love all of you and we always pray for you.

 With love, pastor missionary, Vasile Preutesa