June 2017

In the month of June we had several meetings in Ponorel, Sohodol and at the mission point in Baia de Aries with believers and non-believers. In Sohodol, I met with the Lobonea Family and Mrs. Vetuta, non-believers, and discussed many things from the Bible. The Lobonea Family is very closely connected to the Orthodox Church, but their heart is close to God. They had a strong Christian mother who prayed a lot for them. In Ponorel I met with Mrs. Geta and Mr. Jicu (non-believers).

May 2017

Praise God for the kindness He has shown to us this month. I have continued to visit the brothers and sisters in Ponorel and Sohodol, and set up weekly meetings with non-believers.

In Sohodol I meet with Mr. Nicu and his wife, and with Mr. Ioanea and his wife, people who like spending time with us talking from the Word of God. They, at times, attend church.

In Ponorel, there are Mrs. Rodica, Craciun and Iulica, as well as Sister Adriana’s husband (Jicu, non-believer), and the family of Brother Mircea, all non-believers.

This month I had a special experience in Sohodol. Brother Mastan, a man who fell from faith for many years, and for whom the church prayed for a long time, the day before he died, he confessed all his sins. His prayer, with deep aguish before God, impressed me and his family. I believe that he found forgiveness with God during the last moments of life. His wife has strong faith, and her life with God has been a great example for him.

The church in Ponorel is praying for Brother Aurel who is very sick. The last time he was in the hospital I talked with one of his sons and encouraged him to put his faith in God. He wasn’t a believer.

I also visited the children in the orphanage in Abrud.

Thank you for all the prayer support and for the generosity you have shown to me and for God’s ministry every month. May He who is rich in goodness reward you hundred-fold.

Pastor Florin Botar

April 2017

Blessed be the Heavenly Father for His care for us in the month of April. I worked in Sohodol, Ponorel, Baia de Aries and Abrud (at two orphanage houses). While celebrating Easter, I went to these orphan children to take clothes and food (fruit, sweets and more). It was a great opportunity to talk with the children and with the administration staff about Jesus’ resurrection.  Before Easter, Cornel and Gabi visited us, and we went together to visit some of the families in Ponorel.

March 2017

Blessed be the Lord God our Savior who daily bears our burdens”. (Psalm 68:19) In the month of March, the Lord has been my portion, and His hand of blessing has protected me from evil. I visited some of the sick in the area (brother Candin and sister Valeria); we prayed together and I encouraged them.

February 2017

God has blessed us this month more than we expected. I have continued to work for the Lord in Ponorel, Sohodol, in Baia de Aries and also in the two orphanage houses in Abrud. Every time I connected with non-believers, I shared the Word of Life. I had long conversations with two of my friends in Baia de Aries, Robert and Stefan. We pray for guidance for this place because the house where we meet is up for sale, and we currently do not have another location for prayer and fellowship.

Updates from January

January was a month filled with snow storms, bitter cold and difficult road access especially around hills. However, I got to make home visits to the believers and non-believers. Some of the church members ended up in the hospital, like brother Mircea, and others had family issues. I got to spend time with each of these and pray together.

News from November

At the church in Sohodol, Mr. Nicu shared a testimony that moved  our hearts and strengthened our faith. He said: “My family and I went through a difficult situation with our son Darius. He has been sick for awhile, and was seen by many doctors, but his health was deteriorating. I had heard you were praying for the sick at church, and I asked you to pray for him. From that moment, Darius’ situation had improved gradually. God listens to prayers and makes great miracles.” This testimony came from a man whose heart had been changed by faith. We pray a lot for his whole family.

Florin Botar - August Newsletter

During the month of August with continued the work of evangelism in Ponorel and Sohodol, and at the missionary center in Baia de Aries. In Baia de Aries, a young man named Gelu, who is not a believer but is eager to learn about the Word of God, came to join our prayer group. I talked with him for a long time and I encouraged him to read from the Bible daily, and when she sees things he does not understand, to write them down so that we can discuss together.

Florin Botar - July newsletter

For a long time I have longed for a special evangelization service in Ponorel Church, this is why I have invited a group of young people and two pastors to have a lovely fellowship before the Lord. We have had unsaved people coming to church, I was surprised to see thedm, and after the service, the sisters have prepared food for all. May God work in the lives of those who have heard the Gospel, and convince them to repentance.