Every time I have to make this monthly information, I think how to be shorter, more transparent, so that everything is reflected in truth and not exaggerations. I would like to make this clear from the beginning, I do not want to impress anyone, but to show everything as before the Lord Jesus who knows us both inside and out.

My activity, or rather the service that I have from God in the place where I was seated, is spread in two Roma villages: Rotunda and Valea Dumiresti, the Tigveni orphanage and, once a month, at the old foster care in Suici village. I have noticed that the gospel is also spreading through social activities, when you buy medicines for sisters or brothers who are sick and have no money to buy them, when God puts on your heart not to be insensitive to their needs: for example a sister having managed to build a room for her to live, in the village of Rotunda, near the Church, we helped her build the foundation, with 10 bags of cement.

All of this can be reflected in the testimony that we have to show in this world, the purpose being as many people to be saved for eternity. All the time I tell people that i met that I have a desire in my heart to meet with each of them in Heaven. I am more and more certain that the coming of Jesus is near.

The girls from Orphanage were visited by Sister Gabi and brother Cornel Stef together with a team from the USA. Since then, they are mentioned in the girls prayers continuously at Orphanage and at Church.

In the Roma villages, I would like to continue the programs with children and separately the programs with adults. We teach children many Bible verses and stories. I was encouraged to proclaim the word, to plant the good seed of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit will make it Alive.

I stop here, and because this week we will have a meeting with missionaries in Alba Iulia about which I will write in the future report, I would like to thank with all my heart to the PIEI committee in Romania and the USA, as well as the sponsors who help us and who are partners with us at the spreading the gospel in the places where God has placed us.
I would mention ED and DAIANA, this wonderful family that has been by my side and who didn’t left me, for a long time, the Matei Scheau family, Sister Naomi and Sister Barac, etc.

Traian Chilau - PIEI Missionary

” We give thanks to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you, Since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus, and of the love which ye have to all the saints “ - Colossians 1:3-4



By the grace of God it has been nearly a month and it is time to write to you.

The summer camps already finished, the mission in the Roma villages, the program with the girls at the Tigveni Orphanage are some activities that could be written, but again, I need to say a very important thing, only by His grace, we, the missionaries, are working, I am thinking that we are just instruments in His hand, and I pray that God will take His glory through everything.


Today, I would like to write about the joy that Brother Cornel and Sister Gabi Stef made to us, I think it was a celebration, coming to my missionary field with a team of 7 believers from the United States, a total of 9 believers. Firstly, they wanted to see the girls at the Tigveni Orphanage, God put on Brother Cornel and Sister Gabi’s hearts love for these girls for a long time ago. They keep in touch through the internet, and tell their stories and happenings.

This visit meant a lot to these girls who have no parents, I'm convinced they will not forget this US team and their testimonies. The girls were also very moved when Sister Gabi Stef was coming to encourage them, but at the same time they encouraged Sister Gabi, they are also an encouragement for other people here.

The girls received many gifts from this group: sanwishes, hygiene articles (soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, toilet paper, pads, juices, candy, etc.).
We prayed together, we sang, and hardly separate.

Before concluding, I would like to mention Brother Cornel Stef's visit with me to the director of the Orphanage, we went there with hygiene articles, and we discussed a partnership plan with the Orphanage.

I stop here, not before thanking God first and then those who carry us in their hearts praying for us and financially helping our mission.

I would like to remind the family of Ed and Daiana, Sister Barac who visited us, the girls can not forget even if she is older, made them great joy with her visit.

We continue to pray for the PIEI committee in Romania and the US, we can not forget the Matei Scheau family, Naomi sister, every night you are on our prayer list.

God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them. - Hebrews 6:10

Traian Chilau - PIEI Missionary



I am glad of the way that God is working through the Holy Spirit. My medical condition is improoving, I feel very good, the doctors said that the new liver works fine.

From the beginning of the month we had the pleasant surprise of a visit from an American family named Timotei and Jenifer who together have 6 children, they came with Alexe Costea. They wanted to visit the Orphanage I am involved with and that day we had a 26-person meeting with the Orphanage people, at the local evangelical church building in the village of Tigveni. The girls were very happy that someone in America came to see them. They sang more songs, it was a dialogue, there were confessions from this family, we served pizza, juice, sweets, and they them gifts.
I am very pleased that the PIEI missionary Alexe and Vera Costea have brought to us this American family, and I pray that Jesus bless their mission and their family.

The second thing I would like to mention is that at the local church, the children's classes went on holiday and we went out to the picnic, the children recieved gifts and we had a beautiful fellowship there.

The third thing I want to share with you: We organize two children camps for the Roma people in June and July, for June, we have 35 children up to 12 years old, and for July we will organize a camp for the youth. The purpose of these camps is to teach children how to have an authentic relationship with Jesus.

And because we said that this month we wanted to schedule a Baptism, because more actions were crowded, it would happen either in July or in August. Please pray that this Baptism will be accomplished.

I would like to conclude this information with much thanks to the way God protects us, and prays that He blesses all who love us who prays for us.

Traian Chilau - PIEI Missionary



I thank Jesus that people here opened their hearts to the gospel and we pray that the Lord will give us power to continue His mission.

I would like to remind you that in the village of Rotunda some brothers and sisters passed away, and we were discouraged, so we fast and prayed with more believers and the Lord Jesus did miracles, in June we will have a baptize with 7 candidates so far, I will come back with details then.

Another joy I can not forget and that remained in my heart as an echo was the meeting of Alba-Iulia of the missionaries. This was the most beautiful gift I and my wife have received.

The only care I have and which I always think and pray for is that all people who came in contact with me and hear the Good News of God, to be saved by the blood of Jesus, and seen in heaven.

I thank all those who pray for us, who support us financially: PIEI Committee, our beloved sponsors ED and DAIANA, Matei Scheau family, sister Naomi, sister Barac who sends us packages, etc.

Prayer Request:

  • Please pray for my physical health, to be strong and able to walk, to spread the Gospel.

Traian Chilau - PIEI Missionary

God brings a lot of joy


With joy in my heart, I give some information about myself, about the ministry I was called upon to do, only through the grace of God.
First of all, I thank God for health, so far the transplant goes well and the analyzes are also good, I have to go into control every 3 months. Thanks to all who pray for my health, I pray that Jesus will repay you.

I would like to remind you that this month we finished the 2 courses: Research Me and Masterpiece, written by Mandi and Maggie Cornet. it was a great blessing to me but also to the Orphanage girls.
Also, because we celebrate Easter on April 28 in Valea-Dumiresti village, we have prepared 20 food bags for those poor people who come.

Another joy that I would like to share is that I was visited by brother Cornel Stef and together we had a state of fellowship of beautiful memories we had together. Also, we talked about this blessed family of Ed and Daiana, he read their letter, we were very excited. Together with my wife, we continue to pray every day for Ed and Daiana.

Together with brother Cornel Stef, we went to the Church of Tigveni where we were expected by a group of girls from the Orphanage. Cornel spoke of the saved man, seated in the hands of our Lord Jesus. At the end, Cornel took them with the minibus to the orphanage and they was so glad and excited that they had this favor.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you to pray for the PIEI Committee in Romania and the United States of America, for the family of Ed and Daiana, for Matei Scheau, sister Noemi, sister Marioara Barac - her husband recently passed away. For all we pray that the Lord Jesus give blessing and peace.

Traian Chilau - PIEI Missionary

Thankful for the love of our God


Hello brothers and sisters in Christ,

Before I write anything about the mission God gave me, I want to tell you a few things about my health. It's been a year since I suffered a head stroke and I am still under treatment. Also, in June it will be a year since my liver transplant and things are going pretty well. I tell you this because I know that out there are brothers and sisters who are praying for me and my health. I want you to know that I am very grateful for your time spent in prayer for me and for all your support. Because I understand that God still keeps me alive with a purpose, I try my best to be useful and to represent Him in my community.

I use to go every month to visit people at home or in hospitals and I am always happy to find some of them who are willing to know more about God and His love for us. Another joy I have is when I go in Valea Dumiresti and in Rotunda to see the gypsies growing closer to God. Here, our projects are a mix between social and spiritual because we want them to see the love of God when we give them clothes, food or other things that they need. For example, when I have clothes or food to spare, I always have the desire to share them with people who don't have. I noticed how their curiosity regarding the Bible grows when we give them something in the name of Jesus. 

I am also happy to work every week with some kids from the orphanage. We have a special program with 10-15 girls and we are almost done with 2 bible studies by Mandi & Maggie Cornett. We are grateful for the opportunity to invest in them and we pray for their growth in Christ. Besides them, I don't forget to pray for Ed and Diana, Naomi and for the PIEI commitee. I pray that God will repay everything they do for me and for my ministry. 

Thank you for all your support!

Traian Chilau - PIEI Missionary

God - our refuge and strength

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. - Psalm 46:1 NIV


It is a great joy for me to inform you about what God did through my ministry.

First of all, this month we had a meeting in Alba-Iulia at PIEI Christian Centerwith all the PIEI missionaries. We had good fellowship with each other and with PIEI Committee, we shared experiences both from work and from personal life.

Although the focus was more on administrative issues, we also had moments to pray and to discuss from God's Word. I personally learn from Psalm 46 three things:

  1. God is my shelter.

  2. In God we have the necessary life resources.

  3. God is with me - to stop and meditate on these things.

This month, along with a team from our church, we went at the old foster care from Suici village. Every time it's a great joy to spend a few hours with them and turn their eyes to the salvation which we recive through our Lord's sacrifice.

We're following 3 things: to believe that they are sinners, to believe that Jesus died for their sins and the most important, to receive Jesus as a personal saviour in their hearts.

Prayer Requests:

  • For the old foster care

  • For the orphanage

  • For the villages I am involved in, and for the churches from that villages.

For those who pray for us, who help us through the PIEI mission, to the United States Committee and Romania, I pray that God bless you, protect you and repay you.

Traian Chilau – PIEI Missionary

God who searched me, and known me

O lord, thou hast searched me, and known me. Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off. - Psalm 139:1-2


Because we are in the first month of this year it is nice to be thankful to God that we have been under His protection all year that passed.

Although there is much to be said for this month, I just want to share with you a few stories of how God is working in our area.


I would like to recall that in the village of Valea-Dumirei there is a family, Ovidiu and Nicoleta they have two girls, but they didn’t have a wedding ceremony. I talked with them both and God convinced them that it's not good to stay that way.

I was pleasantly surprised to be announced that Saturday, January 19, 2019, they decided to go to the town hall to get married. I can say it was a great joy for me to see how God through His word and His Spirit worked in their hearts.

Another joy for me was the visit of Daniel Davidescu from Oltenia sent by Raul Costea & Cornel Stef, he helped me with my missionary profile presentation for PIEI website, we also serv together at Church in Curtea de Arges, in Valea-Dumiresti & Rotunda villages and at the Tigveni Orphanage. We also made home visits to some poor families

I would also like to mention that I had a visit to a family with 12 children, almost all children come to the church in the village Valea-Dumiresti, we helped them build an extra room and a bathroom. Through this, God made us a good testimony for whole village.

At the Orphanage, we started the second bible study called “Search Me“.

We continue praying for Mandi & Maggie Cornett, for PIEI Committee, Romania & United States of America and for all who support us spiritually and financially.

Prayer request:

  • Pray that liver transplant operation to go well and for fast recovery, to be able to work for the glory of our God.

Traian Chilau - PIEI Missionary

Christmas Gifts


There is no greater joy than to see people happy and familiar with the birth of Jesus Christ, our Savior. This Christmas we went in Rotunda village to visit the people, to share with them the Gospel and to bless them with gifts. We had 200 gifts to offer and we are thankful for the opportunity to tell them about the greatest gift ever.

We praise God for the joy that we saw on these people’s faces and for everyone who helped us in this project.


Traian Chilau - PIEI Missionary

November 2018

First of all, I thank God that I have received Grace and I can write a brief briefing this month, and this more so that His name is glorified. Whenever I write something, I'm afraid to receive any merit, other than seeing how God works.

Next month there will be 3 and a half years after the transplant, and I would like to thank from all the heart to everyone who was involved (spritual and also financially) to get my medication which I need to do the analyzes, etc. Every day I pray for all, and I do it with great joy, and because you are in my heart.


I was to visit Petria, an 84-year-old brother who did not come to the meeting anymore and what good it is when you listen to the inner voice because there are also relatives who do not know Jesus as Savior. And it is a blessed occasion to tell the gospel there in the village of Ciofringeni we went along with a brother. It’s so good to work in the team as Jesus sent his disciples. I would also like to say briefly that almost every Friday I have a program with the orphanan girls at the church in Tigveni and we are going through the “Masterpiece” course. Even if we are going slow, we do not want to pass quickly, there are many verses and we have we understand it practically.

As a subject of prayer, in Rotunda village I have a brother named Maruntelu Nicolaie who is dependent on an air product appliance, and if there is a portable device who can ease his respiratory probles it would be wonderful. We are praying that GOD will open doors, and in this regard.

I want to greet you with my favorite verse that made very good to my soul: JOSHUA 1:9

With Love in Jesus Christ,
Traian Chilau, PIEI missionary


Reason of joy / Baptism

Although I have many things to tell you, however, we have selected just a few. And yet again to be a reason for prayer for all who read this information;

First of all, I would start with the three young women who witnessed God in the water this month: Oana, Madalina, and Rahela three young women who, although coming fromChristian families have not yet taken this decisive step to receive the Lord Jesus as Lord and Savior in their hearts. But this summer, we had a Christian camp with young people from several places [what a blessing are are these camps]. The camp was in Albesti near Cimpulung and focused on these 3 things:

1. All men are sinners no matter they come from
2. For those Jesus died and paid for us
3. Receiving the Lord Jesus in the heart by faith

We rejoiced with the whole Congregation of their decision

The second thing I would like to show is that every Friday we have a program with the girls from the orphanage and we go through the “Masterpiece” course, although we are going slowly.

To make sure that everything we go through is understood and applied we have a dialogue between us and I would like to confess that it’a blessing to myself too.

In the gypsy villages where are the missionary points did home visits to those who do not come to the church anymore and we basically make a small gathering at their home. Here we also have some relatives who, even if they do not want to, are obliged to listen to the Gospel, and this is another occasion that the Spirit of God to work.

Because we still have little time until Jesus will come again we have to work spreading the Gospel until we will receive our reward.

Thank you all for supporting me! May God bless you. Joshua 1:9

Traian Chilau / P.I.E.I missionary

Foster care for eldery people - A different approach for doing mission

Before writing a few things as part of my September activity, I must thank GOD the Father who accompanied me all time. Although there is much to be said about, I would like to select only few thoughts so that God's Name is to be praised.

This month, I was touched by the visit I made to Suici old foster care, where previously the house was an orphanage. And because the hopuse the same director I have an open door for the mission we are doing in this place. More precisely, we are a local church team (as it was in this case: 2 brothers and 4 sisters), and we go to buy groceries for approx. 150-200 $, then we go from room to room in this old foster care house.

What we have as a goal, because most of them are abandoned by the family, and because we are about to pass towards eternity, is to convince them that they are sinners, and for their sins Jesus, the Son of God, died on a cross. And because it is eternity, after this life in the flesh, we pray for every one and urge them to receive Jesus as Lord as their Savior. We tell them so because next time we do not know if we can find them, but we all do want that, and we would like to meet them in the Heaven also. When we do evangelism, both at Asylum, at the Orphanage, or in the villages of Rudari we also treat the subject of what it means to be Christian; A Christian is not a better man, no more religious than others; is someone who has been guilty and lost and who has accepted the salvation that God gives him by repentance and faith in the Sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I also want to help them socially, by giving clothes (when we receive), beside spreading the Gospel.

I would like to thank, fromthe botoom of my heart to all who support us both spiritually and financially. We can do nothing more then praying for you in our daily prayers:

PIEI/USA and Romania committee, Ed and Daiana, Matei family, Sister Naomi and Barac family, we all have beautiful memories and we ask to the Throne of God to protect you and give you health.

I would like to conclude and greet you with a verse from the Word of God: Ephesians 6:10-11

Traian Chilau, PIEI/Romania missionary

Important: Select Fund: ROMANIA MINISTRIES, Sub Fund: 24200 from the donation form

August 2018

I am thankful to the Lord that he has accompanied me with His mercy and I can say something from the field of mission. Every time I write this information I think not to give me any merit, but every merit is His.

Two old people from the gypsy village of Rotunda feelt bad at one of our services and called for the ambulance. I visited them every day at the hospital but because they were old, in one week one died and the other week the other died. Their funeral was an occasion to proclaim the gospel because altough the left for hospital with the ambulance (called salvation in Romanian translation) they ended in a coffin. The most important thing is where we will spend eternity. Repentance and personal faith in the Lord's sacrifice Jesus makes the difference between the one and the others.

Another aspect that I am pleased to remember is that the gospel is not spoken only by mouth but also by a deed done in faithfulness, for example in the gypsy village of Valea Dumireşti are many poor families we agreed that once a month we would helped them with a basic food. 13 families are been taken care of (an initiative we took over when Brother Cornel Stef came with the US team and visited this church).

The work from Tigveni's orphanage for me is a great smile and at the same time an encouragement when I see how the Lord Jesus works with the orphans and they are true witnesses where they go or where they are called to work beacause in all places they testify that they are children of God.

In conclusion I would like to thank first of all God the Father and then all who pray for us, who support us both spiritually and financially.

Thank you to PIEI Committee in Romania and the US for all our sponsors.

I would like to conclude with the Proverbs 14: 26-27

Traian Chilau

Updates from July

I would like to write few lines because this month we felt the Grace of God acompaing us through the path of faith.

I have decided that as long as He will let me live on earth until I will be moved up there in the sky, I will live for Him and to praise Him. I am glad that the work I do, does not give me any merit and I can see how His good hand accompanies me. My daily prayer is to let Him pour into my heart the desire to reach the lost souls wither from the Orphanage or the gypsy villages

This month I took part to the funeral service of my ex- colleague at work and the other week I also took part to the funeral of my ex-boss. I am glad that to both of them I had the opportunity to confess Jesus before their death.

At the orphanage we go through the course "Masterpiece" and we have a positive response (although we are going slower and trying not to hurry anybody because we want to understand it especially with the heart, not only thelogically)

At the gypsy village when I receive clothes (gathered from donors) they express a lot of joy in their heart. This cause me to challenge them to pray for all who has in their hearts the work from. I would like to mention the PIEI Committee in Romania and the US committee, ED and DIANA and all their families for both financial and spiritual support for the family, Matthew and Claudia Scheau, Sister Naomi fam Barac and for all who pray and have the heart to help us in the work I do here.

May GOd reward you all as He knows what you need. I want to encourage you with Isaiah 46:4 a verse I read today and made very good for my soul.

Traian Chilau missionary PIEI.

Helping those in need


There are lots of things to share, but here are just a few activities done with the Lord’s help. I visited a few poor villages where I was able to take clothes for the people there, from packages received from local donors in other towns and villages. I see the joy in the hearts of these people. When the US team came to visit us, they brought us great joy. At the orphanage, we were able to give books. I also want to share that two months after the stroke, I am feeling better and continue to be on a medical treatment. It is the time of the year when camps start. They will take place at the missionary building. More information to come soon. We pray for everyone who prays for us and supports us financially. We think of Ed and Diana, Matei Scheau, Barac Family and the PIEI board in Romania and the US. We pray that the Lord would reward you for everything you do so that the Kingdom of God would expand in our area. I close with 1 Thessalonians 4:17 “Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.”


Beginning of the New Year

Only by the grace of God we made it into a new year. Since we are strangers and passers-by on this earth we think about the experiences that our Heavenly Father brings into our live. We celebrated the beginning of the new year in brotherly fellowship and sharing from the Word, with joy. We don’t know what’s ahead for us this year, but we know that God is Sovereign and we trust in His Hand. We asked for safe travels and blessings over our family. We wish the same for all our sponsors. We pray for you by name, and love you. May the good Hand of God be over you and your businesses.

Right after the beginning of the new year, one of our brothers from Corbeni passed away. The funeral was attended by lots of people, a good opportunity for them to hear the Word of God. We also visited the elderly home in Suici. We spent about 5 hours visiting each of the senior residents there, talking with them from the Word of God, singing and comforting them. We told them about Lord Jesus who died for their sins. I think there were about 15 seniors who accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. We were so glad for them, especially since we found out from the director that 4 of them passed away.

Thanks to the PIE Board from Romania and the US for their support to us so that we can work in the mission field. We pray for our sponsors, and know the Lord would reward and bless them with all they need. I greet you with Hebrews 6:10 “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.”

Traian Chilau, PIE Missionary

Celebrate the Birth of Jesus


Although there are only a few days left until the end of the year, we look back and see the good Hand of God has protected and blessed us this year with His Grace so much that we had everything we needed. We had special prayer preparing to celebrate the birth of Jesus. I have visited and taken presents to the children from the orphanage and gypsy villages. I see that God does miracles in our daily life. While Christmas was approaching, I was curious to see how God would work. One evening I got a call from Sister Marioara Barac who informed me that she had sent $1,500 which I received in full through Costel Tomus from PIE. I thank God and all the PIE workers, Ed and Didi, Marioara Barac, Matei Scheau, Sister Naomi, the PIE Board from Romania and the US, and everyone who helped pour some joy in the hearts of the children from the orphanage. In the villages and at the orphanage I preached the Word. I also visited the north part of the Arges County. I am glad for the opportunity to take the Gospel, the good news that “today in the town of David a Savior has been born who is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:11). I was glad to be able to prepare 500 presents, shared with the children from a small orphanage in Buzoiesti.

Thanks for all your spiritual and financial support. I pray for you daily.


November 2017

This month, like any other month, God who is in control of all things, has great things in store for us. It’s important to see the beauty in all things. He is sovereign and He keeps us on His providential path. In fact, each day is a miracle in itself. Here is one story. I received a call from someone who asked me to visit her sick father in Pitesti. Her  father was sick with cancer, last stage. Her fear was that her father would die without being saved. So the next day I went to Pitesti, to Alexandru Grosu, 73. He was bedridden. I spent two hours with him, helping with his physical needs, a good opportunity to talk with him and his wife about the Gospel. My strategy is to get closer to the heart of the person, and then talk to them about eternity, about sin and why Jesus had to come to earth. At the end of our time together, the Lord opened his heart and he accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, admitting his sin for which Jesus died as well. After two days he was admitted to the hospital. I visited him there. He confirmed that he was sure his sin was forgiven. I was glad to hear it, especially since after two more days he passed away. As I write this report, I am getting ready to go to the funeral, and I pray that the Lord would give me another opportunity to preach the Gospel, even though it will take place at the Orthodox church.


Sister Marioara Barac send us 3 packages with clothes. After arranging them by size, my wife and I took them into the gypsy village in Rotunda. This was a great blessing. I sent a picture with the worship group from the church. They serve at church, at the elderly home and the orphanage in Tigveni. For the month of December we prepared 550 gifts for children: 300 for the orphanage and 250 for the gypsy villages. We have a big God. We just have to ask.

Thanks to the PIE Organization for their involvement, and spiritual and financial support. Thanks to the sponsors who are our partners. We love you with all our heart and pray for you daily. May the Heavenly Father care for all your needs. Be blessed with good health and prosperous businesses. I close with a verse I read today: 2 Corinthians 9:7, 12 “ God loves a cheerful giver…this service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.”

October 2017

This month my wife and I celebrated our birthdays. The surprise came from the children who had us for dinner, showered us with gifts, flowers and cake.

This month I was part of two funerals. We must always thank God for each day. It is a privilege to serve Him, being thankful for the salvation He provided as a gift through faith.

Also this month, I was part of a wonderful fellowship at the PIE Center in Alba-Iulia. I don’t know how the other missionaries felt, but for me it was encouraging to see the Spirit’s guidance in all aspects. From reading Psalm 119 by Brother Jenu Stef, to the message from the Word shared by our missionary Brother Marius Giura who encouraged us to keep serving. Brother Raul Costea presented the resources that the PIE Organization offers to the missionaries. Much of the focus was on church planting, team work and the way to recruit future workers. He gave the example of Jesus’ life, the vision, plan and direction He had. I learned new things such as how to be proactive and reactive. I prayed all the way back home to be more organized and have good direction. There are many more things to say. I left well pleased, and learned a lot about the organizational aspects as laid out by Brother Costel Tomus and Brother Andrei Dragomir. We will continue to pray for the PIE Board in Romania and USA often. This fellowship ended with a meal, a great atmosphere that demonstrated that we are united.

Every month we visit the elderly home in Suici, and we now have believers there. They gather in a room for Bible Study and prayer, similarly to the orphanage in Tigveni.

I thank God and you for your involvement in spreading the Gospel, and pray that God would give you good health to you and your families, growth in the knowledge of Lord Jesus, and blessings upon your churches and businesses. We think of Ed and Diana, Marioara Barac’s family, Matei Scheau and Sister Naomi’s family and the PIE Board in Romania and the US. I close with the verse from 1 Thessalonians 4:17 “Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.”

Traian Chilau, PIE Missionary

September 2017

I am starting this report with a confession. I sent the photo of the Curtea de Arges Monastery which is 5 min away from my house. On the days when there is liturgy at the church, I go to talk to people who visit, in the yard of the monastery. The monastery is 500 years old and a tourist place. We don’t talk about the monastery but about the Savior, about the salvation through repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus. I shared this photo so that the visitors would have a great memory from Curtea de Arges.

This month I connected with the local TV station to share an evangelistic message for 2h, and through the grace of God, the Gospel message reached over 200,000 homes. We need to pray that as many people as possible would open their heart for the Word of God.

Every time I visit the gypsy villages, I get to do home visits, when they have the opportunity to share their problems, to pray together and when I see their joy when I visit. This week I visited a husband and wife, Matei and Leana in the hospital, and I had the opportunity to preach the Gospel to the other patients in the room.

Another great experience is to listen to the adults from the Orphanage in Tigveni and hear their stories. It motivates me to continue to serve.

In closing, I want to thank everyone who prays for us and who supports us financially. We bring you before the Throne of Grace. I am thinking of Ed and Didy’s family, Matei Scheau’s Family, Marioara Barac’s family and the PIE board in Romania and the US. May the Lord Jesus reward and give you everything you need in your travels on this earth, and also in His glorious heaven when He returns in the clouds. I close with the verse that is an encouragement to me and to all those who believe it: “l sought the Lord and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears. They looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces were not ashamed.” Psalm 43:4-5 
