Living Desire to Make Disciples

Through God’s grace, we have entered a new year and we are thankful to God for the way he has protected us and His promise that he will be with us until the end. We said we entered this year but we don't know if we will end it here. God is sovereign. I would like to say from the beginning that this year I have a living desire on making disciples, and for this I have drawn up a plan: based on a word from the Scripture in Isaiah 32:8 "But the liberal deviseth liberal things; and by liberal things shall he stand."

Because I don't know when I will go Home to Jesus, I have a vivid desire to meet all of us who have led us to the Lord Jesus. The work may continue even after my departure. That is why the material that brother Timotel gave me is good for making disciples to use it. The plan that I have made and started is this: In the village of Oiesti which I started now Thursday with 4 students each has a notebook and there is rather a dialogue in the other villages. At Oiesti is brother Stamoiu with his 2 sons Adrian and Daniel and brother Radu Gratian and the list remains open. At Rotunda I have 2 brothers Topliceanu lon and brother Andrei, a promising young man.

In Dumiresti is Maruntelu Cristan with the 2 boys Leonard and Samuel. In Uiasca I have only one young man who comes once a week from work and who I saw has the heart for the work called Grozavu Liviu. This is the Plan and because my workload increased I had to reduce from the place where the number of workers grew to the Church in Curtea de Arges where I served for 7 years. For this I go less often and because my wife is sick and dependent on someone. I am pleased to announce that when he is free from work my son Daniel is helping me along with his wife. I would also like to show that this year the girls from the orphanage at the church in Tigveni are gathering and we have an objective that the girls who are taking classes and we have the Christian Adventure course we have the goal to go through the orphanage and the mission to proclaim Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Traian Chilau -PIEI Romania Missionary

According To Our work

With God’s help, I will speak about what happened this month so that we can once again acknowledge that we do not know in advance what God, who is the Sovereign, has in store for us.

On November 3rd, a brother from our church left this earth at the age of 54. I've known him for over 30 years and he was a good English translator. God is Sovereign, what He does now we don't understand but we will someday.

At the funeral more than 200 people participated. It is hard to part but we are comforted that soon we will all be around our Lord Jesus. Until then is time to work so that upon His arrival we receive our reward according to His promise: “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” (Revelation 22-12)

I would also like to recall that I enjoy so much the time spent with the girls from the orphanage both with the program we have and the fact that Sunday comes to the program a pretty big number. Another joy that I have comes from the villages around, that they return to the Lord Jesus and receive Him in their hearts.

For example, with the Grozavu Ilie who has a hearing problem, but now it has been solved by obtaining a hearing aid at half price, meaning 500$.

I would like to note the encouragement I have received from brother Cornel Stef to solve this problem as brother ED and sister Didy support this charity financially.

Another news I received from sister Rodica and brother Alex to gather some support for Christmas gifts from sister Barac and brother Matei Scheau.

Next month I'm gonna start ordering wholesale but first I want to consult with the girls at the orphanage about what each bag should contain, no more than five dollars each bag because based on my calculation I have 500 bags along with children from other villages.

Thank you very much for the support in prayer and financially that our Lord Jesus put on your heart to do. We also do not forget to mention before the Throne of Grace each and every one of you.

Prayer Requets

  • For my wife Nely, the disease progresses to be slower 

  • For the mission I have for next month regarding Christmas gifts to do it under our Lord Jesus care

  • All those who have heard the gospel on the occasion of the funeral of brother Cristi Petricioiu, to return to God.

I would end with a word that has brought me so much good: “He who heeds the word wisely will find good, And whoever trusts in the Lord, happy is he.” (Proverbs 16:20)

Traian Chilau - PIEI Romania Missionary

Grace Every Month

The month of October for my wife and I is a special month because this month we also celebrate our birthdays on the 6th and on the 15th.

I made a program and every day I intended to spend time sharing the Word of God. I want to motivate others to read the Word of God and meditate it for the rest of the day. For example, today I received the verse from 1 Chronicles 28:9: know God your father, and serve Him with all your heart.

Tomorrow it will certainly be something else but all I want is for all of us to have a personal relationship with Lord Jesus. If I have succeeded in connecting them to Him then I consider that I have fulfilled part of the objective, because I am going to 3 villages and an orphanage in Tigveni. My wish and prayer is for them to grow in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus. 

I am preparing to go with another brother to the village Uiasca. I have a family there that came this year and were baptized. Brother Ilie has an issue that he doesn't hear much and needs a hearing aid. 

On Monday I'm scheduled in Pitești for consultation and prescription. Because it's expensive I need a lot of prayer.

Regarding the orphan girls that are meeting at the Church where they also has the key and we do a program with Bible study, songs, prayer, also things that they need. We keep in touch every day and today we have paid them a visit to where they work and I am amazed by the way God works with them. Where they work they are not ashamed of our Lord Jesus.

Prayer Request

  • For my wife with Alzheimer disease

  • For Brother Ilie to be able to get a hearing aid

  • To make disciples in the places where I'm on mission locations. 

I would conclude with a verse:  Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:2)

Traian Chilau - PIEI Romania Missionary

Working in God’s Service

By God’s grace we are here at the end of September, and like the disciples I do not forget to say what God has done through my service.

We sent a few photos last month. By God’s grace six people accepted baptism and 40 people were witnesses. It is a great joy for me to be able to announce such news. I invite you to rejoice with me.

Brother Timotei told us about a project to help poor widows. I am praying for this project, but now I am helping them in any way I can, and not only them but also orphans and poor families.

I also need help in prayer for a project of 550 Christmas gifts. I have nothing so far, but God is with me and I know He will work.

Every week with another brother I go to three villages. What our Lord Jesus has put on my heart is that in two villages, Rotunda and Uiasca, I would like to train workers for God’s service.

Every day at 9:00 PM you are brought in prayer to the Throne of Grace. 

Prayer Requests: 

  • For my wife's disease (alzheimer) to progress slower

  • To begin discipleship training in two villages

  • For Christmas gifts (550) for the orphanage and villages. 

  • Pray for the PIEI Committee Romania and USA, for our wonderful sponsors who support us both spiritually and financially. 

Traian Chilau - PIEI Romania Missionary

Reach Further

Great grace to be able to give this briefing this month. By God’s grace, I have counted the places where I must reach in a month, and I would like to call them by name: Rotunda, Uiasca, Dumiresti, Tigveni, Malureni, Oiesti, Arges, Corbeni, and Pitești. 

I have shown all this more for support in prayer than to show myself because we have no merit. All the credit belongs to God. But to be clearer in the vision that I have is to prepare servants there, where they live. Because there is also a testimony that is a church most likely to come out of their midst. We have found in the Bible that this work of training workers for the purpose of serving our Lord. 

In addition to this work, which I consider first of all, I am also involved in terms of aid. This is also in the Tigveni Orphanage as well as in the villages with food and clothing.

I have great news, this month I have a baptism. I would also like to recall that every evening at 21:00 p.m. on my notebook there are many names I pray for: Ed and Didi, together with the whole family, the PIEI committee in Romania and USA, for the family Scheau Matei and sister Naomi, for sister Barac and her large family. 

A verse I have in my heart: “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” (Hebrews 6:10)

Reasons for prayer:  

  • For my wife Nely for her health

  •  For God to open doors to the Gospel

  •  For God to discover to me those who have been chosen as workers

Traian Chilau - PIEI Romania Missionary

Sweet Partnership

From July 5-8 I enjoyed a partner time fellowship with PIEI missionaries to a team from a US team led by brother Cornel Stef.

My prayer book has new names. This team from the United States over four days filled our hearts with the Word of God. These names are written in my notebook for which I mention in my prayers: Cornel Stef, his daughter Sarah who helped us how to make our reports; sister Marta although retired is eager to serve the Lord; Carole and David with five children and twelve grandchildren (the first time in Romania) encouraged us in our service.

The pastors of Global/ Local Engagement at Liberty Bible Church Kevin and David held a seminar throughout these days that made us feel like we'd gone to Heaven. Sister Elizabeth, born in China but living in the US, was interested and attracted to the orphanage.

We maintained sweet partnership with each other throughout the five days. They listened to where we are working, what we are facing, and much more.

This month I was scheduled at Fundeni for analysis and I am happy to announce that my reports are really good. An opportunity to give praise to the Lord that He works in His way. I go weekly to the orphanage as well as to two villages. I'm aware that I'm working, but it's all God's credit.

I would like to offer for prayer:

  • My wife has the beginning of Alzheimer disease

  • To make disciples as the Lord Jesus leads me to His chosen ones

  • May new doors open to me for spreading the gospel

I conclude with this verse 2 Corinthians 13:11 “Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace, and the God of love and peace will be with you.”.

Traian Chilau - PIEI Romania Missionary

To Do Good Work

This month, specifically on June 9th, is my anniversary since my transplant. Next month I am scheduled at Fundeni for analysis.

I am aware that all who do not put themselves first also serve with missionaries, I pray that Lord Jesus will protect them, their families and their work.

In a few words I'd like to tell about the work to which Lord Jesus called me. I've done the math and within a week I will go to five localities even though I have disciples in other locations: 

  1. Tigveni where there is the orphanage

  2. In Rotunda

  3. Dumiresti and where the program starts after coming from work 

  4. Uiasca where I have to become involved again because other men from other confessions are prooting a false gospel

  5. Curtea de Arges where I go every Sunday afternoon with my wife.

    We also help different poor families with food and clothes as we are able. We also buy prescription medicines.

Blessed be His name! I will conclude with a verse that is a foundation for me: “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do”(Ephesians 2:10)

We continue to pray for the PIEI committee in the United States and Romania

Traian Chilau - PIEI Romania MIssionary

Little Bit Of Joy

First, I would like to say that the great surprise the Church in Curtea De Arges gave me has not yet faded from my memory: there were 80 guests. I didn't know I was so appreciated in their hearts and remembering the atmosphere of celebration that has created 50 years of marriage!

I am called by God to serve, and I would like to remind all to pray:

  • At the orphanage where I focus more on making disciples to serve in the orphanage. I am now at the second course where we meet once a week at the church. We have spent time in Bible study and prayer. We have sandwiches, sanitary items, etc… 

  • In three villages of Rudari: Rotunda, Dumiresti, and Uiasca we focus on preparing apprentices for service.

This month I recall the visit of the team from the States, Cornel Stef, Alex and Rodica Popa as well as brother Timotei Stanea, the National Director of PIEI.  It was short but full of love that we hardly ever parted. Timotei spoke at the orphanage pouring into the girls' hearts a little bit of joy. Then we spoke at the building with different information and also with prayer. 

We went on to the village of Rotunda pouring a little bit of joy into the hearts of those present with a word of encouragement and singing. We traveled to the Missionary Building where we told many things about brotherhood and the need for constant prayer due to a busy schedule, including visiting Ukraine..

Although there is a lot to say I stop here. Both my wife and I know the work where God set me are carried in the prayers of many in both the Committee in the USA and the Committee in Romania. I will add: Ed and Diana and their family, as well as the Barac family, the Matei Scheau family and sister Naomi, who sent me a bag of medicines for my wife through my brothers from the States. Thank you with all my heart for your love. May the Lord Jesus bless you!

Traian Chilau - PIEI Romania Missionary

He Is Risen

April 28th I celebrated 50 years of marriage. Brothers and sisters from church prepared a surprise for my wife and me.

Today I moved on to the second course named ”Christian Adventure” with the group of girls from the orphanage. In the villages I'm most concerned with making disciples. I have noticed my work is easier and also more effective. In the past in some villages people gathered only if I was there. Now they are gathering themselves. I made them aware of God's promise: "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” (Matthew 18:20)

Recently, I received a call from my former boss at work. He asked me to come to his house and give him a treatment every day for 10 days at 9 A.M. (In the army I was a medical officer). I prayed and told him that I agreed, but every morning I will do Bible study for an hour with him. This was an opportunity and in the end he received the Lord Jesus in his heart. He continued his biblical study with his wife, and when they didn't understand they called me. Isn't this an opportunity to praise God and rejoice?

In Rotunda village we gave food to 22 poor families; this is an opportunity to show that we care about them. We continue to pray for each one until the Lord Jesus comes.

I conclude with a Bible verse: ”In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead?” (Luke 24:5)

He is risen! We pray for the PIEI Committee in the USA and Romania, more specifically for: Gabi and Cornel Stef, Rodica and Alex Popa, brother Timotei and brother Jenu. We do not forget our wonderful sponsors: Ed and Diana, the Matthew Scheanu family, sister Naomi, and sister Barac.

Traian Chilau - PIEI Romania Missionary

Pray Without Ceasing

This month by God’s grace we find ourselves with many reasons to thank our Father who is with us every day.

Making disciples, although an arduous road, I have received encouragement from the Word. Every Friday with the group from the orphanage we have a program within the local church. We are in lesson 4, and the objective is outreach throughout the orphanage to both children and employees.

In the churches where I preach and besides the material I present, we look together at a word from the Bible: “Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.”(Mark 5:19) 

When going to different houses we went to Barsesti to the Dincuta Nicuşor family with two boys and a girl. We took the course of Unity in Jesus. They will study it every evening at home with the family.

This month I had two baptisms with a faithful girl from Curtea de Arges and a sister from Rotunda. We also helped with aid for believers in Ukraine. We participated in the $1,000 dollars for those who donated the car. The car leaving for Ukraine was from Campulung and going to a Christian church. I exhort you with a Bible verse: ”Pray without ceasing.”(1 Thessalonians 5:17) 

We pray every day for our sponsors: The Ed and Daiana family, the family of Marioara Barac , the family of Matthew Scheau and sister Naomi , and not least the PIEI committee: Cornel and Gabi Ştef, Rodica and Alex Popa, brother Timotei, brother Jenu and many others.

Traian Chilau - PIEI Romania Missionary

A Purpose

By God’s grace we are towards the end of the month, and I want to tell some of what God is doing through my service:

”And when had greeted them, he told in detail those things which God had done among the Gentiles

through his ministry.”(Acts 21:19)

I do not think that after my departure there will be an heir for my work. In 2 Timothy 2:2 Paul speaks of four generations: Paul, Timothy, faithful men, and others. 

In Dumiresti,  Cristian and his son Leonard, who is finishing college this year, started this course. In Tigveni I have a Christian teacher, Tiberius, who takes care of the Dincuta family who has two boys Alexandru and Iulian. In Rotunda, Grozavu Vasilica has two young children.

I have structured the first course and made several copies. I am watching to see if all can meet in one location. They are too scattered and also have their own services, but I am confident that things will go in the right direction. I know God can make a way. Also I've finished my courses with the girls from the Tigveni Orphanage, the girls told me they loved the course. I cannot enter the orphanage but the girls live there and their mission is to tell the Gospel to everyone within the orphanage, including the employees.

Although I am busy with many projects, I am glad that I have brothers and sisters who share the same vison. The seminar held by Gabi Stefg impressed me that she shares the same vision for evangelism.

The seminar held by sister Gabi Stef, I have been pleasantly impressed that she has the same vision as me in the field of Evangelizations.

I thank everyone for prayers and financial support. We pray for you

”I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me,” (Galatians 2:20)

Traian Chilau - PIEI Romania Missionary

Teach Others Also

Since the beginning of the year and following the visit from brother Timotei I have been praying about training workers for the Lord’s service. This fits well with what is in my heart, and I made a plan to start with five churches. The biblical motivation is:

”And the things you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also”(2 Timothy 2:2)

Discovering people with open hearts

In Malureni a father and his son gave the first course. The church is small and he wants to do it with the whole church. In Dumiresti the Maruntelu family’s son is finishing college. Here the family will do the course first. I have shown them to answer with their words after reading the references in the Word. In Tigveni I have a teacher who works in the church and wants to work first with a family that has two older boys and a girl. They come to church regularly and want to take the course together. At Rotunda and at Uiasca, I haven't chosen the ones to lead. I am praying for God’s guidance yet.

2 Timothy mentions four generations; Paul, Timothy, faithful men, and others. This is His plan. Jesus trained disciples for three and a half years. It will certainly take me longer. I’m looking for those who will continue the responsibility of making disciples. I would also like to start with the girls from the orphanage who are already working in the orphanage. This month I was at a funeral in Corbeni, an opportunity to preach the gospel. Thank you for praying for me and for my work here!

Traian Chilau - PIEI Romania Missionary

A Drop Of Joy

”Lord, you establish peace for us, all that we have accomplished you have done for us.”

Isaiah 26:12

At the end of the year I find the faithfulness of the Lord Jesus, the way he has worked, and  His protection wherever I went. I would not mention anything that Christ has not done through me. Apostle Paul said:

”I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)

Until Jesus comes for his church I strive to be faithful in the work entrusted to me: Rotunda, Dumiresti, Tigveni where there is the Malureni orphanage, and Arges. Recently I started going to Rudari every Wednesday.

This month we worked hard to buy and pack Christmas gifts and transport them, primarily to two orphanages. These 550 presents were like a drop of joy in the hearts of many people. Thank you all who prayed or contributed financially to the drop of joy poured into these hearts. Every evening at 9:00 PM we bring you to the throne of grace, and we pray that Jesus rewards you and blesses you with health.

I know there are many but I remember the PIEI committee in Romania and in the USA, brother Timotei who regularly encourages us, brother Jenu who sends financial aid every month, brother Emanuel who is a trusted brother with a genuine heart, and sister Sara who processes our reports. The USA committee Gabi and Cornel Stef who together with Rodica and Alex Popa have never forgotten our family. I always remember Ed and Diana, sister Marioara Barac and her beautiful family, Matei Scheau’s family, and sister Naomi. Be blessed!

Traian Chilau - PIEI Romania Missionary

A Moment of Great Joy

Through the grace of God we find ourselves towards the end of the year and each year at this time many events happen. From funerals to marriage, from tears of sorrow to tears of joy, from sadness to a moment of great joy we all live under the eyes of the Lord Jesus and His grace. 

Although we still remember the visit of the team from the States led by Cornel and Gabi Stef out of the desire to pour a drop of joy into the hearts of everyone wherever they walked, they exposed themselves to an effort beyond the limits of a man. That is why we pray every day for them: Sister Gabi and Cornel Stef, Rodica and brother Alex Pope, Walter, Timothy, Jenu and others.

Brother Timothy proposed that we all make disciples in the places where God has placed us and sent us some helpful material: The life and the teachings of Jesus by Bill Bright. I had to go through it myself and now I am in the selection phase of those willing to grow spiritually and become disciples. I would like to mobilize more leaders who in their time will make more disciples. I find this both biblical and necessary. The mission given to me by Jesus is to share the Gospel and now to make disciples, with a view to planting new churches in places where there are no Christian meetings, and this is a project for the future. I confess to you that this project is very difficult but we pray that we receive grace in this regard. 

Another reason for prayer is that next month I have to make about 600 gifts for children from the orphanages of Tigveni and Buzoiesti as well as in 3 villages of Rudari: Dumiresti Valley, Rotunda, and the Uiasca Valley.

I would like to bring before the throne of grace the PIE Committee in Romania and the United States as well as our dear sponsors who have not yet left us and who represent a very important part of this team called PIE. We pray that our Lord Jesus will repay you in every way! I would also remember Ed and Didi with the whole family, Marioara Barac, the family of Matei and Sister Naomi etc...

For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel. -Ezra 7:10

Traian Chilau, PIEI-Romania Mssionary.

Most Beautiful Gift

This month has been special for two reasons:

1) Both my wife and I celebrated our birthdays, mine on October 6th and my wife on October 15th.

2) We received visits from the team of brothers from the United States: brother Cornel Stef with his wife Gabi, brother Alex Popa with his wife Rodica and brother Walter from the USA. I said it was special because I thought this mission visit was the MOST BEAUTIFUL GIFT my wife and I could receive.

The schedule was busy and exhausting, especially for sister Gabi as there were days when she taught two or three studies on the same day. When she left us, she was sick. Since then I have been praying for God to strengthen her and get her home safely. In our town we had a meeting with the girls from the orphanage. Sister Gabi poured joy into their hearts. The departure was very difficult.

Then we went to Curtea de Arges where we had two meetings around the Word. A meeting for sisters led by Gabi Ștef and another for brothers led by Cornel Stef and brother Timothy. We brothers enjoyed a dialog of fellowship. After the meetings, a few brothers visited Bogdan Enescu to see his trout farm and business. In the evening, we went to the missionary building for rest. After praying the next morning, we said goodbye to each other.

A few days later brother Alex and sister Rodica Popa visited. Another great joy, although it was short because they had to be quarantined, it was still a blessed visit. Sister Rodica met with the girls from the orphanage and we had a program of songs, prayers, encouragement and the many gifts sister Rodica distributed to everyone. (Scarves, hats, candy, etc.) We prayed for them, too.

Returning home we continued the fellowship and among other things we bought vitamins for the girls from the orphanage. We also talked about Christmas presents, for which we pray that the Lord Jesus will open doors in this regard as well. As they were about to leave, they presented the Gospel to a lady from the neighborhood.

Years ago the Ștef family held many evangelistic meetings in different places including my area. As a result of this evangelism, churches were raised up and created a working front for me. For years I have been going to these localities: Rotunda, Dumiresti Valley, Uiasca Valley, Tigveni (where the orphanage is), Suici (where there is now an home of elderly people), Curtea de Arges, etc. From all of us, we pray that God will reward them!

In these difficult times, we pray for our sponsors protection from all evil until the coming of Jesus. I mention here : Ed and Diana’s family, Matei Scheau's family, and sister Naomi, sister Mărioara Barac and her beautiful, large family.

“And behold, I am coming quickly and my reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work.” (Revelation 22:12)

Traian Chilau - PIEI Romania missionary

A Civic Marriage in a Church Building

Through the grace of God autumn has come. Looking back we see the good hand of God who leads and protects us every day. It’s difficult to give a detailed report, but Holy Spirit will give help. 

As an example, one dayI was invited to a wedding of a young man who united his destiny with a young Christian lady. For the first time the civil and religious marriage was officiated in the church. City officials from City Hall came to the church. There were over 120 guests in the church, and people from the City Hall were very impressed.

On a Sunday I was invited to Pitesti to the Evangelical Church in the city. After the  morning service, I immediately went to the village of Malureni for a funeral of a 78-year old brother.. In the evening I came back to the Evangelical Church in the city where I  officiated over communion. On Friday we will have a day of fasting with the whole church because it is the last Friday of the month. 

I go to the local church in Tigveni where the girls from the orphanage come for church. We enjoy the fellowship that God gives us. Once a week I visit the villages of the gypsies in  Rotunda and Valea–Dumiresti. When I have clothes and food, I give to the poor families. I have seen that the Gospel can go forward when one takes care for the needs of those around you. 

Last night I talked to brother Timothy who had good news! In October sister Rodica and brother Alex will visit me for two days. Also, another two days brother Cornel and wife Gabi will come together with a small team. We will have meetings with women and meetings with men including Christian businessmen. 

I will highlight these events in another report.

Traian Chilau - PIEI Romania Missionary

Live and Believe in Me

At the beginning of the month I met with the missionaries in Alba-Iulia. It is difficult to describe the atmosphere and the heavenly fellowship I had. For three days God through the care of the brothers who served us made us feel important, and it was as if we forgot about the worries we had at home. I thanked GOD and the brothers who organized this meeting.

Brother Cornel Stef came from the States along with brother Walter, who I met for the first time. I immediately saw that he has a heart for Romania. Also brother Timothy, brother Jenu, brother Emanuel all encouraged us.

I also had the privilege to be visited in Arges at the center where we host Christian camps, which can hold about 30 people. I had fellowship with brothers Cornel and Timothy where we discussed many possibilities for the future provided they are in the will of God.

In the villages of Rudari and at the orphanage we always strive to do God’s will so we can be found faithful when the Lord Jesus comes again. We hope to receive our heavenly reward together with all those who have been our partners in missions. We pray daily that God will reward our supporters in three areas: family, health and business.

I would like to recognize the PIE Committee from Romania and the USA as well as our dear sponsors by name: Ed and Diana, the family of Matei Scheau and sister Naomi, sister Mărioara Barac, etc.

I will close with words that I preached from recently:

“And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” [John 11:26]

By the grace of God,

Traian Chilau - PIEI Romania Missionary

Spreading the Gospel through Television

Yesterday, I was invited to an evangelical church in Câmpulung, about 40 km from Curtea de Arges. This church has a contract with the local television network, to broadcast twice a week the program of the Assembly with sermons and songs. This is an opportunity for the Word of God to penetrate many houses. After the meeting, we went to Leresti for a funeral. The thing that impressed me the most was that Sister Paula and her husband had gone to the Lord only two days apart. This couple left a beautiful testimony throughout the village of Erea, because they were seen all the time going to the Assembly, hand in hand.


I would also like to say that I have a program with the girls from the orphanage and I almost finished the curriculum for the course “Read Me." In the village of Rudari, there is still work to be done in making disciples, but we are moving forward.

As for my health, I feel perfectly well and thank you very much for your prayers. Next month I will go to the hospital in Fundeni for tests, and my wife is being treated for Alzheimer's disease and a kidney cyst, but here too the Lord Jesus is in control. I would also like to thank Brother Cornel, Sister Gabi, Sister Rodica, who are interested in our health and we feel close to them with all our hearts. We also pray every night at 9 pm, not only for them but also for the entire PIEI committee in Romania and the USA, as well as for our wonderful sponsors, who so far have not left us. They are partners with us in the work we have from God Our Father.

I would mention ED and Diana and their family including the business they have. Sister Marioara Barac, who often sends me packages of clothes and shoes that have been very useful to me. I also remember Brother Matthew and Sister Naomi and all those who do not know them, but are known by the Lord Jesus.

God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus"- Ephesians 2:6

Traiain Chilau, PIEI-Romania Missionary

Meeting God Hand in Hand

Like every month when I write this short report, I find myself in some difficulty because I don't know what to write first. For example, yesterday I was invited to an evangelical church in Cîmpulung about 40 km away from Curtea de Arges. This church has a contract with the local television station to broadcast twice a week a program of the assembly with sermons and songs. This is an opportunity to get God's Word into many homes.

After finishing the church service I went to the village Leresti to participate at a funeral service. Here I met other opportunities. What impressed me most was the husband of sister Paula who went to the Lord Jesus had died just two days earlier. Their testimony to the whole village was that everyone saw them when they went to church, always hand in hand. They joined our Father in heaven almost at the same time.

I have a program with the girls from the orphanage. We only have a little bit left before we finish the course "EXAMINE ME." In the gypsy villages there is still work to be done in making disciples, and we continue to move forward. In terms of my health, thank you very much for the prayers. I feel perfectly fine.

Next month I go to the hospital in Fundeni (Bucharest) for medical analysis. My wife is being treated for Alzheimer's disease and she has a kidney cyst, but the Lord Jesus is in control.

I would like to thank brother Cornel, sister Gabi and sister Rodica who are interested in our health. We feel them close to our hearts. We pray every night at 9 pm not only for them, but also for the entire PIEI Committee in Romania and the USA. We also pray for our wonderful sponsors who have not left us until now. We can say with all our hearts that they are partners in the work we have from God our Father.

I would mention Ed and Diana and their family and their business; also Sister Mărioara Barac who often sends us packages of clothes and shoes (the goods are very useful); brother Matthew and sister Naomi; and all those who I do not know, but whom are known by God.

I would like to end with a verse from Ephesians 2:6: "He raised us together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus."

Traian Chilau - PIEI Missionary

Coming before God

Tomorrow I must go to Corbeni for a funeral. Every time I stand before God I pray that He opens his heart, and that the saving faith of God's gift is born.

Today I had a meeting with the girls from the orphanage, and we were able to nearly finish the curriculum. I am very happy that some participated with sister GABI Ștef in the “Masterpiece” Bible study. Today we prayed for a summer camp, if it will be God's will.

In the villages of Rotunda and Valea-Dumiresti as well as in Tigveni through the grace of God we made a few disciples at Rotunda, but here too we see a hope to pray for available Christians. I really like how we are helped by Brother Timothy, even if we are at a distance, because he keeps us connected to practical, useful topics that make us think more deeply. So we pray that God will bless him.

In terms of health, I am fine so far and my wife is happy with the way God works. I would also like to say that the fellowship by phone is also a blessing. I recently spoke with brother Cornel Ștef and also with sister Rodica Popa. This makes us very encouraged when we see that they care about us missionaries practically, making us even more responsible and giving us wings. So we pray and we bring them to the Throne of Grace every night. It's easy for me because my phone rings to remind me to take my medicine, and so I retire to a room to pray. What a blessing to have the privilege to bring them all to the Throne of Grace. So I don't forget them (because there are so many) I have written names in a notebook. And I pray not only for the PIEI Committee in Romania and the USA, but also for our wonderful sponsors who so far have not let us down.

God the Father knows what we need: we pray for health for the whole family, and I think of Ed and Diana, the sister Barac and the large family, Matei Scheau and sister Naomi. Even if I don't know them all I pray for them with all my love. AMEN!

I conclude with a phrase that has done me much good: IN THE GRACE OF GOD

Traian Chilau - PIEI Romania Missionary