Kids Ministry

We were very happy because God adds more and more children to this ministry, to this meetings.

Thank you for your support in prayer and please continue to pray for our ministry, for children to continue to come at meetings that we are preparing for them and for us that God gives us wisdom and understanding to know how to work as attractively as possible with these children.

Be blessed!


Evangelistic Events in Beciu

We are glad to see that God works in Beciu through us. This mission started to get amplitude by the fact that Holy Spirit began to seek the hearts of the people and they become aware of the truth of the scriptures.

Here are some photos from street evangelism event, home visits and social help.

Please continue to pray for God's work done here in Beciu because there are many projects that we want to do for this people.


Gifts for 120 Children

We were very happy this month because we managed  to help socially and spiritually over 20 people.

With God's help, we were able to offer gifts to 120 children from school and  kindergarten. We thank all those who were willing to help us. We still need support in prayer and we want to thank to all who are already doing this.  May God bless and reward you!

I want to let you know about a five-year-old girl situation. She needs your prayers. She has headache and leg pains from the age of one year. Her grandmother took her to Bucharest, but the doctors  didn't find anything. They said she is  healthy and that she had no problem. The girl's name is Maria. Pray that God will heal her!


Pray for Beciu

I want to share with you the way in which our missionary activity took place during October. This month we continued evangelizing on the streets, visiting and working with the children. We met a new family and we were so happy when they listened carefully when we told them  about the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We pray for this family and our desire for them is to accept our Lord Jesus Christ as a personal Savior. We also continue to pray for the children of Beciu and for the inhabitants of this locality.

Thank you very much for your support in prayer and please continue to pray for our ministry.


Be blessed!
