I Praise Him Through Our Service

July, 2024, will be remembered as the Summer that God blessed us with a living example of how He wants His people to perform Kingdom Work. Imagine, if you will, a large number of people from different cultures, backgrounds, gifts and churches coming together as one Body in Christ. That is exactly what I experienced this past month in Romania.

The PIE Christian Center saw full capacity during July! We had missionaries, mission team members from several different churches, several people that came to review the PIE ministry and PIE leadership from the USA and Romania. What I thought was rather confused chaos as first became a spontaneous Body of Christ dedicated to our Lord’s Work.

Our Lord’s Work included evangelism, discipleship, counseling, children’s ministry, youth ministry, missionary training and construction. I experienced all these during this time as our Lord demonstrated Unity through His Leadership. Teams from several locations in the USA came together, worked together, prayed together and celebrated together as one in Christ. I did not experience any feelings of disagreement, dispute or despair from any party. All were committed and cooperative in Love for our Lord and each other.

I believe this was His Example of how we are to implement His Ministry in the future. We are to be ONE in Christ through every aspect of promoting the Gospel to those He has called. 1 Corinthians 12:12 lives through each of us as we grow as One in Him. May every team that serves our Lord continue to demonstrate His Unity in every part of His Ministry. May our Lord live through every aspect of your walk with HIM…

Walter C. Windsor-PIEI Missions Director - Romania/Ukraine


Have you seen God work in your life? Our recent PIEI short-term mission trip (STMT) to Romania was a critical lesson in how God’s plans are much bigger and better than ours. God’s amazing lesson started when we were notified our flights had been canceled to Romania. At first, we thought that maybe we weren’t supposed to go to Romania. That would have been a good assumption, right? However, we also knew the local missionaries had started a work that depended upon our assistance. We were to replace the tin on the roof of the new PIEI Missions Center, located in the Southern part of Romania (Podari – near Craiova) and it had just been removed the day we were notified of our flight cancelation.

With the firm belief our team was to travel to Romania, we searched for alternatives; however, none seemed available. Finally, one of our team members called the number of a travel agent they had not spoken to for over ten years. Not only did he answer the phone (still working for the same company), he was able to secure ‘lower priced’ tickets a few days later for the team’s travel!

Upon arrival, we discovered the local workers had removed almost the entire roof, not just the tile covering as was planned. No one had any thought this project could now be completed. There was just not enough time; however, the team got to work. Within a day, we were working alongside the Romanians; however, we still did not see how we could complete the work before we had to depart. By the third day, we were working together, communicating (interesting hand signals at one point), laughing, sharing stories, sharing meals, and more importantly, individual testimonies and prayer time. We started with not knowing how we could work together with a group of men who had a different language, methods of construction, outdated tools, and a project larger than we could imagine. We finished as one complete team, giving our Lord the credit, praise, and honor, He deserves. Not only are both teams willing to work together in the future; they would WORK to work together.

Our Lord worked many more miracles during this trip, and I know every participant would say over and over, “You should have seen…! It was amazing.” However, in my humble opinion, our Lord’s largest miracle was changing our hearts! We were blessed to be able to watch Him work through our efforts and create something impossible (in our minds). Rest assured; we do not deserve any credit! Our Lord receives all the credit!! We serve a Risen Lord and can do all things through Christ!!! Have you seen God work in your life? He is always working in your life; we are the ones that must LOOK for HIM. One way to see HIM work is to join us on a short-term mission trip. May these words serve as your invitation…

PIEI Missions Director - Romania/Ukraine

The Blessings Of Obedience Part 2

We began our last update with Deuteronomy 15:4-6. With this update, we will take you on a journey of over 30 years through the first-hand experiences of a fine English lady named Angela. This is her story, as told to me over several meetings, of how our Lord worked through her life for many years to bring the love of Jesus to Romania. I pray I can do it justice as it demonstrates how our Lord can call someone just like you and me and use them to bring glory and honor to Him!

This journey is not about anyone from the USA. It is about a committed group of Christians from England that followed our Lord’s Vision and pursued a calling He placed on their hearts. This vision was not without risk, financial hardship, or any guarantee of personal welfare. As we present this legacy of love for our Lord and His Kingdom, we pray that you may see how our Lord can use your life to join His Work. His view is so much greater than ours, and He sees you as you seek to join Him in His Perfect Will. 

St Peter’s (1867) & St Paul’s (1861) Hextable & Swanley Village Anglican Churches, located on the Kent – London border in the United Kingdom, had a group of people that felt God was leading them as a church to initiate a mission work in Romania. One of the members of this group was a single lady named Angela. She was in her 30s, experienced many difficult challenges in life, and just recently accepted the Lord as her personal Savior. Three men from the UK had come to Romania to assist with the construction of an orphanage and reported to the church members upon their return the desperate need for assistance in this country. 

Angela and the other members came together and prayed for our Lord’s leading regarding Romania. One of the men saw a vision of a house in Romania; however, no details on where that house was located. They continued to pray, search numerous maps, and discuss and seek unity on how to proceed for many months. Not having any clue where to go and only one credible contact, a pastor in Romania, God impressed upon the group to go to Romania. 

The only problem was that no one could enter Romania without a visa. The one way for people to get a visa in 1993 is to bring humanitarian aid. A representative from the churches above visited the Romanian embassy in the UK and requested visas so they could bring aid to the country. The Romanian embassy approved their visa applications and additionally gave the group contacts in Romania where they could deliver the aid. 

Angela, along with a group of ten people, hired a mini-bus and a small trailer (currently still sitting on the property) and drove to Romania.  They traveled over the English Channel, through France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Hungary, and into Romania, delivering the aid (clothing, shoes, coats, hats, etc.) exactly as they had been instructed. After delivering the aid, as promised, they met the pastor contact to learn more about the need for the Gospel in Romania. He was an evangelist who went to different villages and planted several churches. The group brought musical instruments and drama actors, along with a Romanian interpreter (Emil). They went along with the pastor to several small cities where they would perform songs and put on skits. 

As they were driving to one of the small cities on the way to a performance, they had to go through a village that seemed to attract members of the group. One of the individuals actually turned the wrong way, and they all wound up at the top of a hill overlooking a small city named, Podari. From the top of the hill, overlooking the city, Keith saw the house he had seen in his vision. 

Stay Tuned for the Next Chapter in the Blessing of Obedience…..

PIEI is truly blessed by our Lord to have been gifted the fruits of this incredible ministry, including all assets and property, located in Podari, Romania! In celebration of this amazing blessing, we recently held our PIEI missionary meeting at our new Southern Ministry location! Everyone is celebrating the further expansion of PIEI into Southern Romania. This new location allows PIEI to better support our Southern missionaries, house teams from the USA, conduct camps, meetings, retreats and many other activities throughout the Craiova, Romania area.

PIEI Missions Director - Romania/Ukraine


Deuteronomy 15:4-6. “There should be no poor among you, for in the land the LORD your God is giving you to possess as your inheritance, He will richly bless you, if only you fully obey the LORD your God and are careful to follow all these commands I am giving you today.”

The last month has been very busy with teams from the USA and visits with National Missionaries. We were honored to have teams from Texas and Pennsylvania support PIEI and their National Missionaries. We worked hand in hand with the Nationals to bring the gift of better vision (glasses) to many that had been without as long as they could remember. Owners of several U.S. construction companies, along with PIEI leadership and local craftsmen, inspected and reviewed future PIEI projects, prayerfully seeking our Lord’s vision. Our Lord is moving to build His Kingdom in Romania, and PIEI has been called to play a much larger part in that movement than ever before. 

I have witnessed the obedience the founders of PIEI have practiced through the storms of ministry! I can testify that these Godly people have stood firmly on God’s Word through every challenge the world has presented. I have seen their steadfastness in accounting for every dollar our Partners have donated. They have made sure donations are utilized directly to promote evangelism and discipleship by our National Missionaries. I have been present when they have made the difficult decisions to honor our Lord instead of men. I am truly honored to participate when our Lord blesses this obedience with earthly treasures to further His Kingdom! 

As partners with PIEI, you are crucial to the blessings our Lord has bestowed. Through prayer, provision, and participation, some of you have just started supporting PIEI, while others have been our supporting partners for over thirty (30) years! These blessings from obedience are to be shared by all! Now, our Lord is showing us how He is preparing to bless us as never before for His Kingdom through our obedience. 

He has brought us funding to support our missionaries and their projects, and he has also brought us support for new and incredibly wonderful projects for the future! These projects will bring His Gospel to more people than ever before. As He leads, they will involve all of us in building relationships with those He has called. These relationships will bring the lost to His Kingdom, prepare others to evangelize, and make the call to disciple His people more than ever.

Yes, you are called as well! We cannot achieve His will without you. I was talking to a young man earlier this week. He said, “I wish there were more people like you in the world!” I told him, “With all due respect, YOU ARE PEOPLE LIKE ME!” We are all people like me, and as God made us in His image, we all can become more like HIM. 

Prepare your hearts, pray to our Almighty King for Him to direct your path, and join Him as He leads, as your soul yearns to be more like HIM. Stay tuned for more miraculous news of the work our Lord is doing! He has prepared everything for you to join Him…

Walter C. Windsor

PIEI Missions Director - Romania/Ukraine


Matthew 9:35-38

35 [a]Jesus went around to all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and curing every disease and illness. 36 At the sight of the crowds, his heart was moved with pity for them because they were troubled and abandoned,[b] like sheep without a shepherd. 37 [c]Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is abundant, but the laborers are few; 38 so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.”

Does your heart beat as one with Jesus? As Jesus has redeemed us, He has taught our hearts to beat with His. He has prepared a great harvest and is calling us to go and allow Him to work through each of us to bring more into His Kingdom!

God has blessed PIEI incredibly this year! He has brought us several properties that will be used to spread His Gospel and serve those He has called. He has provided the funding for feeding Ukrainian refugees, sustaining PIEI missionaries, and serving the destitute and hopeless. He has provided teams to work alongside PIEI missionaries to share His Gospel with everyone they touch. 

It is time for you to join His Harvest and be a part of this amazing time in the history of our world. You will build relationships that will change your mind, touch your soul, and fill your heart as never before. Life is a tremendous blessing, and we are called to share our treasure with those who have none. Our treasure is Jesus! He lives through each of us and wants us to show others how He can live through them. 

God has given us the tools for a successful harvest. We have everything we need to accomplish our Lord’s commandment to participate in His harvest. He has provided us with funding, property, opportunity, and YOU! There may never be another time to bless others as you have been blessed. Please pray that God will show you His Will as you seek His direction for your part of the Harvest.

Walter Windsor-Missions Director - PIEI - Romania/Ukraine

"The Living God Prepares His Harvest"

I am witnessing God moving mountains for Partners In Evangelism International (PIEI) in Eastern Europe! Seeing all the ways He is bringing people together to share the Gospel, disciple those he has called, and provide the treasure to make it all happen, is truly miraculous! From Ukraine into Romania, God is moving among His people.

In Ukraine, God called people here in the USA to give more than they had ever given through PIEI. Our practice of 100% of the funds going directly to the ministry has earned PIEI the trust of those who have supported us over the years. Not only could we provide thousands of meals, PIEI now makes regular trips to Ukraine with food and supplies. Funds currently will see us through the summer; however, the winter months will bring new challenges as there is limited fuel for heat, and the costs of all utilities have risen dramatically. 

In Romania, we have been given more resources than ever to utilize for the Kingdom! These resources come from money, land, people…everything our Lord needs to bring the lost to Him! Our missionaries are working hard to build relationships with those in the communities in which they live. I see them helping others, giving them food from their meager portion, helping them cut wood or harvest crops, transporting them to and from the market or the doctor, etc. I have never witnessed total service to others as I have witnessed in Romania and Ukraine.

I ask God for Him to call those He has chosen to pray, provide and participate with PIEI! Now is the time He is moving in Eastern Europe. We will have numerous ministry, construction, counseling, and service projects in which you can be involved! Contact me today! I promise your life will never be the same…

GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS-Walter Windsor-Missions Director - PIEI - Romania/Ukraine