The Fa Family
The Fa Family (from left to right): Belen (14), Camila (17), Laura, Anita (9), Pastor Matias, Joaquin (19)
My name is Matías Fa Bongiovanni, I was born in this city of Río Cuarto on June 18, 1979 in a non-believing family. When I was 10 years old my father began to search for what he called "the Truth" and he always made me part of his search. Together we went through different stages until the Lord led my father to a Christian church and I remember him telling me that he had finally found what he was looking for: Christ, the Truth. Along with that Truth we also found the Way and the Life and from that moment the Bible began to be the guide of our lives, although it was very difficult for him to join a church, it was only when I was 20 years old that we began to congregate in a permanent way. From the beginning I was interested in studying the Bible and I studied through the radio (BBN - Bible Broadcasting Network). Since we did not attend church as a family, I grew up learning through the radio, listening to David Jeremiah, Adrian Rogers, John MacArthur and other teachers who had programs on the radio. As I grew older I began to congregate and enjoy the experience of being part of the faith community. I began serving as a fixer-upper in the church building and pews, then began teaching youth group and became pastor of that group. I graduated as a lawyer at the age of 23 and at the same age I got married. From the beginning of my professional career I knew that the day would come when I would leave the profession to serve God full time and my wife and I were waiting in His time. At the age of 28 I was appointed pastor of the church, I was one of three pastors, serving under the leadership of the senior pastor. In that role I was especially involved in teaching and discipleship groups. At the age of 33 I noticed that the doctrine of that church had begun to deviate from the Word of God and after several attempts to make the senior pastor see the seriousness of this deviation I decided to leave that congregation together with my wife. But the desire to serve God was still in our hearts, so we began to meet in a house with a group of brothers, to study the Bible and worship God. That group began to grow fast and two years later I understood that the time had come to leave my profession to serve God full time because the group had grown too much and demanded all my time. Today, me and a council of elders lead the congregation that was born 11 years ago in that house and by the grace of God has continued to grow until today.