Ukraine Summer 2024

Dear Friends,

I cannot express enough gratitude for everyone who has supported the ministry in Ukraine this summer. Thank you to those who donated as well as those who prayed for us. I have a special thanks for those who went on a short-term mission trip to join the nationals.

This summer Ukraine held its annual Summer Camp. Over 140 kids from ages 7 to 17 stayed at Camp Candela for a week. While there they were split into 3 groups, each studying God’s word together with their leaders, some of whom came from the US. The students played games, worshipped, and grew in their walks with God, and 35 of them made the decision to accept Christ into their hearts! Praise the Lord!

A few other team members visited some villages to provide eye exams and prescription glasses to those who needed it. This was an important opportunity to reach unchurched people. For example, in the village of Dinauti, 110 people came to be served by the eyeglass ministry, and all but 2 were non-Christians. It was therefore of the utmost importance to the team that their focus was to fill spiritual needs as well as physical ones. The team counseled people, listened to their stories, prayed with them, and shared the Gospel. Through that ministry about 15 people chose to follow Christ!

It has been my privilege to see God at work through the partnership between our nationals and the short-term mission teams that answer God’s call every year. I pray that anyone who hears that call will answer it and see how God will bless their response.

In Christ,

Cornel Stef

Perspective of a STMT member

Dear friends,

Whenever I bring a short-term mission team to Romania, I pray for two things to happen.

First, I pray that the team blesses our missionaries above and beyond what we could plan for. I hope that the team is able to encourage our nationals, building relationships and providing spiritual rejuvenation.

Second, I pray that the team is able to see God at work in their own lives throughout and after their trip. My goal is for team members to be transformed by their experiences and grow in their walk with the Lord.

Short-term missions with long-term impact— on BOTH sides.

Isaac Reeve is one such young man who has just returned from a one month trip to Romania. It was his first time there, but he is a member of Oak Ridge Community Church in St. Joseph, MI, which has partnered with PIEI for a long time. He has decided to share his experiences and perspective on his time in Romania below. I hope that his story encourages you to consider what God might do with you and for you if you choose to join a future trip…

In Christ,

Cornel Stef

Isaac Reeve’s Story

I spent almost a year preparing for my month-long mission trip to Romania. I wrote sermons, prepared my testimony, and joined video meetings with my team every month. Fundraising started late February, and my church was able to raise enough money for myself and another team member, Nancy Ruckstaetter. We joined the first of several teams to go to Romania this summer and arrived on July 2nd. The other members of our team were Cornel Stef, Helen Williams, and Melodee Battenschlag.

For the first few days, I was a part of Daniel Petrut’s VBS in the PIEI center in Alba Iulia. I tagged along with two of the VBS leaders, Adi and Cornel. Since the weather prevented us from going outside, they played various indoor games and activities. I was able to spend time with one of the kids who is very fluent in English. His name is Ben, but we called him Benni. 

I also spent some of that week at a camp in Salistea . The missionary Emmanuel Joldos was running the camp along with various other leaders. There were also two believers from Switzerland, David Meghet and Tabea Spurgen, who were there doing missions in Romania. Both can speak fluent Swiss, German, and Romanian. David was able to speak English very well and we worked with two interpreters, George and Elias.

While I was there I led the kids in stretches and saw how they participated in Bible verse memorization and discussions about Biblical topics. We even had a day trip to Jurassic World Transylvania! I joined Emmanuel Joldos, David Meghet, and George in playing soccer with some of the kids.

That night around the campfire I shared my testimony. The next day was the last day of the camp, so parents came and attended a ceremony for all the children. There were prizes and gifts for them to take home. They had a slideshow showing all the activities the children were involved in and we took a group photo before everyone left.

After the camp in Salistea, I returned for one last day at the VBS in Alba Iulia. Then Nancy and I were picked up by Cornel Fogorosiu. He brought us to his house in Sibiu where we met his wife Nuti (her real name is Anna) and then took us to see two cathedrals. One of the bell towers overlooked the whole city. Cornel Fogorosiu and I ascended all the way to the top and were rewarded with a fantastic view of the city!

Cornel Fogorosiu is the pastor of two village churches, one in the village of Nou with about 50 members and the other in Hasag, which only has about 10 right now. He invited me to preach at both churches on Sunday. In the morning we started with the larger church. Between the two church services Cornel Fogorosiu, Nuti, Nancy, and I visited four different families. The first family offered us lunch. In the second family the wife attends the church but her husband and son do not. The third family we visited was a sister from the church who is impoverished. She lives in a single room shack and has major health problems. The fourth family was an old married couple. The husband struggles with lung cancer. We prayed with them or for them all before we left each house.

After our time with the Fogorosiu family, Nancy and I were taken to Victoria. Nancy stayed there to do women’s ministry, but I crossed the Carpathian mountains with Pastor Timotei Stanea and a member of his church. We headed south to the town of Curtea de Arges where PIEI has a camp and the missionary Traian Chilau pastors several churches.

We met up with Pastor Timotei’s son Tim and a group of Germans. The Germans were sent by the Biblical Mission organization. They were a fun and hard-working youth group led by Abraham Neufeld. I helped some of them paint one of the churches. The next day we chopped some wood for the poor widows in an impoverished village in the countryside. We also had a chance to play a couple games of volleyball at the local high school. 

When we arrived at the camp in Arges, Cornel Stef joined us and brought some folks from his home church of Liberty Bible Church in Indiana. That team included Pastor Joe Kutolski, Dave and Carol Beckwith, and Mark Buffington. Dave and Carol stayed in Arges with Traian Chilau to work with orphan girls while the rest of us drove to Gabi Cuc’s home south of Craiova. Pastor Joe and Cornel Stef left Tim, Mark, and I with Gabi Cuc while they headed to Victoria.

Gabi Cuc pastors a church in the village of Caciulatesti. He also witnesses to the children in a juvenile detention center. His wife, Verra Cuc, supports him. We visited a few members from Gabi Cuc’s church, and on Sunday Mark and I both had the privilege of preaching at the church while Tim translated for us. That night we took a train back to the PIEI Center in Alba Iulia.

That week the center hosted a retreat for the missionaries and their wives. Mike Dima (the local PIEI administrator) and his wife Alice were pivotal in feeding the missionaries as well as ensuring everyone’s needs were met. Dave Beckwith (from Liberty Bible Church) gave lectures on anger management and his wife Carol planned activities for the missionaries’ wives to engage in. Pastor Joe lead a Bible study through the first few chapters in 1 Corinthians with a great deal of thoughtful discussion and engagement.

I helped two other young men from Liberty, Levi and Enoch, who helped entertain the missionaries’ children during the retreat. We play soccer with them and had a time of worship led by Enoch who can play the guitar. There was also short lesson for the kids.

The final day of the retreat we all headed to the new PIEI camp that is currently under construction in Necrilesti. The missionaries and many other brothers and sisters in Christ joined together in fellowship as we dedicated the camp. Pastor Timotei, Pastor Joe Kotulski, and Eugen Stef (the PIEI-Romania vice-president) all gave messages. Cornel Fogorosiu and Cornel Stef led us in worship.

After the retreat Tim and I headed to Victoria. Pastor Timotei went before us and brought two brothers from Alabama, Dave and Jerry. Dave is a retired minister and Jerry is a teacher in his church. Pastor Timotei took Dave and Jerry to visit the missionaries down south while Tim and I went on a hike with Costel and John, Pastor Timotei’s son-in-laws.

When Pastor Timotei came back with Dave and Jerry we visited Cornel Fogorosiu and Nuti again. This time we were able to learn about their ministry and pray with them. Later we also visited the missionaries Relu Rodean and Florin Botar along with their wives. We spent some time hearing about their ministries, praying with them, and giving encouragement.

Dave, Jerry and I preached at Pastor Timotei’s church in Victoria on two different Sundays. Tim acted as my translator, while Costel was Dave and Jerry’s translator. It was quite encouraging and edifying to be with them in worship.

Dave and Jerry left first, but I had one last adventure with Pastor Timotei and Tim. Chip Iacob, a brother from Romania who lives in the States, offered to give sweet corn to PIEI’s missionaries. We went near the area of Brashov to pick up about 700 ears of corn, then returned to Victoria to put them all in bags for the missionaries to use for their ministries.

After passing out the sweet corn, it was finally time to saying goodbye to Pastor Timotei, his wife, and Tim. Of all the teams, Cornel Stef and I were the first to arrive but the last to leave, and we travelled safely back to the States together.

It is clear God is working in Romania. The missionaries are dedicated to their work and are passionate about what they do. The love of God is evident in them. While I began as a stranger, all the missionaries and the brothers and sisters who worked alongside them treated me like family. The brothers and sisters in Romania embody John 13:35 and Galatians 3:28-29. We were all able to come together and worship our Lord God and Savior, Christ Jesus. 

By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. -John 13:35

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. -Galatians 3:28-29

Isaac Reeve

click on the link below if you may be interested in going on a short-term mission trip.

Ministry Update

Dear brothers and sisters,

Greetings from Romania

I would like to start by telling you that we, the team that serves in Romania, have made it safe to our location at PIEI Center Alba Iulia.  We have already concluded a week of VBS under the leadership of our missionary Daniel Petrut. Today we are expecting another group from  my church, Liberty Bible Church, including pastor Joe. Their purpose for this trip is to support leaders in the local ministry and encourage them.

 I am so thankful for all your prayers and love, and also grateful for the loves of our brothers in Romania showed us when meeting with us. I believe in the power of the fervent prayer cause I have to testify that from luggages that have made it in time to reaching every flight in time, everything went well and I have seen God’s hand over us, protecting and caring for us. So, thank you and God bless each and everyone of you. We are so excited to see how God will work this time, how God is going to use everyone’s gift for the people we will interact with.  One of the tools God has provided for us in Reaching Romania for Christ, is the Necrilesti Camp, a camp located 45 minutes away from PIEI Center Alba Iulia. 

Liberty Bible Church Team

This camp has a cabin that required intervention to the basic structure and support pillars that were affected by mold. So, we started a rehabilitation work on the entire resistance structure of the building by decommissioning the legs affected by mold and replacing them with legs from a cement  structure. Developing and deepening into the rehabilitation works, we have realized that in order to bring the building to a good operational status, and also taking into account the geographical area, the construction manager advised us that a technical room is necessary to this location. The techinical room must include water heating pumps, cooling storage place for food, which will also serve the future 2 more cabins that we are thinking to build to support the  work of the camp as well as counseling or retreat for pastors and service teams and even more. The costs of all this reaches high to a sum of 150,000.00 USD.

The needs are so many, the costs are so high, but I believe that a soul that finds the Lord it’s worth every costs we can pay, considering that Christ gave His  life for us, the higher price someone could ever pay. Back over 40 years ago, coming to America, i have never thought of having a high standard of life, but rather I’ve always thought on how can I serve God back in the country I have come from - Matthew 16:24 - Then said Jesus unto His disciples, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever desire to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.  For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?

On July 20th, i will lead a group of 5 people to Cernauti, Ukraine, where along with local leaders will be involved in a full time camp ministry. Our group will serve  leading bible study classes, having eye glass ministry and helping with other activities in the camp.

Please consider praying that God will provide us with great weather, protection as we serve in a country where war is going on, pray for the youth that attend the  camp that they may have an open heart to the word of the Gospel.


*Pray for the safety of the teams coming and going

*Pray that the Necrilesti Camp becomes functional

*Pray for the missionaries as they serve faithfully for so many years

*Pray for more workers to join us in the great harvest

*Pray for the war to end in Ukraine, many lives are in danger

Cornel Stef Chair for Romania and Ukraine

Gearing up for 2024 Summer Mission Trips

Dear brothers and sisters,

Yet another summer has arrived, and we know that this time of year provides a great opportunity to share the Gospel with children and students. We are therefore blessed to have four different teams scheduled for short-term mission trips this July in order to encourage and support our nationals in this work!

Our first team is made of people from all over the United States who have come together to help the nationals put on a large Vacation Bible School at the Christian Center. Children from many of the neighboring villages will be driven to Alba Iulia every day for worship, Bible Study, games, crafts, and more. Bringing the villages together instead of doing VBS in each separate location has several advantages. First of all, it allows the team to help share the Gospel with children of many villages at the same time instead of repeating the work in different locations. It also saves the team energy by hosting VBS once instead of several times, so that all the children can get their best efforts and the team can use the extra time to support other ministries as well. Finally, it promotes unity among the nationals as they too can come together and help each other with their ministry, which is such an encouragement for men and women who so often lead village ministries on their own.

Our second team from Indiana will have the exciting opportunity to officially open the Mountain Top Retreat that we have been working on all year! Although there is still a lot of work to be done, our goal is to bring the first group of teens to the retreat in mid-July. We are hopeful that this retreat from every day life will give teens time to reflect on the character of God and build each other up in the faith. For some, the retreat will be the place they say “yes” to following Christ. For others, it will be another step in their spiritual journey. We can’t wait to see what God has in store for this new ministry!

A third team will be heading to Ukraine at the end of July to help with their annual Summer Camp. However, there are also a lot of other goals for this team. Because of the continuing war in Ukraine, the people and nationals there find it easy to succumb to feelings of discouragement and even despair. As they visit churches and encourage the missionaries, the team would also like to spread the hope we have in Jesus Christ through passing out Bibles, prayer, and counseling. They will also provide medical services by supplying eyeglasses to people who suffer from vision impairment.

Finally, we have a couple of people who have been to Romania many times and will be returning for a “vision trip”. Their goal will be to visit the nationals, pray for them, and bring them encouragement. They will spend time together in reflection, making sure that the vision for the future remains aligned with the mission that God has given them.

All of the teams will dedicate some of their time visiting with the nationals. Our missionaries pour their spirits into so many people, so it is a privilege to pour the life-giving Spirit back into them!

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for safety as all of our teams travel in the air and on the road.

  • Pray that all the team members and nationals are able to stay healthy this summer so that the work can be done without interruption.

  • Pray that all of our teams are effective in their efforts to support the various ministries in Romania and Ukraine.

  • Pray for the children and youth who will be attending VBS, retreats, and camp this summer, that God will touch their hearts and transform their lives.

  • Pray that the people of Ukraine find hope in Christ when they feel despair and discover the peace of salvation in a time of war.

  • Pray that the nationals are encouraged and rejuvenated by the short-term mission teams.

Our hope for you all is that you will find a way to partner with PIEI this summer. We ask that you keep the nationals and short-term mission teams in your prayers, for prayer is fuel for God’s glorious light. If you want to support the work financially, you can click on the donate buttons below. If you feel God calling you to go to the mission field yourself, you don’t have to wait until next summer! You can fill out an application any time and someone will contact you to see if there is a way for you to serve.

In Christ,

Cornel and Gabi Stef

Anticipating the Future: PIEI Romania/Ukraine in 2024

I woke up this morning with a sense of anticipation, contemplating what God has in store for me today, tomorrow, and the year ahead. I am deeply grateful for each person who has stood beside the ministry of Partners in Evangelism International in Romania and Ukraine, offering their encouragement and support. The love and gratitude extended to our ministry have been felt and cherished.

Since my immigration from Romania in 1983, God has instilled in me a desire to seek His will for my life. After some years, it became clear that God intended for us to return and contribute to spreading the gospel in Romania. A guiding verse in my life is Matthew 6:33, urging us to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, with the promise that all necessary things will be provided. This verse has been a wellspring of strength and courage, sustaining me through life's challenges.

In the U.S., where the culture emphasizes planning and making resolutions for the upcoming year, I have chosen a different path. I commit to taking each day with God, trusting Him regardless of the circumstances that may unfold. A quote from my pastor, Garry Clark, resonates deeply: “I Am Not Sure What Tomorrow Holds But I Know Who Holds Tomorrow.” This encapsulates the unwavering trust and reliance on God's sovereignty in the face of uncertainty.

Despite living in a time of rapid cultural change, we find solace in clinging to an unchanging Hope. What a tremendous blessing it is to have God leading and guiding our lives. May this journey continue to be filled with faith, courage, and the assurance that, no matter the challenges, God holds our tomorrows.

As I look ahead to the ministry in Romania for the year 2024, particularly focusing on the PIEI-missionaries we collaborate with in 28 locations, the scope of the work can be overwhelming at times. However, I find solace in the belief that with God, everything is possible.

One remarkable figure in the ministry in Romania is Gavril Cuc, an older missionary who operates mostly behind the scenes. Gavril diligently gathers prayer requests from all missionaries, demonstrating a deep commitment to intercessory prayer. His prayers extend beyond the borders of Romania, encompassing missionaries in Partners In Evangelism not only in Ukraine but also here in the United States.

It's crucial to recognize that our national missionaries in Romania face challenges similar to those we encounter. Some of them are at the forefront, pioneering ministry or planting churches in villages devoid of evangelical presence. Picture this: a missionary enters a village, and perhaps there is only one person eager to learn about the Lord, or a family that has embraced the faith. In such scenarios, these missionaries seize the opportunity to invite others into the fold, sharing the gospel with those who have yet to hear about it and establishing connections within the community.

The majority of our missionaries are actively engaged in leading disciple groups that they have established to impart the teachings of the Word of God. Virtually anyone who has embraced Christianity in recent years participates in these groups, seeking spiritual growth and a deeper understanding of the Lord through the study of Scripture.

As some missionaries progress in their efforts, they reach a stage where they have secured a dedicated space, often a building. In such cases, they extend their outreach beyond the core group, which may include several families that have embraced Christianity. These missionaries initiate various programs such as Vacation Bible School (VBS), kids' programs, youth programs, and even initiatives for the elderly. For instance, they might assist widows by providing them with winter wood and helping with the splitting process.

Remarkably, these efforts are not limited to Christians alone; missionaries extend their support to non-Christians as well. This intentional inclusivity fosters relational connections, prompting observers to inquire about the motivation behind such compassionate actions. The answer lies in the profound motivation rooted in "The Love of Christ."

One of the foremost prayer requests from our national missionaries is for protection from the evil one. They keenly sense the spiritual attacks emanating from the forces of darkness, and their continual need for prayer revolves around seeking strength and courage to navigate their daily lives. The adversary's primary target is often their families, and missionaries request prayers for the safeguarding of their loved ones.

Beyond familial protection, the missionaries also face challenges in maintaining positive relationships with those around them, especially as they strive to share their faith. The devil seeks to compromise these connections, making it crucial for missionaries to seek prayers for the preservation of their interpersonal bonds.

In the challenging task that God has entrusted to them, missionaries express a need for wisdom. Navigating the complexities of their work requires divine guidance, and they seek the discernment to fulfill the purpose God has set before them.

Additionally, health holds a significant place in their lives, emphasizing the importance of prayers for their well-being. For those who have recently embraced Christ, missionaries request prayers for the strengthening of their faith, particularly in the initial stages of their journey.

These aspects are just a glimpse of the ongoing communication we have with missionaries in the field. Your prayers are earnestly requested to support them in facing these challenges and fulfilling their mission.

Reaching Romania: Support Needed for Key Projects

As we press forward with our efforts in Romania, we have essential projects that require your support:

  • Necrilesti Retreat Cabin:

  • We are in the final stages of completing the cabin on the retreat side in Necrilesti, and we require an additional $50,000.00 to bring this project to fruition.

  • Podari Training Center:

  • Thanks to your generous donations, we have successfully completed the roofing for the training center in Podari. Now, we are embarking on the remodeling of two rooms, and an additional $9,000.00 is needed to accomplish this phase.

  • Alba Complex Kitchen:

  • As we near the completion of the kitchen at Alba Complex, we are in need of $5,000.00 to finalize this vital project.

Your contribution can make a significant impact on these initiatives. If you are considering supporting any of these projects, please proceed with your donation here.

Thank you for being a crucial part of our mission in Romania. Your generosity helps us make a lasting difference in the lives of those we serve.

Short-Term Mission Trip with Long Term Impact - Romania/Ukraine, Summer July/August

Embark on a journey with Partners in Evangelism International (PIEI), a dedicated missions organization committed to spreading the Gospel by supporting National Missionaries in Church Planting.

Team Description:

Join this year's mission team to directly collaborate with local church planters in Romania, engaging in a variety of roles such as outreach, evangelism, children's ministry, and more. The specific focus of the trip will be shaped by the unique skills and gifts of the assembled team.

Key Points:

  • Open to All Giftings and Abilities: Whether you have a heart for evangelism, a passion for outreach, or skills in children's ministry, all gifts and abilities are welcome to apply.

  • Flexibility is Key: A spirit of flexibility and a willingness to serve cross-culturally are crucial components of this mission trip. Your adaptability will enable the team to navigate diverse contexts effectively.

This short-term mission trip promises not only to impact the communities in Romania and Ukraine but also to be a transformative experience for each participant. Apply now and be part of a journey that leaves a lasting mark on both the lives of those you serve and your own.

Cornel Stef - Chairmen for Romania and Ukraine