The Bread of Life

This week the nationals in both Romania and Ukraine came together in an amazing way to work together and supply over 500 refugees being hosted by our Ukrainian missionaries.

PIEI-Romania National Director Timotei Stanea, along with Eugen Stef, Emmanuel Joldos, and Mike Dima, organized a massive shipment of food and supplies to send to Ukraine. One of the things that they discovered is that if they filled their vehicles with flour, the load would actually be too heavy to drive. So, the nationals coordinated with bakers in Romania who volunteered to use some of the flour to make bread the right before they left. This way they could fill any empty space in the vehicles with fresh baked bread to send to the refugees.

The Romanian nationals were met at the Ukrainian border by PIEI-Ukraine National Director Pavel Petihacny and Grigory Kiorescu. From there they all drove together to Noua Sulita, a city that is the most centralized between all the areas served by PIEI, and meet with all the other Ukrainian Nationals as well as some of the refugees.

As they met together, they broke bread and had a meal in recognition of the importance of unity during these troubled times. They also shared their stories and experiences. For example, Valery Popov explained how the government has charged citizens who have not evacuated to sew bullet-proof vests for their soldiers, and showed some of the vests he has already made.

When the meal was over, each Ukrainian National took supplies and bread back to the refugees that they have been working with.

This is just one of many examples of the important work that our missionaries in Romania and Ukraine are doing to help those in need during a time of war. Your prayers and donations have been such a blessing and has made stories like this one possible. However, the work continues to grow as the war spreads to Moldova and other areas.

Please share what you have read so that others can learn about the work we are doing. We are still in need of any donations, prayers, and support that you can provide.

God Bless!

Cornel Stef

Serving Jesus in the Ukraine

‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’

A few words from the Ukrainian Refugees: “We are primarily mothers, daughters, children, and grandmothers, ripped from our homes with only a few minutes’ notice. The most helpless of us barely had a few minutes to pack up whatever we could carry in our hands! Out in the streets, with explosions and soldiers everywhere, what should we do, which way should we go?

Where is the fighting? Is anywhere safe? Where are our husbands, fathers, and the men with whom we share our lives? Should we go West or South; we do not know! The bombardment continues and we are not sure if one of these rockets will fall on us.”

“Some had a car to take us quickly, some walked for a while, some took a bus, and some got on the train. All of us were constantly thinking these may be the last moments or days of our lives.”

Some of them eventually found refuge in the Southern part of Ukraine, in the city of Chernivtsi, and some crossed the border into Romania. In the Chernivtsi area, our national ministry of Partners In Evangelism International has nine National Missionaries who have worked and served 24 churches over the past 35 years.

At the beginning of this war, as people were leaving from all the areas, we asked

these missionaries if they would want to come to Romania with their families and find refuge in the city of Alba Iulia at the PIEI Center - Romania Headquarters. However, when they were flooded with thousands of refugees who came to them from Kiev, Nicolaiev, from the

East side of the country, they found themselves overwhelmed with a sea of humanity that was in so much need. God called them to forget about themselves and start hosting the refugees, taking care of them, filling their own homes, some in the churches, some in the schools, and in other public places. 

Preparing food for so many takes much effort and everyone is involved in preparation. The refugees are here now! The Christian community, congregations of believers, friends, and every church in the area, heeded the call and contributed. All were mobilized to help these people in need. The missionaries knew this was their opportunity to show the love of Christ in action to their “neighbors”. “Love God with all your heart and mind and your neighbor as yourself.”

Therefore, instead of leaving the country themselves, they are using this opportunity to serve God by serving others. The mission field has come to them! Their verse is from

Romans 14:8-9, “if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s.  For to this end Christ died and lived again, that He might be Lord both of the dead and of the living.” They were all in agreement that this was their mission field where God had placed them, and they would not leave.

The city of Chernivtsi currently has more than 70,000 refugees, and the missionaries with their churches are serving about 1,500 of them. Locally there is little food and no money.

All resources must come from outside Ukraine to this area. PIEI – Romania’s National Director, Timotei Stanea, Jenu Stef, and several others were led to support their missionary brothers in Ukraine. PIEI – USA donors were contacted and very generously supported a project of taking food to the refugees in Ukraine. If they could not come to us, we would go to them!

In Romania, urgently gaining approval from Ukraine to enter the country in Romania, at the PIEI Center, refugee families came to stay and there they are being fed, clothed, and cared for. The challenges have only just begun as many refugees have medical issues. The Romanian government is assisting with the major issues (cancer, heart conditions, etc.). However, PIEI personnel continue to transport people to the doctor, hospitals, pharmacy, etc.

One major issue is language barrier. We have limited access to Ukrainian speakers. Most refugees come from the northern part of Ukraine, and they only speak Ukrainian or Russian. Pray we can solve this issue quickly. I am sure you can imagine how it feels to have cancer, need continuing treatment, and be unable to communicate. Many refugees have psychological issues relating to the war. The language issue complicates this situation, and we need prayer for our Lord to present solutions.

With humanitarian aid, funds from the USA, along with local church donations, were put together. Then three vans with trailers were driven to Ukraine with food and other essential items for the refugees. This God-sized effort was tremendously successful. As the PIEI – Romania missionaries experienced overwhelming demand, they have decided to make regular trips with food. This food is not only for the refugees supported by our missionaries; it is offered to the local churches and anyone in need through these evil times.

PIEI – USA is supporting these efforts with the funds that have been generously provided. It will continue to support our Romanian and Ukrainian missionaries and the refugees as our Lord continues to supply the resources. While most of the refugees are non-Christians, the missionaries rejoice as several have accepted Christ as their Savior. Every morning they have Bible devotional time together. Even the children are eager to hear the stories from the Bible. All the refugees in the Chernivtsi area are under the care of missionaries who speak all three languages fluently: Russian, Ukrainian, and Romanian. 

We will be participating in a city-wide service for all the Ukrainian refugees this Sunday. This is wonderful news because Ukrainians will get together, speak the same language, and sing in one language. They will have fellowship and the opportunity to spread the gospel to those who aren’t Christians. Pray that we can all use this crisis as an opportunity to bring people to Christ. We praise the Lord for our loving and dedicated national missionaries who are serving selflessly for the glory and honor of God and for the spreading of the Good News of the Gospel of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.

With Love Cornel- PIEI-Chairman for Romania and Ukraine

God's Will Amidst the Turmoil - Teaching the Message of Salvation

Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Whatever happens, give thanks, because it is God’s will in Christ Jesus that you do this. -1 Thess. 5:16-18

As the whole world watches Ukraine with bated breath, those most affected can feel the cloud of war approaching. The threat and uncertainty is creating turmoil in the country and those around it, but our missionaries stand firm in the knowledge that God is in control, and that His Will will prevail.

Every month we have a virtual meeting with all the missionaries in Ukraine and Romania. The tension between countries has reached into people’s homes and villages, breeding uncertainty and worry. And yet, God is using that turmoil to help people be more receptive to Him. The missionaries are always telling us stories that demonstrate how God uses the darkest of times to speak into the hearts of men (and women).

All the churches in Ukraine are fasting and praying every week about the political situation. They pray that war will not come, but also that they will remain faithful and be a good witness to others, regardless of the outcome. I encourage us all to pray with them.

The radio station in Ukraine uses the airwaves to speak the Gospel of Truth into homes across the country. At the Biblical Institute, Pavel Petihachy and others are training the next generation of pastors and church planters to follow the examples of the apostles described in the book of Acts. Discipleship has been a priority during these times, and other ministries are also going surprisingly well. Recently the missionaries were able to serve about 200 orphans with a time of music, Bible teaching, and gifts.

In Romania the Pandemic is still affecting the way the missionaries serve their communities. They are ministering to so many of their own people and family members also by officiating and attending multiple funeral services, which are so draining emotionally and physically.

Timotei Stanea , our PIEI national director in Romania has just recovered from Covid and is emerging after 2 weeks of quarantine. Many people are still wary of attending large group meetings, even for church. The missionaries have therefore adjusted their tactics, and instead of bringing people to the church they go out and meet the people where they are. The missionaries have had success in visiting homes, in discipleship, in Bible Studies, and in small groups. Evangelization is done on the street (when the weather is fine), or else through shops, town halls, and in people’s homes. Pray for the health and safety of the missionaries, that they have faith in God’s will and do their work with courage.

Gabi Cuc, the missionary in the village of Caculatesti, is helping his church plant two other churches- one of which is in Rotunda, a village with no Christians at all. Pray that the new church plants are able to bring the Gospel to their villages.

Bible Study on Zoom: Message of Salvation

Greetings!  I am so happy to write a few words about our first 2022 Women’s Bible Study on Zoom.

The ladies have been so eager to start, and until we got our kick-off in January 28, we continued our WhatsApp study group, which is uplifting, encouraging, and a source of prayers and fellowship with sisters in Christ.

Partners in Evangelism International is a ministry of evangelism around the world. However, evangelism is needed right at home, in our families, on our street, in our neighborhood, and everywhere.  Sharing the message of salvation is a calling and a responsibility of each believer, convicting of sin and making a decision for Christ is the work and the ministry of the Holy Spirit.  Our sisters are burdened with so many loved ones who need Christ, and each of us need to feel well equipped to share the gospel without feeling shy, or inadequate, or that someone else should do it.  

We need to be equipped so that each of us will be confident in sharing this life saving message – eternal life giving message of hope and love from the One who also saved us.

Apostle Paul taught the believers in Corinth both brothers and sisters about the Gospel, as first importance.

 Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain.  For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures. -1 Corinthians: 1-5

There are several methods of teaching the message of the Gospel, but the message is the same, God is our Creator, He created you, He loves you; He is holy, eternal, and righteous.  We have a problem, which is sin, anything we think, we say, or do that displeases God is sin.  Sin separates us from God, who is holy. The punishment for sin is death, which is eternal separation from God.  “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23) and “for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”(Romans 6:23).  God in His love, gave His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, without sin, to become sin for us, so that He willingly took the punishment of our sin upon Himself and gave His blood, died in our place so by believing in Him we can have our sins forgiven. “…without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.” Hebrews 9:22 Jesus died and came back to life again, because He is “the Way, the Truth, and The Life”. In Him we can have Life Eternal.  

John 3:16  “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” is not just a bible verse for children, but it is an evangelistic bible verse with a condition and a promise.  The condition is for each of us: the “whoever” to believe in Him, Jesus, the Son of God.  God’s promise: will not perish (will not be separated from God) but have eternal life. 

Teaching and learning to share this message, to lead someone through the gospel truths, praying with the one who truly desires to accept the Lord Jesus as his or her Savior. Also knowing how to help the newly converted believer what steps to take in their process of spiritual growth are lessons we are learning in the safety and comfort of our sisterhood group, while also sharing our own stories how we came to faith in our Savior.   

I know that this is not a report, but how can one talk about the Message of Salvation without sharing the Message of Salvation?  God’s Word is powerful, may He touch everyone who reads it and produce change.  

Gabi Stef

what you can do to get involved

Some of the missionaries are struggling, and need your help. Florin Sfetcu is a PIEI missionary who became a Christian while living in Italy, and was called to return to his hometown in Romania and share the Gospel there. He does not currently have full financial support, and still needs about $1000 per month. A couple of weeks ago his car was in an accident, but he cannot afford any repairs. His wife Alina has also just given birth to their 5th child after a long and difficult C-section, her 5th C section. The doctors in Romania wanted to abort her baby, saying that is impossible to have so many children all with Cesarian operations. Florin, Alina and the whole family need our prayers that God is able to provide for all of their needs.

Another way to help the missionaries is to join a Short-Term Mission Team! This summer there are several different teams planning to go to Romania between May and August. We are hoping that those teams can help the missionaries with their ministries and provide much needed encouragement and fellowship. If you think God may be calling you to go to Romania this summer, email so we can find the best team for you to join.

Whenever we talk to PIEI missionaries in any country, they always speak with such gratitude for their partners in the US. So much of their ministry would not be possible if they were working independently, but through PIEI those missionaries know that they are not alone, and there are people in the US and all over the world who provide prayer and support for what they do. I cannot express enough how much your involvement and encouragement means to the missionaries and their ministry. May your efforts continue to help spread the Good News around the world!

With love,

Cornel and Gabi Stef

His Name is Emmanuel "God With Us"

Out Purpose, to “Go back to Help Others,” Has Never Changed!

“By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going.” -Hebrews 11:8

This is a verse that has been very meaningful to our family ever since we came from Romania back in 1983 as refugees during very harsh communism, knowing that it was God who brought us here in the U.S. to a land, a language, and people we didn’t know. We came by faith, knowing that God had a plan and a purpose for our lives. We ached for our country who was struggling and still is, being in need of evangelism, discipleship, teaching, and the Light of the Gospel for those in the darkness of sin. Now, after 30+ years of ministry we continue to come alongside the national missionaries we support to encourage and help them with the ongoing efforts. As this world has become more secular and materialistic, more parents are working abroad and children are being left behind in the care of their elderly grandparents. Our strategies have had to change, but the message of the Gospel is the same. We’ve gone back 2-3 times every year, bringing teams, teachers, resources, and anything we could in order to help our missionaries reach people of all ages with the gospel and make disciples, plant new churches and spread the word of God.

The Covid Pandemic has surely changed a lot of things. This year we were unable to bring church teams, but I was able to go to Romania two times, once back in August with people from our leadership board, and the second time with my wife Gabi and three others from our PIEI ministry; Walter Windsor, who came with me back in August, and also Alex and Rodica Popa from the PIEI-Romania Committee. The purpose of going back remains the same: to help others spread the Gospel, to find men who are dedicated to evangelism, discipleship, and church planting in the places where there are no churches, and to help those who are in need. That has never changed.

After all these years of doing ministry in Romania, I would like to share two blessings! Many years ago in the small village of Caciulatesti, nearby the Southern border with Bulgaria by the Danube River, we met one faithful servant and his wife, Gavril and Vera, with no other believers in the area. We started in their back yard an outdoor evangelistic meeting, gathering people he knew from his village. I was there when Gavril became a missionary. Fast forward 30 years- there is a beautiful church, as a building and as a body of Christ, with vibrant believers, a self-sustaining church that is in the process of planting two new churches nearby! Gabi and I had the privilege of visiting that church this fall and spending time with this delightful couple, spending the night in their home, praying with them and visiting some of the people from the church planting.

The second blessing is some very exciting news for our ministry- for the first time in Romania we own a Camp! This summer our ministry has purchased a Camp site in the Carpathian Mountains, not far from our base PIEI Center. It’s a beautiful site, the land has an amazing view and a cabin that needs work in order to be functional. We would love to have this Camp ready by next Spring or Summer! We need people trained in construction to come and offer a helping hand in fixing it, and also funds in purchasing the materials needed for the work to be done, as well as for the furnishings. Children, youth, adults, women, men’s groups, all can be brought there for camp ministry, retreats, and all sorts of events. We dream big, because we have a big God! This camp has a lot of potential, and we believe that the family of God will come together to offer that helping hand we need to make this a working Camp for the Glory of God!

Gabi’s Report on the Women’s Ministry in Romania

October / November 2021

Our leadership planned a very ambitious ministry this fall with the purpose of reaching as many women as possible in order to engage them in the Word, challenge them to use their spiritual gifts in order to serve the body of Christ, and encourage them.  A very tall order! 

It was a difficult task because we did not go to Romania with a team prepared to minister to women, as we are usually accustomed to do.  We never go empty-handed to speak to the ladies, especially when we go to a place for the first time, and some of the repeat places where we did go with a team before had experiences high-quality teaching and care in the previous years.

However, the nationals are always such a great help, and they went the extra mile in providing support, transportation, and even personal care- more than one could ever plan!  There were several sisters in Christ that were great helpers, such as sister Damaris in the Alba region, sister Cornelia in Arges area, and sister Florina in the South.  There were others which I will mention later, and all the families who hosted us each day in our travels, feeding us and caring for us.


The City of  Alba Iulia was our PIEI Base. From there we started our travel from the Western Carpathian Mountains and the city of Campeni on the first Saturday morning, then on Sunday to Sard, Monday to Ocna Mures, Tuesday to Selimbar (Sibiu) to visit with the Fogorosiu Family. From there we headed to the city of Victoria where we had two meetings: one with the women from the afterschool program, and one with the women from the church. We spent the night in Victoria, and bright and early traveled through the Central Carpathian Mountains heading South to the Arges Area, meeting with the Orphan girls on Thursday morning in Tigveni, and with the women at the church in Curtea de Arges in the afternoon. We spent the night there and the next morning headed for Draganesti Olt, and we got there by noon. It was nice to see our missionary family Mark and Florina and their lovely boys, as well as the women at the sewing shop, and to spend some time with them. Florina was my helper for the second part of the trip, and we traveled together to several of the locations. The next morning was Alexandria, followed by Maldaeni (a new location) and Beciu. Our last stop was Caciulatesti where we also spent the night and had morning service and an afternoon meeting with the women.

Cornel and I said our good-byes and headed for Bucharest to visit with my aunt and take care of a few personal things for two days, and then back to Alba Iulia we drove!

We started our journey by meeting with the women from several mountain locations who came to meet at the church in Campeni, Alba.  Two of PIEI missionaries, brothers Florin Botar and Relu Rodean arranged for these women to get rides to the local church there. Several of them attended my two online teaching bible studies earlier this year, and they were so excited that I got to go all the way to their town high up in the mountains. They had prepared delicious pastries, sweet breads, tea and coffee, juice, fruit, and had them all set on a ping-pong table upfront ready for us women to have a “sweet time” after our Bible time.  The message I had prepared for them was a look at the Woman’s Reflection  in the Mirror through the Old Testament and New Testament. We had a great time in the Word, followed by a time of prayer in small groups, with a challenge of praying for each other with written prayer requests.  I prepared a little “goodie bag” for everyone with a double mirror, pen, chocolate, some paper, cards, and I collected everyone’s home address and contact info to do a follow up later.  We also had a crochet craft, making a key ring / heart shape on a button with beads, which everyone enjoyed.  How we wished we had more time!  

This was the format of several of the meetings I had in other locations, only I had different messages, and different activities, based on the group and location. I let the Lord lead me as to what I should prepare for the women.  In one location, the ladies wrote letters to themselves, applying the challenges from the message and giving themselves opportunities to write down some personal decisions that nobody else would see.  These letters were mailed to them a month later.  In another place, the ladies worked on team-building, and used marshmallows and toothpicks to construct a structure together following a printed design.  This was an activity after a message on unity and the “us” in being a part of the body of Christ.

Last but not least one of the most important subjects was evangelism.  I had a group of moms and grandmothers who were part of the kids’ after-school program who were not part of the church, but were meeting at a church for that program.  The wise pastor thought that I should meet with this group before I met with the women of the church.  I had complete freedom in what I should speak to them about.  I immediately thought: the message of the Gospel!  Several of them brought the kids with them.  I have a good friend  Rodica Ispas who is a weaver and she made me 200 bracelets with the wordless book colors (the Gospel colors) when I told her my schedule. By the time we got to Romania she had them ready!  I used these bracelets as a tool and gave these women and children the gospel, giving them all two bracelets, one to keep and one to give to someone at home by sharing the message that goes with it.  We did a review, to make sure that they remember what each color stands for, and they all took notes to know what Bible verses go with each color, so that they know how to share the Gospel.  We prayed and gave them the opportunity to make decisions for Christ and follow up with the pastor.

I shared this experience in several of the churches where I went and met with the women, and many of them expressed their desire that they too wanted to hear the message of the Gospel.  Some said that they don’t know how to share, other said that they are shy, and they would love to have such a tool to share with their own kids.  I had to change some of my messages to make room and I was so glad to share the Gospel not just as an exercise, but as a need.  One woman was there with her mother-in-law who came to the town to have tests at the clinic. She was so against her Christian son and daughter-in-law, and was immersed in the rituals of her religion, but without knowing God.  Well, she was there hearing the gospel presentation, and she was very receptive, seeing that everything was from the Scriptures.

Another highlight was the meeting with the girls from the orphanage.  They are our girls, our precious sisters in Christ.  They are beloved, loved, valued, and treasured.  I cannot share too much about this because I will start to cry!  This is always such a tender time with them.  The hardest thing is that our time is so limited.  We had another meeting with the ladies at the church in Arges that afternoon, so we could not stay long.  That aches in my heart. They long for us for months and now for more than a year, and we give them such limited time! I wish I could stay there a few days at least.  I adore and love these girls, they are my sisters, and we need each other. 

As we went from place to place, I felt that I was getting a sinus infection and started to cough too.  We went prepared with medication, so I started taking meds immediately.  Long story, the night before we were to fly back to the U.S. my husband and I (and another board member who traveled with us) tested positive for Covid.  This test was required by the airline.  The Romanian Health Department immediately took legal measures and quarantined us for 14 days.  

We were so blessed to be staying at the PIEI Center.  We had friends and relatives from the U.S. who immediately sent prescriptions for us via email to a local pharmacy nearby. We also had a local pharmacist who helped us, and there is another beautiful story, you can ask me one day!  Our friends Nuți and Cornel Fogoroșiu came from Sibiu and brought us food and meds that first day of quarantine, never had hot boiled potatoes taste so good, fresh eggs, and, of course, stuffed cabbage!  Cornel’s family who lives in Alba Iulia was amazing in taking care of us, especially our niece Alisa, she was making sure that we take our medications (especially my husband), and made a chart of what to take and how much, how great was that!  She went shopping for us, and also took care of whatever else we needed.  We had a local sister Jenny from the church who cooked hot meals for us every other day and we got to become friends mostly via text message, as we still needed to keep our distance.

We never stayed two weeks before at the PIE Center!  That’s a long time!  Can you believe that as I took all the women’s addresses, I had the time to write over 130 letters and cards, make phone calls and do a follow up with the ladies that I otherwise would have not been able to do.  My precious helper Damaris, who also cooked for us and brought plums and grapes from the village, ordered those beautiful cards with the words from Jeremiah 31:3 “You are loved with an everlasting love” in Romanian, and each letter went out with one of those cards with a magnet on the back. That was a lot of writing and labeling, and on the only day of freedom we had before flying out, we went to the post office to buy stamps and mail them out!  Two weeks turned into a month of ministry in Romania, Covid and all, but all productive for the glory of God.

If this ministry has touched your heart, and you would like to be part of this ministry with us, you can help tremendously by contributing financially, praying, and also considering of going on one of our future short term ministry teams.

Pray - Give -Go! Consider Giving to the needs of the New CAMP! Fund 24201-Romania Camp

The Fruit of Our Labors


About 30 years ago I found myself in Victoria (a town in the south of Romania) attending an evangelistic meeting hosted by Timotei Stanea and the first church he planted there. One of the ladies that he asked to host visitors in their homes was a woman named Donna, and I had the opportunity to share the Gospel with her. After answering her questions all night, she finally accepted the Lord as her savior!

Donna now lives in Italy with her son Tommy, but God was determined to bring us together. During my stay in Victoria, which was just supposed to be for administrative work, I was reunited with Donna and Tommy as they were vacationing. Tommy expressed a desire for a godly mentor to help him with his spiritual walk, and Walter WIndsor took his contact information. What a blessing for all of us that God showed us the fruits of our labors for Him! May you also know the true joy of sharing His Gospel with those you meet.

Encouraging the Missionaries


The last 18 months have been a challenging time for the missionaries. During the pandemic heavy restrictions were put in place, and anyone found traveling if they were not an essential worker was fined. Even basic tasks, like grocery shopping, posed to be a problem for people across the country. Churches could not host meetings or even small gatherings, and many people were scared to allow missionaries to visit their houses. The missionaries found that many opportunities for ministry were closed to them, even while their own families faced the same difficulties. Furthermore, they all felt isolated, separated from the other nationals as well as their PIEI supporters in America, since there were no short-term mission trips to provide encouragement during that time.


Thank God that travel restrictions have been lifting in Romania! As soon as the borders opened this August I flew to Romania along with Walter Windsor and April Jarrett. We were nervous, since there was a possibility that the restrictions could return and we would be forced to spend our trip in quarantine, or even cancel our trip. However, God made a way for us to reach the missionaries and spend time with them and their families.

The missionaries have been thirsting for fellowship, with each other and with us. They drank in our presence like men who have wandered the dessert all this time, desperate for nourishment. We were embraced with open arms, and were able to help them establish a bond together as one family, working together to accomplish God’s purpose in Romania.


Gathering Together

One of the first things we did when we arrived in Romania was to gather all the missionaries for a 4-day conference in Alba Iulia. We spent a lot of time sharing with each other so we could understand where each of us currently stands in our faith and our mission. Our goal was to rekindle friendships and build relationships between the missionaries, so that they would be equipped to help each other grow. April Jarrett also spent time with the wives and other ladies involved in ministry, helping them to connect and revive in their own ways.


As the National Director of PIEI-Romania, Timotei Stanea talked about 3 C’s: Calling, Character, and Competence. He explored the nature of our Call to ministry, dissected the Character of a missionary, and examined the Competence in various skills that is necessary to do ministry effectively. These topics were a great way to unify the missionaries with a Biblical understanding of their roles.

The conference in Alba Iulia was not the only time we gathered with a group of missionaries! Walter, April, Timotei and I spent a good amount of our visit in the south of Romania, where we met again with Mihai Geabou, Florin Sfetcu, Florina Darvell, and Gabi Cuc. April gave a lesson about Breathing- how we must inhale the Word of God just as we breath air, because it is what gives us life. Without it, we cannot survive!

Timotei also spent some time discussing how negative words can be poison to ministry. He delved into what the Bible says about slander, and what we should do to counteract it in love. The missionaries are hopeful that they can strengthen their relationships by uplifting one another through words and deeds.

Missionary Visits


Though the conference in Alba and the gathering in the south were both intensive and fruitful, the missionaries in Romania were also grateful for the chance to invite us to each of their homes and churches. After the conference we spent a day each with Tani Nemes in Telna, Daniel Petrut in Mihalt, and Cornel Fogorosiu in Nou. Then we drove down to Draganesti-Olt and stayed with Florina Darvell and her family for 4-5 nights.


In the south we also visited the families and churches of Mihai Geabou, Florin Sfetcu, Gabi Cuc, and Traian Chilau. Florin went with us to visit some elderly folks who live at the top of a mountain without even a road to their homes: Vetuta and Dan, Dorica, Zorita and Adi. We brought them some basic supplies like flour and sugar and prayed with them. Despite their isolation on the mountain, those men and women show a love for the Lord that can only be admired! April also spent some time meeting with the very first Christians in the region of Beciu.


Before we left, Florin’s church sent greetings to all the supporter of PIEI-Romania, saying:


“The Lord lives, and blessed be my rock, and exalted be my God, the rock of my salvation” -2 Samuel 22:47

Prayer Requests

  • Some of our missionaries do not have full financial support. With as little as 50%, some of them have to supplement their income with other jobs. Pray that they are blessed to find the support they need to accomplish the work of the Lord.

  • Even today I am hoping to return in October with a group of 6 people. Pray that we find tickets, and that travel remains open to us.

  • Pray that Donna from Italy remains close to God. Pray also that Walter is able to connect with her son Tommy and provide him with the guidance he needs.

  • Pray for Timotei Stanea, who has become overwhelmed with everything he is trying to juggle. In addition to his administrative duties as the National Director in Romania, he also oversees building projects for multiple church plants, attends meetings for Baptist Union, and supports each missionary. He has been feeling stretched, and needs to find balance so that he can do well in his pursuits.