Peace and grace to you all workers of the mission PIE. I am grateful to God that I have an opportunity to address to you in 2021 and write to you about my spiritual activity.
By the mercy of God, we could perform many Christmas and New Year services, where were present not only believers members of the church but those who wished to spend together with us these holidays.
For the last month, three people converted to God and this fact delights us and our hearts.
I had the possibility to testify about Jesus Christ to unbelieve people through the radio broadcast. I often participate in the program "Spiritual advice" which is directed at people who are far from God. A lot of people write to us, call, ask many questions and ask to pray for them.
I continue to teach "Systematic theology" at the Institute. The last session was online with the ZOOM program. We pray that brothers can come to the Chernivtsi and take their places in the classroom.
We performed the youth meeting "CoffeeHouse" in our church. There were a lot of young people that came to talk with each other and desired to listen to the Word of God.
We have the plan to make many meetings that are directed at evangelization of children, youth, and the old generation.
Now I am working on writing the book about the history of the foundation of baptism in the North Bukovina region. I visit a lot of churches in our region for this goal, by the way, I attended the church in Nesvoia village. I had a meeting with brother Ivan Parpautz. If God blesses and helps us, this book will be printed in the summer or autumn of this year. I work for that and pray for it.
Thanks for your prayers and financial support.
With respect, prayer, and love to you,
Missionary in the Chernivtsi City, Grigoriy Pastushak.