Peace and grace to you brothers and sisters, coworkers on the field of God!
We have a great God’s blessing to work and glorify our Lord and Jesus Christ together!
The September was dedicated to celebration 100th Anniversary of the foundation of the baptism in Chernivtsi. We mentioned that mentors that initiated Christian movement in our city and at the Bukovina.
Some guests came to us from Kiev and Romania. We watched the movie about history of the baptism in Chernivtsi.
On September 18 we had ordinated three young brothers on the pastoral ministry. We pray that God help them in this responsible ministry.
We are preparing to the celebration of the Day of Harvest.
We are going to prepare to the water baptism. Praise the Lord, people repent and have a desire to join to the unity with Jesus.
I thank God that our church can help to the refugees. We go out to the streets with spiritual literatures and invite people to come to the House of prayer. We hand around humanitarian aid as well.
About 50 refugees stay at our hostel. They are going to reside here during the winter.
The autumn has come, so some ministries resumed, such as family, youth and the Sunday school.
Please continue to pray for Ukraine!
With respect to you, Grigoriy Pastushak.