We have been blessed this month to have a time of evangelism with the children. All the children were excited to hear the gospel, which presents God as a great Creator who made everything and holds all things in His hand. We had a time together where we enjoyed sweet-boiled corn. All the children were amazed that such sweet corn existed.
But the greatest part was talking about the Lord Jesus, who came into our world and made forgiveness possible for all of us, and that is the sweetest message. He loves children too and gladly welcomes them into His arms.
By the Lord's grace, we also had a baptism where a sister professed her faith in the Lord through water baptism. It was a blessed day, with the church hall full, and the greatest joy was that many people heard the gospel.
All of the sister's children, grandchildren, and sisters attended church for the first time.
We pray that the Lord will move their hearts.
Two people told me that they also want to follow the Lord—Angela and Maria. Glory to Him!
We thank God for this time of grace, in which we can freely proclaim the gospel.
May His name be blessed!
Cornel Fogorosiu - PIEI Romania Missionary