During the last month, God has blessed Căciulătești village bringing missionary teams from Timisoara, Ucraina and Suceava. The Christian community has been blessed both spiritually and materially.
The missionary team from Timisoara visited some families having material problems. They sang Christmas Carols and spoke to them from the word of God. They also offered a little material help such as food, concording to what the Gospel tells us in Galatians 2:10 “All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I have been eager to do all along “.
Three of the visited families expressed the desire to come to the house of God.
The church was spiritually revived by the Timisoara missionary team. There were some sisters that cried during the service, and the people were touched by the power of God, that put a hunger for Him in their souls and a bigger desire to approach more to Him.
We are greatful to God for thinking to our village Căciulătești and sends missionary teams that can support us on His work. We are very glad to start the missionary activity in Georocel village. We went there with a team of brothers and sisters from our church and another team from America, we talked to people and offered them New Testaments and some of them showed interest for the Scripture.
Prayer requests:
- We are praying to God so that He can send 2 missionary families: one for Mârșani village and the other for Daneți village. We have a house available for the missionary family in Mârșani that would like to start the work there.
- We are praying so that God helps us to enter and preach the Gospel in Georocel.
- We are praying for short and long term teams.
- We are praying for Tâmburești and Mârșani villages where we will have some revival services, so that God would open people’s minds
Gabi Cuc - PIEI Missionary