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In June we organized several Evangelical campaigns, with the local Church, as well as with American teams. As a result of these campaigns, we found people opened to hearing the word of God, but also opposing people who showed us violence during the preaching of the Word on the street.

After many prayers to God, things began to move in Mârșani village. To a young, faithful brother from the village of Poiana Mare, the Lord put on his heart a mission in Mârșani. He mobilized several young people from the Church in Tunari and together we initiated some evangelistic campaigns in Mârșani. We continue to pray to the Lord that He will put on young people’s heart the desire to get involved in planting a Church in this village.

Also, with the help of the Lord, we organized street evangelisms in Căciulatesti. In some houses we were even welcomed to enter, I preached to the people the gospel and invited them to the Church. We pray that the Lord will touch the hearts of all those who have come in contact with the truth of God.

Gabi Cuc - PIEI Missionary

Our God, the God of Wonders


I want to share with you some of the most important mission events in recent weeks. I continued to maintain relationships with the families I evangelize. I meet them occasionally and I managed to get close to them, linking a friendship, and in this way I have greater openness to share them the gospel. Some of the families I evangelize came to the church with me several times.

In April we began the missionary work in the village of Danet. One of the people we have evangelized, hearing the truth of the Scriptures, he expressed his wish to be baptized.

From the beginning of April, my daughter, Sara took in the apartment as a roommate a 25-year-old girl she found on the street and who had no place to live. She was taken by me and my family to the hospital because she had some medical problems. She was also exposed to the gospel by myself and my wife on a Sunday, even going with us to the Church.

For a while, I began to pray and to fast before the Lord to bring me forward to proclaim the Gospel to trusted people who, once converted, will be able to teach others, according to 2 Timothy 2:2. After a feather at the car, I went to a vulcanization service. There I met a man named Paul, who showed himself to be very open to the gospel. He invited me to his house, to tell him more of the Gospel, and in the near future I plan to visit him with my wife.

Prayer Requests:

  • For the local church to receive more courage and elan in the ministry.

  • We pray that God will bring to the repentance worthy believers to be able to carry the gospel further by teaching others the way of repentance;

  • For Danet village, God give us light, guidance and authority in presenting the Gospel in this village and opening people's hearts to the Word.

  • For the children who grew up in the Church but have a great attraction to the world. The Lord bring into their lives an authentic return to Him.

Gabi Cuc - PIEI Missionary

About Relationships


For me, March was all about family relationships. I spent a lot of time in Craiova, with my daughter, because I wanted to take care of her and to strenghten our relationship. We enjoyed our time together, our communication improved and we are closer now. Being in Craiova, I had the opportunity to serve by preaching the Gospel. We live at the second floor and above us lives a family with three children. We are very happy to have them as neighbours because they are very willing to hear more about God and we had the chance to visit them a few times.

While I was in Craiova, I realised that there is a huge need for prayer and for spiritual growth. I understood these needs and I started to pray for the city and especially for my neighbourhood. We also had the privilege to go to the hospital to pray for people alongside brothers and sisters from Romania and Craiova.

Prayer requests:

  • For my daughter's highschool and for the teachers to know God;

  • For my neighbourhood named 1 May and for the people that live here; we want to start evangelizing and to make God known in this place;

  • For guidance and wisdom in every aspect of our lives;

  • For my daughter Sara; we want her to see how much she needs Jesus in her life;

Thank you for all your support in prayer and may God bless you!

Gabi Cuc - PIEI Missionary

Missionary visits

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My beloved brothers from PIE, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything that you are doing for me.

I realize that I wasn’t at the highest point lately and maybe I didn’t exceed your expectations so I want to apologize and to pray that God will give me the strength to continue His work.

This year, through the kindness and faithfulness of God, had a very good start. We went to see a few families from our church and in every meeting we had prayer time, fellowship and each one of them expressed their desire to serve the Lord. However, their children don’t have a relationship with Jesus so they are very sad about it.

This month we wanted to bless the people with the Word of God so we had a few meetings:

  • with Marian from Caciulatesti we had a blessed time talking about faith in Jesus Christ;

  • on 8th January we went to Dobresti to see Ilie, a professor, and Monica, an economist; we told them about faith in Jesus and eternal life;

  • on 10th January we met a man from Gheta and we shared with him the Gospel;

  • on 20-21th January we were at two funerals where were a lot of people so many of them heard the Gospel including Stelica, a sick man;


Please pray for:

  • passion in the church from Caciulatesti;

  • Marian, Ilie, Monica si Stelica; we pray that God will do His work in their lives;

  • open doors to share the Gospel;


With love, your brother in Christ,

Gabi Cuc - PIEI Missionary

As you sow, so shall you reap

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Last summer we spread the Gospel in a village called Dobresti, and the seed grew in the heart of a man named Tomita. He started to come in our church. His change brought the possibility to speak with his neighbor, Ilie, who is the principal of the school and with his wife, Monica. We saw Ilie’s open heart for the Gospel and his availability to welcome us in their house.

Last week I had the opportunity to share the Word when I met a few people at the service. Their names are Monica and Ionel, they are from Craiova. After we talked for a while, I saw their openness towards the Gospel and we’ll meet again to go deeper into the story of Jesus Christ.

This month, I went to the hospital to buy some medicine and there I met a man named Crisu. He was surprisingly willing to hear about God and we decided to meet again to talk more about this topic.

Iulian, a man from our village, used to come to church for a while. He is not a believer but he was always full of respect for our faith and didn’t argue with us. Now, he is very sick and close to death so please pray for his salvation.

Please pray for:

  • Tomita: we ask God to touch his heart and save him;

  • Ilie si Monica: to come to God. They are important people in their area so it will have a huge impact on the others;

  • Monica and his employee, Ionel: we pray for their hearts to be opened and for their salvation;

  • Crisu: we pray for healing and for open eyes to see and understand the love of God;

Gabi Cuc - PIEI Missionary

God loves Căciulătești

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During the last month, God has blessed Căciulătești village bringing missionary teams from Timisoara, Ucraina and Suceava. The Christian community has been blessed both spiritually and materially.

The missionary team from Timisoara visited some families having material problems. They sang Christmas Carols and spoke to them from the word of God. They also offered a little material help such as food, concording to what the Gospel tells us in Galatians 2:10 “All they asked was that we should continue to remember the poor, the very thing I have been eager to do all along “.

Three of the visited families expressed the desire to come to the house of God.

The church was spiritually revived by the Timisoara missionary team. There were some sisters that cried during the service, and the people were touched by the power of God, that put a hunger for Him in their souls and a bigger desire to approach more to Him. 

We are greatful to God for thinking to our village Căciulătești and sends missionary teams that can support us on His work. We are very glad to start the missionary activity in Georocel village. We went there with a team of brothers and sisters from our church and another team from America, we talked to people and offered them New Testaments and some of them showed interest for the Scripture.

Prayer requests:

-           We are praying to God so that He can send 2 missionary families: one for Mârșani village and the other for Daneți village. We have a house available for the missionary family in Mârșani that would like to start the work there.

-          We are praying so that God helps us to enter and preach the Gospel in Georocel.

-          We are praying for short and long term teams.

-          We are praying for Tâmburești and Mârșani villages where we will have some revival services, so that God would open people’s minds

Gabi Cuc - PIEI Missionary

Pray with us

Beloved brothers from the PIEI,

God bless you for everything you do for so I might be able to go and share the Gospel in the area we live.  May the Lord reward you, your families and the churches you attend to.

  The brothers from Caciulatesti and the surrounding, want to serve the Lord Jesus and testify His name.

  Two weeks ago a serious situation arose in the church: Brother Gheorghe of Brabeti, who has been in the church for almost a year, who came to the church almost regularly (and we visited him very often, we helped him when he needed) now he told us that he was convinced by the nieces who are in England and Turkey, to follow the Orthodox way again, not to give up tradition and customs, but to give up repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.

I was at his home with a brother, and he told us that he decided not to come to the church anymore.

 Prayer requests:

- for Brother Gheorghe of Brabeti, who gave up the path of faith in Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit set a spirit of repentance in his heart, and the Lord would search his close relatives.

- May Jesus continue to help us to communicate His Word to the villages where there are no churches.

With love in Jesus Christ,

Gabi Cuc!

(2 Thess. 3: 1-2)

Ministry Updates


A few weeks ago, together with a few people from the World Race, we came alongside our brother Cuc Gabriel to evangelize to the villages that he serves. Last Thursday, Ana, Alix and a group of six Americans were in two villages to share New Testaments and to tell the people about God, the forgiveness of their sins, and how they can have eternal life.

Lucica, an 82 year old woman was speaking with three of the Americans and Ana, who was translating for them. Through their conversation, she recognized for herself that she is a sinner and wanted to be rid of her sins, but she did not know how.

One of her daughters was reading the Bible regularly, and as the Americans read the scriptures, she was hungry to hear them! She was saying constantly “Read more, I like it so much!” She was asked if she knew how her sins could be forgiven, and she responded “No, but I would really like to know.”

That night, was the night that she invited Jesus Christ, the Son of God, to forgive her sin and to lead her life. She confessed that she was full of happiness and that she felt released because her sins were forgiven.

The same night, one of the American girls wanted to give another lady, Anica, an 83 year old woman, a New Testament. She responded in anger, raising her cane to beat her up, telling her that she didn’t need anything like this, and that they were not allowed in her village. Ten minutes later, while the group was speaking with a retired engineer about God, Anica came closer to the group and started crying, telling them that her son had died a month ago. The same girl who she tried to beat came and patted her arm, prayed for her, and showed her support and understanding by sharing that her mother had died a year ago.

The same night ended with a visit to an engineer who was hostile in the first few minutes, but then invited the group into his yard. We talked about God for 45 minutes with him! He was a religious man who visited multiple monasteries, but he didn’t know if he had eternal life, believing that only the monks who renounced and separated themselves from everything in this would would have eternal life. We left his yard telling him that everyone can have eternal life. One of the Americans was inspired from the Holy Spirit to tell him that the disciples of Jesus Christ were not all educated and rich people, but Jesus chose them to follow Him. It was a day where we saw the love and presence of God giving us the right words for the right people.


Updates from August

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Thank you for the grace that God has poured upon you, that He has made it your heart to help us both material and spiritual. May God bless and reward each one of you.

On Aug. 28 there were a few brothers and sisters from Bocsa at an evangelistic service at our church where some non-Chirstians took part, such as Aurel Enache, Adi Dobric, and others who were interested and listened to the Gospel.

This month we visited some families such Iova Ioan and Elena, Avram Marian and Tita and Avram Gabriela. Every Thursday evening we have prayer in the Duduianu Viorel family.

A delicate problem is the relationship of our children with God, they come to the church but are attracted to the things in the world. The only solution is prayer and fasting for them. In August we continued to go every Sunday in the villages of Dante and Branişte, proclaiming the Gospel according to the Word of God.


  • for the villages where we want to go with the Gospel in September (Toceni, Dobreşti, Murta, Giorocel, Locusteni, Branişte, Daneţi, Mârşani and Tâmbureşti;

  • prayer for the children of the church;

  • prayer for Enache Aurel and Adi Dobrica who began to attend the church.


With love in Jesus Christ,

Gabi Cuc

Pray for Brabeti

Thanks for all the help you have given, both material and spiritual. May the Lord reward you.

On April 5th, one of the brothers and I went to the Village of Brabeti, preaching the Word on several blocks. We also went to the Village of Georocel where we visited two families who were open to the Word. On April 22nd, Cornel and Gabriela Stef joined us at our church. Together with them, I visited three families in various villages. Presently, our church is praying for two missionary families.

Prayer Needs:

-          For the Village of Brabeti where people stand against the Gospel

-          For the two missionary families whom we want to come work in our area

-          For the Village of Georocel where the people are open to the Word


Your brother in Christ, Gabi Cuc

Psalm 62:1-2

Home Visits

Dear brothers and sisters in the PIE Organization,

May the Lord bless you with all heavenly blessings in the new year, and help us keep watch until the coming of our Lord Jesus! Thanks for all the support you give me and for all the prayers on our behalf. May the Lord reward you for all you do for us!

In January, we visited some of the brothers and sisters from the church. We had fellowship with Brother Ion Gavrila from Toceni. When we met with Brother Gheorghe from Barabeti he told us that his friends and neighbors started asking him why he became a Christian. He seemed to be determined to continue in his faith, and even offered his house to hold prayer meetings. We also visited the family of Sister Valita, Brother Mihai Staicu, Brother Ioan Iova, Brother Gabriel Voicu, and Brother Marian Avram. We prayed; they shared many of their problems. One of the difficult situations is with Sister Elena Prica who has been sick with liver cancer. She passed away at the eend of January. She had five children, all non-believers. They, along with many other people, participated and listed to the Word of God at her funeral.

Prayer Support for:

-           The Village of Caciulatesti where we live; on Feb 8th we have an evangelistic event

-           All the people who heard the Gospel

-           Brother Ion in Toceni who is sick, that God would praise His name through him

-           The Village of Barabeti, for people with faith and fear of God

Yours in Christ (Jude 1-3),

Gabi Cuc

Thanksgiving / Christmas

Thanks for all you do for me, my family and for the church where I serve. May God reward you for the material and spiritual support you provide for me!

In December, I continued to go to Barabeti every Thursday, at Brother Gheorghe Toporan’s house where I preached the Gospel. Several people participated at these meetings. Together with 6 brothers, I went to the Village of Celaru where we preached the Gospel. The church in Caciulatesti has gone through trials this year. Brother Ion Gavrila had a stroke, and also has problems with the stomach and colon. Sister Elena Prica was diagnosed with liver cancer. Sister Ghita Voicu had a stroke, and Sister Florica has neurological problems. We are praying for them. On Dec 3rd, we celebrated Thanksgiving, and we were very thankful to God for all everything we went through this year. On Dec 19th we went to the elementary school in Barabeti where we gave children Christmas gifts. On Dec 21, we visited several poor families in Sadova and gave them gifts. I met a young girl, 10 years old, whose mom hung herself. She is raised by the grandparents. Another family, the Pepteas, with three girls (Mihaela 12, Alberta 9 and Lavinia 6) live with their grandmother and father. The mother had left when Lavinia was 3 months old.

Prayer Support:

§  For the sick brothers and sisters, that God would glorify His name in their life

§  God would bless all the work of the church

With love in Christ, greeting you with Psalm 103,
Gabi Cuc

November 2017

Dear brothers and sisters in the PIE Organization,


Thanks for the spiritual and financial support you give me so that I can do this work in the name of the Lord Jesus in my area. May God bless you all for all you do for me and my family. This month we had both joy and sadness. God tells us to rejoice when we go through trials. After almost two years of preaching the Word in the Barabeti Village, the Holy Spirit convicted Gheorghe to give his life to the Lord. We are glad he reached the point where he admitted he is a sinner and that the sacrifice of Jesus Christ provides the forgiveness of sins, and that the faith in Him gives eternal life. On  Nov 27th made a covenant with the Lord and got baptized. Sister Florica from Mârsani also got baptized. At the baptism service, many people from Caciulatesti and the neighboring villages participated.

Trials we are going through now:

-           Sister Ghita had a stoke

-           Sister Nuti has liver problems

-           Brother Ion also had a stroke

We pray that the Lord would provide healing for them. Currently, two men and one woman come to church.

Prayer Support needed for:

o   Brother Gheorghe from Barabeti, and for this village

o   Sister Florica from Marsani and her village where we plan to do evangelize soon

o   The sick

o   The Holy Spirit to work in the heart of the non-believers

With love in Christ,

Gabi Cuc

October 2017

My dear brothers and sisters in the faith in Lord Jesus,

Thanks with all my heart for the love you show me, for praying for us, and for your financial support. May God reward each of you, your families and churches. This month, God’s grace was on us in the Church in Caciulatesti and surroundings.

On Oct 8th we had a day of evangelism where the brothers from Resita and Bocsa participated. Brother Gheorghe from Brabeți and Sister Florica from Marsani, came to be baptized. On Oct 12th, together with another two brothers, I visited Brother Ion Gavrila with whom we fellowshipped and prayed. The same day, we also visited Brother Gheorghe and Sister Florica. On Oct 21st, the PIE missionaries met together with the PIE Board in Alba-Iulia, encouraging each other. On Oct 25th I bought corn seeds for Brother Gheorghe, and on Oct 29th I went back to him with another brother, to fix a broken door. We do all these things in the Name of the Lord Jesus. We pray the Holy Spirit would move the Barabeti Village, the town where we live, and to add more believers to the church. 

Prayer Requests:

§  For Brother Gheorghe to want to know God more

§  For Sister Florica, the same


With love in Christ,

Gabi Cuc

September 2017

Romans 15:17-19 

Dear brothers and sisters in the PIE Organization,

I thank God for this month because the Holy Spirit worked in a wonderful way. Thank you for all the help you give me, both materially and spiritually. May the Lord Jesus bless each of you!

In September, I visited Gabriela and Ghita Voicu a few times. They are old and sick. I prayed for them, hugged them and had fellowship with them. 

On Sept 11th I participated in the opening ceremony of the new school year. I went with my daughter Sara who is now in high school in the City of Craiova. An orthodox priest participated as well, and read the parable of the sower. May the Holy Spirit work in the life of the high-schoolers, their parents and teachers, to make them aware of their sin, and may God give them a spirit of repentance.

Every Wednesday we have prayer and fasting at church, for us, for the ministry we are involved in.

On Sept 20th I went to the Village of Dobresti, at the library. I talked with the librarian about Jesus Christ. He told me that he read the Bible several times. He is open to the Word. His name is Serban. We pray that the Lord would save his soul. The same day I visited the family of Amos and Elena Rila, and prayed for them. On Sept 22nd-24th I went to the City of Severin, with another two brothers from the church, for three days of fasting. There we met a man named Paul, and a woman named Iuliana with whom we talked about the faith in the Lord Jesus. On Sept 28th I went with another two brothers to Brabeti where we spread the Word to the people we met. The Holy Spirit gave us Mr. Gheorghe who invited us inside the house, shared with us what he has done in his life, and expressed his wish to be baptized.

Prayer Requests:

§  Pray that any work done would be guided by the Holy Spirit

§  For Serban the librarian

§  For Sara, Greta and Maria, that the Lord’s name be praised in their life

§  For the Brabeti Village

With love in Christ,

Gabi Cuc

August 2017

Dear brothers and sisters in the PIE Organization,

I thank God for His grace on us this month. I also thank you for the love He put in you to help us spread His Kingdom in this area, for the material and spiritual support to me and my family. May the Lord reward each of you!

In the month of August I had some opposition from some believers who told me that I tire them with repentance and bringing fruit. May the Holy Spirit enlighten them, and may He strengthen the church in their desire to work out their salvation and to spread the Kingdom in this area. Also this month, two brothers went to Barabeti where they connected with a few groups with whom they shared the Gospel. They also connected with a group of youth who were open to the Gospel.

July 2017

The month of July started with a great meeting at Alba-Iulia with the PIE missionaries and leadership, where each one of us presented our work. On July 8th, one of our Brothers and I visited Brother Ion Gavrila who had a stroke. We had fellowship and prayed together. On July 9th, five of the Brothers and I went to Barabeti, and stayed to talk with people in groups. We met Ion and his wife who were open to the Word. Dan and Silvia know from the Word, and a woman called Mari was interested in the Word of God. On July 13th I took a family, Ileana Florea and her daughter Greta to Craiova; they are open to the Gospel, and we keep in touch.

June 2017

The month of June was wonderful. I spent two Sundays in Barabeti and connected well with people there. A group of seven women were opposing us greatly. Other groups of people were open. For example, Gheorghe invited us into his house. Others did the same: Mircea, Ileana, Ion and his wife, Dan and his wife. On June 11th, one of our brothers and I visited the family of Mihai and Niculina Staicu who have health issues. We also visited Ion and Georgeta Gavrila. We prayed for Brother Ion who had a vascular accident 3 years ago. On June 22nd I visited Viorel and Minodora Duduianu who invited brothers and sisters from the neighborhood to their house, and we prayed together.

May 2017

Dear brothers and sisters in the PIE organization,

Thank you for your kindness and support given to us in the month of May. The Lord led us to go to the Village of Barabeti on Sunday afternoon. We went as two teams with three brothers each, and one team of sisters stayed home and prayed for victory in this ministry. Many young and old people were open, and we got to answer many of the questions they posed.


Please continue to pray for:

-           Verginica whose son Marin is sick

-           Maria with whom we talked about idolatry

-           Gigi, a young man who is very open to the Gospel

-           Brother Ion Gavrila who had a vascular accident

-           For the Village of Barabeti, that the Lord would open new doors for the Gospel

-           For the entire area where we live, that people find God

With brotherly love in Christ,

Gabi Cuc

April 2017

This month, I visited Mihai Stanciu and family, Gabriel Voicu and family, Ioan and Lenuta Iova, Amos and Elena Rila, people with whom I had fellowship. I also visited some non-believing families and talked with them about the Gospel; they were open to the Word. Please pray for them, for Gabi and Florin, for Cornel and Lenuta, Violeta, Gica, for the family of Sister Norica and for her neighbor.