Remain Faithful

Dear brothers, 

I personally live in constant pain for those in my home and for those who preach the Gospel to them. There is no faith. Lord, thank you for your grace.

The meeting in Alba Iulia, brought me out of the "comfort" zone and we had the opportunity to share our pains, joys and hardships that we encounter in the work.

The hope that God put in my heart relieves my pain. Sunday, August 14th, we have a baptism in Rotunda. Sister Mary has been coming to church for a year. Pray that the power of God touches other people.

I'm in trouble in church too. We have two families who want to preach in church at any price. Pray for me to remain faithful in the Word, and to receive light, to see everything through the eyes of the Lord, not to compromise with sin.

Thank you for your help! Even if the mountains were to shake, I will remain faithful to Him who gave His life for me.

Blessed be my dear brothers in PIEI organization! 

“Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.” (Romans 4:20-21)

Gabi Cuc - PIEI Romania Missionary

Demands of Ministry

Do I take any pleasure in the death of the wicked?” declares the Sovereign Lord. Rather, am I not pleased when they turn from their ways and live?” (Ezekiel 18:23)

Because thanks is the pleasant sacrifice to the Lord, I also bring thanks to the Lord and to you for all your material and spiritual support. You are in my daily prayers, and I believe that this is essential. I pray for God’s protection over you, your family and your work!

I go to Rotunda every two weeks. As it is very hot outside, I no longer go to Marsani every Sunday. However, at Marsani I made contact with a family, a father and his 19 year old son, Ionut. They started coming to the church.

There is a problem at the church in Caciulatesti with a brother who doesn't like obeying church rules. I left a time of prayer and research. There are also two sisters who do not attend church even once a month or every two months. It is painful to see materialism taking over people, including those in the church.

The condition of the church stresses me, and sometimes I have health problems. I cannot rejoice, although joy must be full in the Lord. I much need prayer. Thank you and blessings to you!

Gabi Cuc - PIEI Romania Missionary

Helping From Behind

My dear brothers of PIEI. I thank God that in this past month He showed mercy to me and gave me success in His work. Thank you for your financial and prayer support. May God reward you!

This month, I indirectly helped a brother, who has ten children. I said indirectly because I connected a brother from Banat, who bought them a cow and brought them a lot of food. It was a great joy in this family.

May 18, I visited Ion and Simona. Simona is very ill. I took her to the hospital, and helped them with paperwork so they could receive social assistance. I visit them regularly, and I talk to them about the Lord Jesus Christ. God's mercy is great.

May 25, brother Cornel Stef, brother Timotei Stanea, brother Alex and sister Rodica Stef visited and we discussed the work.

I thank God that we can trust Him for heaven, and also while here in the land of the living. “In you, Lord my God, I put my trust” (Psalm 25:1)

May God help me in everything I begin to complete. May the Lord bless you with faith which moves mountains, and may the Lord set you in the safest place "in the center of His will."

Gabi Cuc - PIEI Romania Missionary

Christ Has Risen! 

I thank the Lord for our brotherhood and salvation. I thank Him for all things in my life. 

May the Lord bless you for your help in my work, your prayers, and for your financial assistance.

April was a blessed month. On April 16 I went to Rotunda and began a study in Ephesians. Weekly I go to Marsani, where I meet with my parents and children in the community.

I did some repairs with the brothers in the church. The work in the country finds my brothers fatigued. I desperately need support in prayer: faith there is diluted and the ice is melted only by the fire of prayer. I visit my brothers and sisters at home for prayer, but even some feel the lack of Gospel fire. God bless you!  And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will. (2 Timothy 2:24-26)

Gabi Cuc - PIEI Romania Missionary

Feel With those In Need

Dear brothers and sisters in the PIE organization, peace and blessing over your lives and homes.

Thank God for His grace we see everyday, and we still have the possibility to share it with people. The important thing is to fulfill God's will in the places he has put us in. Thank you for the help that you send, I wish you well and I wish you a reward for everything you do for me and my house.

I think March was a month in which God called the whole world to repentance. I went to Marsani, where the children continue to come with their parents. On one Sunday a family came and we agreed to pay them a visit at home. Also this month, we had a fundraiser for the brothers in Ukraine and sent 3000 lei for food to Alba Lulia. May God allow this grace to feed with those in need.

Prayer Requests:

  • For the Fans family from Marsani.

  • We as the church pray that God will stop the disaster in Ukraine, which we also feel economically, but ultimately we believe in God’s Will.

With love, your brother in Jesus Christ,

Gabi Cuc - PIEI Romania Missionary

Blessed Day

Dear brothers of the PIE organization. Thank God for his mercy every day .

May God give you more than you ask, may His health for you be long, and may your reward be great for all you do for me and my family. 

On February 27th a friend from Rotunda gave his life to the Lord and made a commitment in the water of baptism. Ionut, is 27 years old. There are two other candidates for baptism: a 43-year-old man and a 50-year-old woman.

Every Sunday I go to Marsani. The children are consistent in attendance, and some children come with their parents. No one has expressed desire to be baptized, but we are glad that they come and listen to the Gospel.

This month with three brothers from church we went to the forest and took a wooden car to a sister in Craiova. 

Fanita, a 56-year-old woman, began coming to the church in Caciulatesti. I am thankful for consistency in going to Caciulesti this month. However, God has his plans for salvation of souls in that community when I can’t go.

Thank you for your support in prayer. My wish is for the Holy Spirit to add lost souls in the communities to which I go.

Gabi Cuc - PIEI Romania Missionary

Fufill The Word Of God

God bless you dear brothers and sisters of the PIEI family! 

This year I pray to be a year of abundant blessings, mercy, health and power in prayer. In these times we need support in prayer.

I am confident that doing good is primary in Christian life. December 24th, I helped a sister by bringing her firewood. On December 29th, a team from Timisoara brought gifts to the children of Rotunda. We enjoyed them together with the children. There were also a few adults. 

Since January 4th, I've had a health problem. I stayed in bed for two weeks where I had time for prayer and meditation. The 25 children on Marsani are becoming more and more active. This year the desire of my soul is that together with the church in which I serve, we fulfill the Word of God.

”Then the church throughout all Judea, Galilee and Samaria had peace and were edified. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, they were multiplied” (Acts 9:31)

Be blessed, along with the families and churches to which you belong! 

Gabi Cuc - PIEI Romania Missionary

New Year's Eve

Being at the end of the year, I'm thankful to God for everything.

On 17 November we were at Rotunda, approximately 18 kilometers from Caracal. We began to study the Word of God, and three people were determined to be baptized.

This month we partnered with a few families in the church, especially with Avram’s family from Sadova. Although they came to church for over fifteen years, departures to work in Austria weakened the family, and they lost control of their children.

Pray for the rehabilitation of this family, and for the Holy Spirit to convict them of sin. This is painful, because I worked in this family for five years.

Sometimes two or three times per month I go to Marsani, a village near Craiova, where 25 children and 11 adults gather regularly.

This month we distributed food packages to needy families.

I wish with all my heart that the Lord Jesus is glorified and His glory is seen in the work. 

Blessings beloved brothers for all you do for me and my family. May the peace of God keep your hearts and thoughts in Jesus Christ.

Gabi Cuc - PIEI Romania Missionary

A Gift and A Miracle

Dear brothers of the PIE organization,

I thank God every day for the gift and miracle of each day, and that I am part of these miracles!  In November Covid affected several members from church: the Rila family, a few sisters, brother Ionut from Marsani, and brother Marian from Rotunda. I thank God that they all recovered and returned to church.

On November 7th brother Sami Tutac, together with five other brothers and 20 young people from Timisoara, inaugurated the church in Rotunda. I thanked God for the way He worked in a lady (55 years old) and in Daniel and Nicoleta’s family, who have come to church for about two months. They asked questions and they opened up like a book to spiritual truth. I am glad and thank God when I meet candid people like them.

The work in Marsani continues with 25 children and 7 adults. Today, November 26th, we bought food to distribute to poor families.

My dear brothers, thank you for the help you send me. May God give you health in body and soul, and may He give you peace in abundance, joy and much grace!!

Your brother in Christ Jesus,

Gabi Cuc - PIEI Romania Missionary

From the Past to the Present

Dear friends from the PIE organization,

At this time, I offer thanks to God for the way God worked in this area, especially in Caciulatesti.

In August 1995, Brother Cornel Stef and his family had an evangelistic ministry in this locality. Today we currently have 26 members who come to church regularly. Thank God!

On October 16 of this year, Brother Cornel and Sister Gabriela Ștef visited us in our house. On Sunday, they participated in the worship in the church from Caciulatesti. In the afternoon, sister Gabriela had a meeting with the sisters, while me and my brother Cornel went to the village of Rotunda – where we enjoyed the time being with brothers and sisters and some friends. A house of prayer was opened here.

The next meeting took place in Marsani, where brother Ionut started a work with children. There are about 25 children, some of them are accompanied by their mothers. Monday morning Brother Cornel and his wife Gabriela left. May God bless them and accompany them in all their travels.

Last but not least, brothers and sisters of the PIE organization, be blessed and may the power of God be with you. The reward of God be upon all of you -  you do many things for us! Thank you for praying for us, we need to be supported in prayer to be guided by the Holy Spirit.

With love,

Gabi Cuc, PIEI-Romania Missionary

A Pleasing Aroma

My dear PIEI partners,

God bless those in Romania and those in America with grace, peace and health in abundance for all you do for me and for the work here.

At the beginning of September, I spent a few days in Marsani. We arranged the house of prayer. On Sunday at 5:00 pm we had a meeting with the children and from 6:00 pm a meeting with the people from the community. Sunday, September 19, was the first meeting when several women came with children.

On September 4, I was in Rotunda with seven brothers, working at the house of prayer. On September 19, the first evangelistic effort took place.

We believe in the infinite power of the Lord’s love for people and the Holy Spirit who acts. I believe that God will show His glory in these localities as well.

Thank you for supporting our family and the church in Caciulatesti in prayer.

Be blessed!

2 Corinthians 2: 14-17

Now thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. To the one we are the aroma of death; and to the other the aroma of life leading go life. And who is sufficient for these things? For we ae not, as so many, peddling the word of God; but as of sincerity, but as from God, we speak in the sight of God in Christ.

With all my heart I wish you grace in all things!

Gabi Cuc - PIEI Romania Missionary

In My Daily Prayers

Dear friends in PIEI,

Thank God for August as a month of passion! As the apostle Paul said: “..;that evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good.” [Romans 7:21] On August 26 I had an argument with my sister-in-law, but then I was sorry and I had to repent.


On August 14 I was in Beciu where I met with Cornel Ștef, Timotei, Florina, Walker, and Florin. We had fellowship, exchange of ideas, impressions, encouragement, and prayer. On August 31 I join an evangelism effort with sister Florina, Florin and four other brothers to Grindeni, and then on to the village of Listeava.

We ministered to families, including Gigi's husband, Eleonora's wife and daughter, and Florentina, and all expressed their desire for us to visit them again. We prayed with them, and it was a warm fellowship open to the gospel.

Dear brothers, thank you for material aid and for your prayers. May the reward be yours! You are daily in my prayers. With all my heart I wish you health, peace and grace!

With love your brother in the great savior JESUS ​​CHRIST,

Gabi Cuc - PIEI-Romania Missionary

To all the brothers and sisters in need

Dear PIEI brothers and sisters,

I thank God for you in helping us both materially and spiritually, and that you pray for us.

I want to tell you that part of the money you send me, goes to Africa and Asia: to brothers and sisters who are in need, to orphans, to people who have nothing to eat, not even drinking water, and there are areas where faith in the Lord Jesus is forbidden. The Lord has put it in my heart to help these people with what we can.

On June 20, I went to village of ''Rotunda'' together with five brothers for opportunities for evangelism in the village. Women and men participated. I met a man named Florin, about 40 years old, who was open, but he said he still does not repent. We never know how God works. We pray that the Holy Spirit will make these aware of their sin and cause them to believe in the Lord Jesus.

Prayer Requests:

  • For the church from the village ''Caciulatesti'', to be active and steadfast on the Way of the Lord, to live in love and unity with each other,

  • For ''Marsani'' village, ''Rotunda'' village and ''Grindeni'' village

May the Lord reward you and give you health for everything you do!

With love, your brother in Jesus Christ,

Gabi Cuc, PIEI - Romania Missionary

Hebrews 13: 3- Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.


Dear brothers of PIEI,

I thank God for the grace and mercy He shows me. He gives me health, light, and the spiritual and material help I need. I thank God for how He uses you. May He give you everything you need in abundance and protect you from any harm. I thank God for all things in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Our church recently had a big fight over certain events. I need to explain. A family from the church left for England last year to visit their children. They came back in May this year. They brought their tithes to the church, but did not tithe the full amount that they should have. The next Tuesday the police stopped them, took their registration for their car, and obliged them to repair the car. It cost them 2,500 lei, exactly 10 times more than was missing from their tithe.

The following Sunday they brought to the church the difference of money they should have given to the church. They told the church everything that happened, and the fact that you cannot play with God. They prayed to the Lord to forgive them for their deed.

Prayer Requests:

  • Support us in prayer for Sara, my daughter, who is taking the baccalaureate exam this month

  • Pray for the church we belong to, that all of us work in the Lord's vineyard and that all of us are healthy in the faith

  • Pray for the people that the Holy Spirit may convince them of their sins and to add them to the church

I wish you much peace and health! With love, your brother in Jesus Christ,

Cuc Gavril - PIEI Missionary

Light and Faith

May God reward you for everything you do for us!

On February 23, I was with 5 other missionaries from Oltenia, in Mârșani. I preached the gospel in groups of 2 to the people I met. We met men, women and young people who listened to us and received Christian literature.

We meet every Sunday from 16-18 in Mârșani, where we have a house where we can gather to preach the Word to people. We hope and believe that God has mercy on people and the Holy Spirit convicts them of their sin and adds them to the church.

On February 24, Timotei Stînea's brother came to me, where he saw the work in this area. I pray that the Lord Jesus will give me light and faith in everything I have to do.

With love, your brother in Jesus Christ, Gabi Cuc!

Psalm 112

Varied Opportunities for the Gospel

Dear Partners in Evangelism brothers and sisters,

Thank you for all your material and spiritual the help in the Gospel. May the Lord bless you and reward you. I wish the grace of Jesus Christ to be over your families, and that this year the Lord may send his light and faithfulness to guide us in the work He has given each of us. 

In December I went to the fair in the village of Mârșani. I went with brothers to many families and houses where I preached the Gospel of Jesus. Also during this period there were two missionary brothers from Botoșani who worked in Mârșani with us as well as in the surrounding villages. I did meet a man in Mârșani who had received the Lord Jesus, and have since seen him several more times.

In the village of Mârșani we have a family of two brothers who are dumb (unable to speak). They stay with their in-laws, who are also dumb. There is another family in Căciulătești also with a speech deficiency.  These dumb people went to Mârșani several times. They have received the Lord Jesus in their life as Lord and Savior. Their names are Marian (43 years old) and Mirela (41 years old). Also, during this period I went to the Bechet fair and the Celaru fair where there are good opportunities to preach the Gospel to people. 

Since December 24 I have been quite ill. I have coughed but I did not have a fever; by the grace of the Lord Jesus my COVID-19 test was negative. I have entrusted my life to Him, and we believe that He still protects us from evil during the Winter holidays. The Lord enabled us to take gifts to poor families and needy children. Jesus does strengthen us, give us light, and bless us in the work we do.

Your brother in the Lord Jesus, 

Gabi Cuc, PIEI-Romania Missionary

Evangelizing in the Streets

Dear brothers of the PIE organization, thank you for all the help you send me and for the prayers you offer to God for me, my family and the area where I live and work! Thank God for the part you have been taking in the gospel for years, I pray for you every day to be blessed.

Together with some brothers from Caciulatesti and other churches, I went to the streets of Mârșani every week and preached the Gospel to the people I met. Some were open to the Word and I continued to visit them and pray for them. We have a case in which a woman came to the meeting with her nephew, her name is Olga. Please pray for everyone I met, but especially for Olga!

Two months ago, I met a brother named Marian, who started coming to church and going on missions with me. Between September 19-25 I was on a mission in Transylvania: in Sibiu, Alba Iulia, Turda, Câmpia Turzii, Cluj, Zalău and Ceanu Mare; where I met different families and single people to whom I shared the gospel in detail. Most were open, only two people did not receive the Word! May the Lord watch over them and work on their hearts.

I am glad for Brother Marian that he has a lot of zeal and a desire for the mission. The church in Caciulatesti enjoys peace and I hope that our salvation will be completed.

With love your brother in the Lord Jesus Christ,

Gabi Cuc, PIEI-Romania Missionary

The Work Continues

Gabi Cuc, a servant of the Lord Jesus, to all the brothers of PIEI in Romania and America. Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ!

Thank you for the brotherly love you have for me, for the prayers you make for me and the area where I work, and for all the help you send me. May the Lord reward you and give you health and all you need along the way.

I am glad that God has shown his power globally and that man is nothing but His power is everything as the Bible says. During this period of Covid-19 (March-June 15), we had a state of emergency, but the Word of God and our prayers did not cease. During this period, I frequently visited the brothers' families and prayed with them. I preformed three funerals, one of them a member of the church from Caciulatesti. Having gone abroad, none of this sister's children were able to attend the funeral, but approximately 35 people who did not know the Lord were able to hear the Word. I participated in a baptism of four people in Sadova. There were many people who attended the baptism, and we prayed that God would work on their hearts. We have been to Marsani several times, where we prayed for all the inhabitants in that area. Please support us in prayer for the work of proclaiming the Gospel that we want to carry out in Marsani and in Caciulatesti village.

With brotherly love,

Gabi Cuc - PIEI Missionary


My dear brothers of PIE, thank you for all the help you sent me. I wish God blesses each of you with health, peace, His strength, and to fulfill all your needs. We thank God for showing His power over His earth, not only in this pandemic, but in all times, we are more than victorious through the One who loves us.

At the end of February I went to Marsani with three brothers and preached the Gospel to many people, including the mayor of the village. Currently, we can only pray for Marsani, because of the declared a state of emergency; we cannot move there.

We started going to Listeava village, and we found some families open to receive the Gospel. Currently I visit two or three families of brothers every week.

May God strengthen us and protect us from evil!

With the love of your brother in Jesus Christ,

Gabi Cuc - PIEI Missionary


We went to the village of Marsani with a group of brothers from the Golgota Christian Church in Caciulatesti. Our purpose was one-on-one evangelism and home visits with people open to Bible study since August. God began to speak to us more and more specifically about this work. So in September we wanted to organize an evangelistic meeting at the local stadium. Unfortunately the mayor of the village, influenced by the local Orthodox priest, did not approve our use of the stadium.

However, we have come to see how God's plan is being fulfilled step by step. It started in a house of a brother. At this home people were asked if they would like to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. At the invitation three people answered “Yes.” A person of 60 years and two young people 17 years old.

We continued praying for specific guidance regarding Marsani. After a period of prayer we decided to start meeting on Sunday. At the same time God put in the heart of a young family, Berceanu Ionut, to move to this village to continue the mission work started.

Prayer Requests:

  • God will change the hearts of the people of Marsani

  • God will help Ionut integrate well among the neighbors of this village

  • God will bring mission teams to continue evangelizing one-on-one throughout the village

  • Golgota Christian Church in Caciulatesti will continue to support brother Ionut in missionary activities during the week and on Sundays with fasting and unconditional prayer.

Gabi Cuc - PIEI Missionary