“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” - Mark 16: 15-16

August 25, 2019 was a blessed day, we celebrate 20 years after the opening of this church in Sohodol. A day in which the gospel of Jesus Christ was shared with power.
At guests we had many unbelievers from Sohodol, some listening for the first time the Word of
We now have a "bridge" to these unbelievers and we can visit them and help them understand
God's salvation.
Thank you for all your support in prayer! We are honored to be partners in evangelism, we feel overwhelmed by your love.

Prayer Requests:

  • For those who have heard the Gospel both in Sohodol and Ponorel

  • For an evangelistic event in Valea Ciorii village in September

  • To continue to evangelize the orphaned children and teachers from Abrud (guidance of the Holy Spirit)

  • For health and Divine care for my whole family

Special blessings in the Name of Jesus,

Florin Botar - PIEI Missionary



It is such a great blessing for us to be partners in evangelism and an encouragement on the path of faith!

At the last visit to the two orphanage houses in Abrud, I thought that will be nice to bring them watermelon (they had not received anything like this this summer). Some of them were trembling with joy (this moved my heart to tears). I talked a lot with them and their teachers who are quite open to the Word of God.

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Another great work that awaits us this month is the evangelization of August 25 from Sohodol (20 years have passed since the opening of this church). I and the whole church are praying. We want to bring over 50 guests from the village, non-believers (a strong call to repentance will be on that Sunday).

Also, this month we visited the family from Brazesti (Brother Morcan and Sister Paraschiva are the only believers in this big village) we prayed together and encouraged them to stay close to the Lord.
At Ponorel we discussed with Jicu, Marinela, Marin and Viorica all non-believers who are not far from the Way of salvation.

Prayer requests:

  • For Brother Vasile - he is very ill (servant at Ponorel Church), and his wife, Emilia.

  • For the August 25 event in Sohodol (Holy Spirit to research the souls of unbelievers and they seek salvation in the sacrifice of Jesus).

  • For the orphans from Abrud and their teachers.

  • For Brazesti village (a work of church planting).

Florin Botar - PIEI Missionary



But as touching brotherly love ye need not that I write unto you: for ye yourselves are taught of God to love one another. - 1 Thessalonians 4:9

Together with my wife Magda and a group of brothers and sisters from the Apuseni, we had great joy to
meet pastor Traian Nemes and his wife at the churches of Telna and Bucerdea and together we had a holy fellowship. It was a time of great elevation through poetry, singing, word of Holy Scripture, done together as a family of God.
I think that this visit was a great encouragement to walk in faith with the Lord, for the small group of brothers and sisters that came with me from Apuseni. Every moment was unique and I felt a special blessing from God.

Reason to be thankful:

  • My little girl Ana Maria finished the Fifth-year of medicine with great grades. We thank God for all His help, for being with her in exams.

Prayer Requests:

  • For the sick ones in the churches of Ponorel and Sohodol (Remus, Emil, Marioara, Aurelia, Sofia and Elena)

  • In July - a special fast and prayer time for the non believeres people in Sohodol - with the support of the whole church

  • For the orphan children in Abrud

Please receive all our appreciation in the name of Jesus, your love for us moves our hearts and strengthens our hands in the work of evangelization.

Florin Botar - PIEI Missionary



For me, in particular, the meeting at the PIEI Christian Center in Alba Iulia and the Talna fellowship it was a wonderful time of spiritual revival and a good time to equip in the missionary work. We met with many missionaries from Romania and Ukraine and the discussions together were an encouragement to me.
I want to appreciate and thank those who have made this time of equipment and fellowship possible especially the leadership of the PIEI in America and Romania and I’m praying that God will reward you from it’s wonderful abundance.

With a small group of children from Ponorel we had a joyful meeting on the occasion of the child's day. I talked to them about the Lord Jesus - like the Son of God, and that everyboday can be the children of God.
The word of God tells us: "Teach the child the path to follow, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6)

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Prayer Requests:

  • For my family - special blessings every day

  • For blessing in the personal evangelization that I do in Ponorel and Sohodol

  • To organize a VBS at Ponorel

With all the love in the name of the Lord Jesus,
Florin Botar - PIEI Missionary

Celebrating with joy the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

At Sohodol and Ponorel we had some special moments at Easter.
The word of the Lord was strongly preached, and at the end of our meeting we celebrate together with food for everyone present.
All week before Easter, we had special meetings in families (believers and non-believers) and we talked about Jesus and His wonderful resurrection.

I prepared myself for a Bible Study with Church, for several weeks on the subject: "Let us build one another" (Ephesians 4:16) for the spiritual consolidation of the churches (Ponorel and Sohodol). Starting with good relationships in our church, we have a good influence on the society that surrounds us.

We love you in our hearts and prayers, be blessed for everything you do for us. Answer to prayers: The results of my wife's analysis are good - Glorified to be Lord!

”God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations. “ - (Psalm 67: 1-2)

Florin Botar - PIEI Missionary

The gospel from heart to heart

“Because he loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.” - Psalm 91:14-16 (NIV)

It was a special moment of evangelization in Ponorel at Lidia's funerals: over 100 people (most of them non-believers) listened with interest the Gospel. Everyone present was very attentive to what was said that day (The orthodox women were singing with us).


For the first time this year, we had an outdoor evangelism event at Luminesti (an area near Ponorel). My message was about Jesus: his crucifixion and his wonderful resurrection (photo: Luminesti). There we met people with very poor families (7-8 children) without a monthly income (I met a 10-11 year old kid who was collecting nettles to sell, for his family to have money to buy bread).


At Ponorel I talked with Dana. Dana is a person who knows a lot from the Bible. She was interested in knowing more.
Also, we continued to meet in Brazesti for church planting (a large village with only 2 believers). In Brazesti people strongly believe in heathen rituals.

Prayer Requests:

  • For Magda my wife - health problems

  • For Ponorel, Sohodol and Luminesti where I preach the Gospel

  • For a group of believers in Brazesti

  • For orphans from Abrud and their teachers

Florin Botar - PIEI Missionary

Help for the two poor widows

Hello brothers and sisters in Christ! I want to show you few activities that we had this month.

Sister Dorica and Sister Sofia have lately received help from us (food and financial), they both past 70 years.
Also, in Sohodol I had a special meeting with Dan (nonbeliever) son of Sister Vetuta. I specifically discussed the problem of salvation in the Bible and he had many good questions about it.

Brother Emil (Ponorel) had a very difficult operation in Cluj to the colon, he is in our daily prayers.
Again at Ponorel, I met a woman, Adriana (nonbeliever) and we discussed important things from the
I continued to go to Brazesti (where we want to plant a church) and also to orphans in Abrud.

Support in prayer:

  • For me and my family (protection, wisdom, health)

  • For Dan (nonbeliever) - Sohodol

  • For Emil, in a particularly difficult situation with his health - Ponorel

  • For Adriana (nonbeliever) -Ponorel

  • For the Brazesti mission point

  • For the orphans from Abrud

  • For an evangelistic mission to Luminesti in April (a village near Ponorel)

I saluted you in the Name of Jesus with Psalm 100.

Florin Botar - PIEI Missionary

Missionary Visits

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God showed His faithfulness and guidance towards me again in the last few weeks. I went to Ponorel to visit two non-believers, Rodica and her daughter-in-law Cristina, and we had an amazing time of personal evangelism. A little while ago, Rodica had some problems in her life and she was determined to receive Jesus in her life. She is very close to the Kingdom of God. In the same village, I went to see Viorica. She is an old woman who helped a lot our church and she has an open heart for the Gospel.

In Sohodol, I met Alin and Mihaiel. Alin is the nephew of our sister in Christ, Dorica, and she is a great example of faithfulness for them. 

When we went to Valea Ciorii, we had a special experience there with Tamas family. They are all non-believers and they go through difficult times because their daughter has cancer and the mother is paralyzed. I spoke to them about the importance of prayer, about God who loves us deeply and about Jesus Christ and His sacrifice. We had a blessed time with this family.

I also continued to visit our mission point in Brazesti and the orphanage in Abrud (photo: the orphans learning about the good shepherd).


Please pray for:

  • Emil from Ponorel who had two surgeries lately;

  • Rodica and Cristina (non-believers) from Ponorel;

  • Alin and Mihaela (non-believers) from Sohodol;

  • Tamas family (non-believers) from Valea Ciorii;

  • Our mission point in Brazesti;

  • The orphans and their teachers;


I salute you with all my love, in the name of Jesus Christ, with Philippians 1:2-6!

Florin Botar - PIEI Missionary

Many Blessings from Apuseni!

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Dear brothers and sisters from HCBC, for us being evangelistic partners with you is a great blessing, your prayers and financial support on a monthly basis greatly encourages us. We bless you all,with the love in the name of Jesus.
We are also blessed by being part of the Partners in Evangelism International (PIEI) from which we receive regular support in several spiritual needs.
I serve in the Apuseni Mountains (in Ponorel and Sohodol) for many years under the blessing of the Heavenly Father.

Lately, I went to visit a few families of believers and non-believers in two villages, Ponorel and Sohodol, where I shared the Gospel with them. In Sohodol I also know 5 elder sisters who, because of the winter, can’t go to church. They need someone to visit them, bring them the Lord’s Supper and to pray with them. I go there to fulfill these needs until the cold season is over. In the non-christian families we talk to them and try to share the Good News.

In the same village, I met Vetuta. She is a non-christian woman trapped in orthodox traditions and customs. In Ponorel we have a few prayer groups in different locations. They are very useful for the members of the church but also a good opportunity to invite non-christians. 

Please pray for:

  • Dragoi family – Christian family from Ponorel who are having a rough time after their son’s death;

  • Nicu and Lenuta from Sohodol who are not far from God’s Kingdom;

  • Vetuta, the non-christian neighbor;

  • Our mission point in Brazesti;

  • Two orphanages in Abrud that I usually visit;

Thank you and God bless you,

Florin Botar - PIEI Missionary

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A special worship time in Ponorel and Sohodol

Sunday 21 Oct, at the morning servcie we had the Thanksgiving Day at Sohodol and after lunch at Ponorel
This time is useful for both believers and unbelievers - many of them are in our daily prayers (the gospel was proclaimed with much power).
For me this holiday can open new bridges to unbelievers at Sohodol as well as at Ponorel.
My heart is full of joy and encouraged knowing that you are beside us in the work that we do.

Blessings from our Heavenly Father!
Florin Botar

The work with the orphans


The work with orphans in Abrud

I go to two orphan houses in Abrud (at Gura Cornii-8 young people at near the train station - another 8 young people)

Every month I visit and take them sweets and fruits (sometimes clothes) I tell them from the Bible.

They are interested in certain Scripture images (and color them together). It is right that their mental development is low but they certainely have a special understanding of the spiritual things.

It's very interesting for me to see how much they want to be visited (not because they get something) but because they need love too.

There are a few of them who spend time with some families from Abrud into their homes, but this does not fulfill their need for a true family to love them.

I pray for them and I want the Heavenly Father to protect them every day.

"The pure and unworthy religion before God, our Father is to investigate orphans and widows in

their troubles, and keep ourselves safe from the world "(James 1:27)

Please receive my special appreciation for your support!

May our Father in Heaven bless you each and every day!

Florin Botar

Evangelizing the village of Luminesti


I wish first of all to thank the Heavenly Father for his guidance and protection every day.

I also thank you, my partners in the work of spreading the Gospel in my area.

Lately, I had the opportunity to share the Good News both within the church and especially in some non-Christian families.

- a good opportunity to evangelize was at Ponorel - a time when the Word of God was solemnly proclaimed.

- at Sohodol in the family of Vetuta, a woman who is not far from the kingdom of God

-Visits to the Doric and Zorita family -all of them still non-Christian

At Ponorel meeting with Nicu (near the church) and with aunt Iulica and her entire family.

A great evangelistic action was in Luminesti (a village near Ponorel with many poor families), I met with the children and adults from this place and I told them about the Good News : Jesus Christ (see Photo: Luminesti)

Prayer request:

-for sister Livia-health problems with children

-for sister Fica, Lidia, Lenuta-health issues

- for both villages of Ponorel and Sohodol - people to receive the Salvation

-for two orphan children's homes in Abrud-which I visit every month

-for the the new-mission point of Brazesti and three non-Christian families from this village: Catana Emil, Gherman Dumitru, Morcan Ilie

 I greet all the love in the Name of Jesus


Updates from Brazesti

At the churches in Ponorel and Sohodol and at the mission point in Brazesti, the week before Easter Sunday and during Easter, we had a wonderful blessed time. We interacted with non-believers with whom we shared about Jesus’ suffering, death and grand resurrection. People were very receptive and some even attended the church services at the two churches. At each of the services we felt the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and the power of His resurrection filled our hearts. See photo Easter 2018.

Please continue to pray for:

-          The two orphanages in Abrud

-          For the mission point in Brazesti, especially for the non-believer families of Emil Catana, Dumitru Gherman and Ilie Mocan

-          For a new evangelism program at the church in Ponorel on May 27th at 6pm

-          For those who go through difficult situations: Vasile Coroiu, Aurelia Dragoiu, Sofia Mihet, Otilia Danciu


We pray for you and think of you daily. Thanks for all you do for us, in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

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Home Visits @ Non-Believers Families


The mercy of the Lord has been with us this month and we were able to work fervently to spread the Gospel. During all the visits in the homes, both with believers and non-believers, I was able to share from the Word of God. I also visited the ones who cannot come to church from Ponorel and Sohodol, and shared Communion. Some of them with non-believers in the family, I invited to come to church. I met with Ms. Nicu from Sohodol. He knows a lot about the Gospel and came to church several times, and even prayed eloquently in church. In Sohodol, I visited Mr. Ion, a religious man who loves the songs we sing and the way we worship. His wife, Ms. Maria, is the one that keeps him away. She is very attached to the Orthodox Church. In Ponorel, I visted Sister Lidia who is sick. I saw her daughter Geta who is a non-believer. At her father’s funeral, Geta was touched by the Word of God, and since then she is more open to the Gospel. We all pray for her entire family. While visiting the family of Sister Sabina, we had a moment of prayer for her granddaughter Anca who has been diagnosed with cancer some time ago. We also pray for Sister Adriana’s husband, Jicu who is a non-believer, and for  the family of Brother Mircea: Adrian, Adriana and Deuta, all non-believers.

We met at the mission point in Brazesti (see photo) in smaller group this month. We want to continue the prayer meetings over the week in each of these towns. I also plan to continue to visit the orphans from Abrud.

With all the love in Christ,

Florin Botar

Christmas Time / Help for Poor Families & Childrens

Praise be to the Lord for all His help in 2017. Throughout hard and easy days we felt His blessed Hand with us. In December we had several meetings before Christmas when we sang carols and had talks about the birth of Jesus Christ. At Ms. Vetuta’s in Sohodol (our church neighbor), we had a great time of evangelism. She loves old carols, and we sang lots of them. At Sister Dorica’s in Sohodol we prayed together for her non-believing family, and sang carols for a long time. At Brother Morcan’s in Brazesti, we had great fellowship, celebrating the birth of our Savior. Before Christmas, we gave lots of presents to groups of children (see photos with the orphans in Abrud, and a very poor family with their children). They received clothing, food and toys. In Ponorel, we hosted our brothers from the Pentecostal church from Abrud. They sang lots of carols that energized all participants. We continued to meet in homes, for prayer. I saw many non-believing families.

Now at the beginning of the new year, I wish you special blessings from the Heavenly Father. I appreciate your support greatly. You are in our heart and prayer, daily.


November 2017


Blessed be our Heavenly Father who was with us this month as well. He did not allow any bad thing in our life. We visited many of the believers and non-believers’ families in Ponorel and Sohodol, and talked from the Word of God. In our area there were two funerals where many people attended. They heard the good news of the salvation through Jesus Christ. After the funerals, a couple of doors were open to talk to some of the non-Christian families. Also this month I started the weekly group meetings in homes. At these house meetings it’s easier to invite the non-believing neighbors.

At Brazesti, a larger village, 5km away from Baia de Aries toward Turda, we started a new mission point. Brother Morcan, our host, is the only Christian in the entire village. We pray God’s blessing over these places which are closed to the Gospel. For the church in Ponorel, it was great to see Brother Vasile, the church elder, back to church. He had been sick. Praise God!

Prayer Support:

o   For the non-believers from Sohodol and Ponorel, whom I visit: Nicu, Lenuta, Vetuta, Rodica, Iulica, Dorin, Marin, Marinela,  Ionut, Ion, Eleonora, etc.

o   For the Village of Brazesti, a new mission point

o   For the orphan children in Abrud whom I visit all the time

o   For the celebrations of the birth of Lord Jesus

May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with you all. Many thanks for your support in advancing the Gospel in our area.

October 2017

Praised be the Lord for this month at Ponorel and Sohodol. In each of these churches we celebrated Thanksgiving, a special occasion to invite the non-believers to hear the Word of God. In Sohodol, almost all our friends from the village came to church. They listened to poems, songs and Biblical message with great interest. After a week, I visited each one of them, and took a photo as remembrance from the event. Their sincere desire was for me to visit them to talk about wonderful things from the Scripture. Mr. Nicu from Sohodol said, very decisively, that “I know I need to be baptized; I know that salvation is only in the Lord Jesus. Please pray for me and my family; I also pray every day.”

I ordered 2018 calendars which I plan to give to my non-believing friends when I visit them to talk about the Lord Jesus.

Please pray for us. The next six months are great for prayer and evangelism in the homes. Thanks so much for all you do for us. May God reward you from His great riches!


September 2017

In the month of September we had meetings with the believers in Ponorel and Sohodol and with the non-believers especially the ones in the extended families of our brothers and sisters. We had a special great time with the Dragoi Family (with Marin and Marinela who know the Word of God and are not far from repentance).

In Sohodol, in the family of Sister Fica, I met with Benone and Lili and their children (Benone and Lili used to attend church for a long time, but their faith weakened). We prayed for Sister Fica for them and we believe that the Heavenly Father can change their heart. Also in Sohodol, Sister Felicia (a strong believer) has big problems with her non-believing husband Nicu. He attended church several times in the past, but not lately. He had a car accident. He is very much against God and against the church.

This month we visited the church in Avram Iancu (see photo) and we had wonderful fellowship in the Word of God. I was glad to see them stay strong in the Lord and also see them shine a holy light, even as few as they are. I also visited Brother Tomos (95 y old), the oldest man in the church. He told me many things about the beginning of the faith in this area. We prayed together for furthering the Gospel in the Apuseni area.

Prayer Support:

§  For Marin and Marinela  from Ponorel

§  For Nicu, the husband of Sister Felicia from Sohodol

§  For Benone and Lili from Sohodol

§  For the harvest celebration (a thanksgiving celebration) in Ponorel and Sohodol, as a great opporuntiyt to invite the non-believers

Wishing you special heavenly and earthly blessings from the Lord Jesus!

Florin Botar


August 2017

In the month of August I met with believers and non-believers in the area and had conversations on the Word of God. At Sohodol, Sister Lenuta, at 80, impressed me with her strong desire to share the Gospel to her non-believing neighbors. She visits them a lot and teaches them beautiful things from the Bible. I also met Mr. Nicu there. He is open toward the church. We have good conversations about salvation. He and his daughter-in-law came to church, and we were glad for it. His wife is close to the Orthodox Church. Sister Zorita has major problems with her son Adi (non-believer); we are praying for them. At Ponorel, Sister Mariana went through difficult surgery, and needs lots of prayer support. Sister Sabina shared the difficult situation of her daughter-in-law Anca, a teacher in the City of Campeni who might be sick with cancer. Anca and her husband Dorin live with Sister Sabina. They are not believers, and I could not connect with them so far.


This month I visited the orphans in Abrud again, took some fruit and sweets for them, and shared the story of Joseph from the Old Testament (see photo).

Prayer Support:

-           For Sister Lenuta’s neighbors

-           For Mr. Nicu and his family

-           For Adi, Sister Zorita’s son

-           For Sister Mariana ‘s health

-           For Anca and Dorin

-           For the orphan children in Abrud and their teachers


With thankfulness and love,

Pastor Florin Botar

July 2017

Blessed be the Heavenly Father for His help in the month of July. The main activity was the children’s camp in Paltinis / Sibiu (photo: camp1) with a team from Grace Church from Normal, IL. At this camp, the theme was around Joseph’s life for the youngest children, and for the older children, the teachings from 2 Corinthians 5:17