We Still Thank God — PIEI

We Still Thank God

Even if the year 2020 was more difficult and some projects had to be canceled and the church buildings for a closed period, we still thank God.

Thank you, especially the PIE committee, for your faithfulness to us this year as well. Thank you Brother Carl for your love and financial support, I pray the Lord will bless and reward you.

We had restrictions on travel and meetings, but the Lord helped us to be with those who went through difficult situations. We carried the good news of the gospel, encouraged, and prayed for those who fell ill.

Before the feast of the Lord's birth, I prepared bags of food and gave them to those in need. I thank God that I managed to meet children from four localities: Intregalde, Galda de sus, Cetea and Benic, I asked the principals to let them come to school because they are doing school online and I had a short message about the Lord Jesus. and I gave them presents. We pray that the Lord will work in their lives and that of their parents.

Thank God for the grace I have received this year. We pray that the year 2021 will be richer in fruit for the glory of the Lord!

God bless you!

With love and appreciation.

Tani Nemes, PIEI-Romanian Missionary
