Tani Nemes Newsletter — PIEI

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With the help of God, we organized four evangelism events in Telna. I am happy that every evening about twenty people from outside the church participated. We prepared for these days with fasting and prayer. We continue to pray that the Holy Spirit will convict them of their need of the Lord Jesus.

Prayer Requests:

  • For all those who participated in the events to decide for Jesus

  • For the children’s ministry. For the leaders not to be discouraged, and to continue this ministry




I thank God for every opportunity I have to speak to people about the love of the Lord Jesus. Together with churches from our area, we’ve been helping those in need, especially during this time of year when bills are higher. We bought wood for heating, food and medicine.

On these occasions I had the opportunity to talk about Jesus with people and to encourage those who are sick.
Thank you to those who are with me in prayer and financially.

Prayer Requests:

  • For Felicia, the headmaster of the Intregalde school who has cancer and is not saved.

  • For those who are sick and have material needs, not to be discourage in the way of the Lord.

God bless you!

Tani Nemes - PIEI Missionary



May the love of God be with you all! I want to share from the ministry.

Regarding the children from Telna who attend the Bible school supported a program at the church: Their parents also participated in this program, some of them are not believers. On this occasion they listened to the Word of the Lord, the songs and Bible verses. We pray that the Holy Spirit will convict them of their need of salvation. The children received gifts at the end of the program.

I’m also rejoicing because with a group of brothers and sisters from Telna, we shared the good news of the birth of the Lord to families from Mesentea. People are receptive there, and we are praying that in 2020 at least one family will receive the Lord Jesus and begin reflecting the Lord Jesus. Then we may have a place to gather for Bible study and prayer meetings in this village.

Thanks to brother Carl and Trinity Church who are with me in prayer and finance.

Prayer Requests:

  • For the parents of the children who went to church and listened to the Word, that the Holy Spirit would work salvation in their life.

  • For Mesentea, at least one family to open their heart and home for the Lord.

May God bless you!

Tani Nemes - PIEI Missionary



I am thankful to the Lord for the way we have felt His presence and guidance throughout 2019. I am glad for the freedom we have to carry the good news of the Gospel, too.

In December I had the opportunity to go into four schools, Benic, Cetea, Galda de Sus and Intregalde villages. I talked to children and teachers about the birth of Jesus and about the purpose for which He came into our world. I pray that the seed sown will bear fruit for His glory.

Many thanks to those who showed their faith in me by supporting me in prayer and financially in 2019. I pray that the Lord will bless all PIEI servants, and I wish you all a blessed New Year with spiritual and material blessings.

Prayer Requests:

  • For children from the schools in which we talked about the Lord. Please pray for all those who heard the gospel this year and that the Lord will bring salvation into their lives.

God bless you!

Tani Nemes - PIEI Missionary


I am very glad that, together with a group of sisters from the church, we visited two schools in Galda de Sus and Intregalde villages. In both schools I spoke to the children about the Lord Jesus using the parable of the Good Samaritan. We must have compassion for those around us as the Lord Jesus had for us. At the end we gave little presents to the children.

I also had the opportunity to talk to teachers about Jesus. At one point the 42-year-old principal, Felicia, told me that she has cancer. I continued to talk to her about how she can have eternal life with Jesus.

I pray that the seed sown will bear fruit both in the lives of the children and in the lives of the teachers. Please pray for the children and for the teachers, but especially pray for the principal, Felicia.

God bless you!

Tani Nemes - PIEI Missionary



With the start of the 2019-2020 school year, I resumed the meetings with children in Telna.
Every Friday morning we meet with children, we study from Bible, learn songs and, as homework for the next week, they have to remember Bible verses.

We pray that the memorized Word will change their lives and through them their parents will fall in love with the Lord Jesus.
Thanks to Brother Carl and the Trinity Church for their support in prayer and financial support.

Prayer Requests:

  • For the parents of the children who come to the Bible School, to not stop them comming.

  • For the leaders of this Bible School, Lord to give them wisdom and attractive methods for the children.

Tani Nemes - PIEI Missionary



I like to visit families outside the church who are facing problems, because these people are the most open to the gospel. I encouraged and motivated the brothers and sisters in the church to do this. Victoria, a sister from our church, started to visit a lady and they were serving coffee together. Sister Victoria started talking to her about Jesus and this woman accepted, declaring that he is her Lord and Savior.

For health reasons I baptized her at home. We had a special time, being present at the baptism ceremony together with a part of the church. On this occasion I spoke to the husband and children about the Lord Jesus who died for them.

Thanks to Brother Carl and the Trinity Church for their financial and prayer support.

Prayer Requests:

  • For Sister Liar who was baptized to remain faithful to the end.

  • To continue the work with children this school year.

Tani Nemes - PIEI Missionary



With the help of the Lord, that this year we organized a summer camp in Telna, for a week.
I am glad that we had 65 children who participated every day. We had a special time of Bible study, songs, they learned English and different sports.
I pray that many of these children will receive Jesus in their hearts and through them, their parents too.

From September with the beginning of the school year we will resume meetings with children every Friday.

Thanks to brother Carl for support in prayer and financial.

Prayer Requests:

  • May the Lord guard the children from Satan's attacks.

  • The Holy Spirit to convince children and their parents that they need the Jesus.

God bless you!

Tani Nemes - PIEI Missionary



We continued meeting with children at Telna every friday. I am glad of the 17 children who are consistent and are interested in knowing about Jesus as much as possible. Now we are organizing a summer camp from June 17 to 22 at Telna and we pray that God bring as many children as possible. After this summer camp, children will make a program in church, with songs and stories from the camp, and we will invite their parents to participate.

On June 12 and 13, together with a group of British brothers who have experience with children's work, we will go to five schools in the villages Benic, Cetea, Galda de Sus, Intregalde, Ponor where we will have a program with the theme: "Let's know Jesus ​​". We pray that everything will be going well and for the many children and teachers, who will be present there, to open their hearts and let Jesus in!

Thanks to Brother Carl and the Trinity Church for prayer and financial support.

Prayer Requests:

  • For the summer camp to be best organized with attractive programs for children

  • For the children and the teachers in the mentioned schools

  • For the children's parents, to give children the freedom to come to the camp.

God bless you!

Traian Nemes - PIEI Missionary

Kids Ministry in Telna

After two weeks of vacation camp last summer (2018), I am very happy and thankful to the Lord for the 65 children who participated, we continue to meet with a number of 20 for each week.
A group of young people meet with them every Friday and have different activities: Bible study, questions and answers, workshops and sports activities.

Our goal is to reach the hearts of the parents with the gospel through the children.
We prepare children programs in the church where we invite their parents and we use this opportunity to communicate with them and create relationships.

Thanks to Brother Carl and the Trinity Church for prayer and financial support.

Prayer requests:

  • For children who came to our meetings, to accept the Lord Jesus in their lives;

  • For the children's parents to be open and honest when we talk to them.

God bless you!

Tani Nemes - PIEI Missionary

Home Visits

Thank God for the opportunity to get into the people’s houses and bring them the good news of the Gospel.
In the photo is Sister Ana, she’s Parkinson sick, and her nephew Gheorghe. Every time I visit sick brothers and sisters, I have the opportunity to talk about Jesus with the non-believers in the family.
Gheorghe, the grandson of Sister Ana, always listens with interest while I’m telling him a Bible story .
When we said good-bye to each other, our salude is: Jesus be with us. I pray that the word sown in his heart will be for the salvation of his soul.


Many thanks to Brother Carl and the Trinity Church for prayers and financial support.
I thank the Lord for all PIEI servants and I pray that through us the kingdom of God will expand in many hearts.

Needs and reasons for prayer:

  • For Sister Ana - the Lord to relieve her sufferings

  • For Gheorghe to love the Lord Jesus

  • For me and my family to be guarded by the evil attacks

God bless you all!

Tani Nemes - PIEI Missionary

A week of evangelism at Telna

With God’s help, we organized a week of evangelism at Telna. I'm glad that over 50 people from the village who are not believers, heard the Gospel that week. The greater joy is that two people surrendered their lives to the Lord.

Needs and reasons for prayer:

  • For Maria and Ionut who surrendered their lives to the Lord, may God continue the process of transformation in their lives, and to be baptised.

  • For all who have participated, Holy Spirit to continue to work and convince them that they need salvation in Christ.

Many thanks to Brother Carl for prayer and financial support.
God bless you all!

Tani Nemes - PIEI Missionary

Baptism in Telna


For the last two years, the mother of two young men from our church came to our service and, during these times, we prayed for her to come to Christ. Also, we went to her home to spend time together and to help her understand the Word of God. After she realized that we all need Jesus, she received Him in her life.

At the celebration of her baptism was also Nicolae, her husband, who is a non-believer. We pray that he will give his life to Christ as well.

I want to give thanks to brother Carl and to Trinity Church for their prayers and financial support.

Please pray for Nicolae and the other non-believers who were at the baptism.

God bless you all!

Finishing the Construction


We continued our work on the house of the two kids from Telna and, through God's grace, we managed to put the roof on, the doors and the windows. We have a great God, who helped us go forward more than we ever expected. We pray to Him to find the financial resources to finish this house. The two children really need it. 

I want to thank brother Carl for his financial support and for his prayers.

Needs and prayer motifs:

  • to get the financial resources we need to finish the house

  • for the two kids, Roxana and Darius, to know and follow God

God bless you!

Tani Nemes - PIEI Missionary

New House for a Poor Family


Together with the church in Telna and with the support of other churches and people, we have been involved in building a house for two poor children in Telna. The girl is 15 years old and her brother is 13.

The house is composed of kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. Now, they live with their parents in a single room of 3.5m / 4m, under difficult conditions. Children's parents are not Christians, but children are coming to church, biblical school and summer camps.

We want this action to be a testimony for all people in Telna, especially for this family.
With God’s help, we want to build the roof of the house by December 20, 2018. After that, we will interrupt the works until after the new year, in which we will continue to pray for the necessary funds to continue the work.

Our desire is that these children to use their new home as soon as possible because their need is real.
Many thanks to brother Carl who supports me in prayer and financial.

Prayer Requests:

  • For Marica Vasile, Angela, Roxana and Darius, to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord & Savior;

  • To find the necessary funds to complete the housework.

VBS in Telna

With the help of the Lord, we organized in August two week-long VBS in Telna. About 70 children aged between 6 and 14 participated daily.

For 10 children aged 10 to 14 we supported their expenses and sent them to Somesul Rece camp.

I am very happy as two girls, Denisa and Dalia have decided to follow the Lord.

Thanks to those who support me in prayer and financial.

Prayer requests:

* for Denisa and Dalia to remain firm in her decision

* for continuity in work with the youth

* for the team who works with children and youth . For wisdom and vision

God bless you!

Childrens Ministry / Evangelism Services

I thank the Lord that we started 2018 well. We had 25 children attend Bible School. We continue to meet with them every Friday, and we pray that this number would increase. I am glad to see them participate with joy. They have permission from their parents to attend. We pray for the parents that they would get to know God through their children.

Beginning on Jan 7th we had a week of prayer with the churches in the area. In Bucerdea we had three evangelistic evenings where non-believers participated. The church building was filled to the brim. Together with the church we are now fasting and praying that the Holy Spirit would convict them of their need for salvation. At Telna, together with the sisters group, we continue to visit the sick, to encourage them and talk to them about Lord Jesus. We want, in this way, to be a testimony for the people in the village, and so, the Name of the Lord would be glorified. With the church in Telna, we are engaged in a daily prayer chain, two people at the same time. We pray for the children’s ministry and for a week of evangelism in February.

I thank God for the support in serving, and to Trinity Church and everyone supporting us financially and spiritually.

Prayer Needs:

-           For the children’s park project in Telna

-           For the children who participate in Bible School

-           For the youth team who works with the children: vision and strategies in the ministry

-           For the non-believers who participated in the evangelism service in Bucerdea


Spreading the Good News of the Birth of Jesus

This month we were glad to be with our children celebrating the birth of our Lord, and then at New Year’s Eve, on a short vacation. As I usually do, fulfilling James 1:27, I visited and took food to the needy and poor. Through these charity acts, the Lord is glorified, and we pray that they would be fruitful. We had a wonderful time together at Telna with youth, brothers and sisters, and a brother from England who had been with us at the summer camp in June 2017. After the church service we planned the summer camp for 2018. With God’s help, we want to set up a play park for the children in the village, on the church’s property. We plan to add benches for the parents and grandparents to sit on while watching the children play. This is a pretty expensive project, and I pray that God would help us get it done. Through this action we can be a good testimony for the children and parents. In December, together with a group of brothers and sisters, we took the good news of the birth of Lord Jesus to many families in Telna, Sard, Bucerdea and Mesentea. We pray that those who have heard the carols would be changed by the Holy Spirit and convicted of their need for Him. For all the help we receive, we are thankful to the Lord and to Trinity Church, and to all who support us to complete projects.

Prayer Support:

§  To build the small park for children, in Telna

§  For the youth and those who work with the children: vision and work strategies

§  For the children who participate in our meetings, and their parents

To all in the PIE Organization, wishing you a new year filled with blessings and fruit for His glory!


November 2017

I thank God because throughout 2017 I felt His guidance and power in the mission work. I also thank Trinity Church fo r their faithfulness and constant support for me in the mission field. Thanks for all the help you have provided in prayer and with finances, much needed support. I thank God for all the workers in the PIE Organization, and I pray that the Lord would give us an even more fruitful year, along with increased spiritual and material resources.


In November, we continued the mission work in Mesentea. We are taking a break until Christmas when we plan to go caroling. We have to interrupt the work because we don’t have a house where to meet anymore, and during winter, we don’t get to connect with people in the street as they stay in.

With the Lord’s help, we prepared a team of youth who will be involved in the children’s ministry in Telna, and we believe that God will bring much fruit in the life of the children there.

We visited the sick, those who are part of the church. We had great fellowship with them at Communion, and I am glad that every year I have the opportunity to speak about the Lord Jesus to the non-believers in the family. The daughter of one of our sisters from Sard, named Nadina, started attending church every Sunday. The same for the husband of another sister from church. We pray that the Lord would help them stay consistent. I also make sure that the widows and the sick have sufficient wood to warm up their houses this winter.

Prayer Support:

o   To find a family in Mesentea and Benic who would open their house so that we can continue the mission work even during winter

o   For Nadina and Gheorghe, to stay constant in their attendance and to decide for the Lord

o   For the youth team who plan to work with children, that the Lord would give them vision and wisdom.

We want to wish you all peace and joy as you enjoy the holiday with your family, under God’s guidance.

October 2017

Thanks be to God for the meeting on Oct 21st with the missionaries and pastors in the PIE Organization, at the Christian Center in Alba-Iulia! I greatly enjoy the fellowship in the Word, and the special atmosphere that the Holy Spirit created.


We celebrated Thanksgiving in Sard, Telna and Bucerdea, where we invited music groups who provided special praise and worship time. We thanked God for everything He gave us this year. Many brothers and sisters from other churches participated, along with friends (non-believers) from the village. We learned that, beside the materials blessings, the most wonderful gift is the Lord Jesus. We pray that those who are not saved would choose Jesus as Lord and Savior.

We visited brothers and sisters who are sick, and had fellowship with them through Communion. I thank God that, while visiting the sick, I can talk about Jesus to those who are not Christian in their homes. I am glad that the daughter of one of our sisters from Sard came to church the following Su nday, and promised that she would continue to come. Her husband said that he wanted to start a new life with Jesus. We pray that the Lord would free him from smoking.

At Mesentea, I continued the mission work. We pray to find a family who would receive us. Winter is starting and we want to be able to continue the work inside a home.

Thanks to Brother Carl and to Trinity Church for the support in prayer and with finances.

Prayer Support:

-   For the non-believers who participated in the Thanksgiving celebration, to be convicted by the Holy Spirit of their need for Jesus

-   For Nadina who came to church, to stay steadfast in her decision, and for her father who indicated he wanted to also go to church

-   To find a house in Mesentea where we can continue the mission work during winter

May God bless you!