By the grace of God I have reached the end of March, and as always I am not sure how to begin to summarize what has happened this month.
I can't put them in order, but I'm sure the HOLY SPIRIT will reveal more than I do. Yesterday, on March 19, we had to bury the body of a brother named Liviu Pletea, only fifty-one years old, and in this way I ask you to pray for his parents, wife and children. God IS SOVEREIGN and never WRONG! This was an opportunity to proclaim the word DIVINE because people who are not believers come to such events and we are glad to hear the gospel! Faith comes after hearing.
Another reason for joy is that in the village of Rotunda more and more people come to the meeting, and this is an occasion of joy, but also of responsibility because they have more and more questions. The book of authority remains the Holy Scriptures because it has an Author with Authority, who is GOD! We pray that the HOLY SPIRIT will work in the heart of every one who hears the WORD OF GOD.
I also keep in touch almost daily with the girls from the orphanage who told me that Sister Gabi Stef told them on the phone to read the psalm that matches the day and that is: to read Psalm 1 on the first day of the month, etc, and the girls were very excited about this project.
At the same time, the "REVEAL ME" course for the sisters ended and was a beautiful and pleasant fellowship of the sisters.
I have heard about the course that Brother Timothy suggested to us about the "ASCENTION", and I would be glad if we did it among the PIEI missionaries. We need to pray about it. Also, for a while, Brother Timothy has been asking all missionaries very deep questions, which I like because he is personally researching us.
I continue to pray for the PIEI Committee in Romania and the USA, but I like to remember them by name: Brothers Timothy, Jenu, Emanuel, and from the USA: Brother Cornel and Sister Gabi Stef, Sister Rodica and Brother Alex Popa, and for our wonderful sponsors I would mention the Ed family, Diana and their business, Sister Mărioara Barac who sends us packages of clothes, the family of Matei Scheau and Sister Naomi. For all of them we pray daily with great joy, and every evening at 9 pm we pray for all the missionaries as well.
I know that you also pray for me personally. I feel all the prayers that the saints say for me, and since last October when I fell ill with Covid and you prayed for me. I feel wonderful and I just want you to keep praying like that! Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart! May Jesus bless you and reward you as He finds His way.
By the grace of God,
Traian Chilau - PIEI Romania Missionary