By God's grace, here we are at the end of March! As always, I glean from the activities I undertake with joy. All that I illustrate, I would like to see Jesus working in and through the ministry I engage in. For example, yesterday Brother Timothy called me, and I told him that my only free day is Monday! And he replied that he knew, which is why he called me since his free day is also Monday. On Tuesdays, we have a Bible study and prayer gathering at the church in Oiesti. On Wednesdays, I have a program at the church planted in the Roma village of Valea Uiasca. Thursdays are reserved for activities in Rotunda village, and after that, we go to the church in Oiesti for Discipleship School. By God's grace, we have reached Step 8, "The Christian as an Administrator." I don't know if we realize the benefits this study can bring to each of God's children. There have been many things that have helped me tremendously. For example, with the current step, I expected this course to address physical administrative aspects, but not spiritual ones like "Time" – if we can recover lost things, but time lost never. "Lord, help us" not to lose it anymore, as we can never recover it. Amen. On Fridays, I have a program with the girls from the orphanage at the local church, and in all my travels, I collaborate with Brother Aurel Stamoiu, who is also responsible for the gatherings in Oiesti. Saturdays are filled with various conferences with workers from all over the county on different topics. I would like to make a note: we have multiplied these courses by 20 each, and I would like to suggest at the county level to introduce them (of course) where they are accepted. I have archived them and can send them to whoever accepts them. I would like to share a line with you as well. Wherever I go, I have a keen desire for people to discover the sweet beauty of a personal relationship with Jesus. If you can understand that when this happens, my work is much smaller, and I am convinced that I meet that person at the feet of the Savior. Amen. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support, both in prayer and financially. I am glad my wife has gained weight; we pray together every night and have many reasons to be thankful that He controls all aspects of my life. I cannot fail to mention those whom I pray for every evening at 9 o'clock: The PIEI Committee from Romania and the USA, Brother Cornel and Gabi Ștef, here the girls from the orphanage inform me that Gabi Ștef, who they also call "mother" along with Sister Rodica and Alex Popa, who pays attention to my personal needs, I still have some of the medicines she brought me from the States. Brother Timothy, despite his hectic schedule, takes the time to inquire about each missionary. I cannot forget the Ed and Dydi Family, the Matei Scheau family and Sister Naomi, and Sister Mărioara Barac, and it was a great pleasure for me to talk on the phone with their daughter Gabriela, who is attentive to the needs of the mission. I pray for all of them every evening with joy. Surely only heaven can reward us because all our deeds are accounted for there. I conclude with a verse that has done me much good: Colossians 2:2-3 "their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgment of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ."
Traian Chilau - PIEI Romania Missionary