Grateful Reflections

Glory to the Lord Jesus that we have entered the year 2025! Certainly, we have many reasons to thank God the Father, whose watchful eyes we live our lives. Recently, I meditated on 2 Corinthians 12:2 and imagined myself in Paul’s place: What if I had an experience similar to his? And if I were brought back, what kind of life would I live before God? By God’s grace, I consider every day a miracle because this year marks 10 years since my transplant. By God's grace, the tests I did this month came out very well.

Locally, where God has placed us, we desire to dedicate ourselves to His work. The only free day I have is Monday, which I use to write this update. But even on this day, we have a prayer hour at 9 PM on the phone with all the PIEI missionaries in Romania.

  • On Tuesdays, we have Bible study and prayer at the Evangelical Church in Oiești.

  • On Wednesdays, we have meetings in the village of Vău Uiasca.

  • On Thursdays, we meet in the village of Rotunda.

  • On Fridays, we serve at the orphanage, though a small issue has arisen: the girls are being relocated to new facilities, so we have to bring them to the meeting hall in Tigveni.

By God’s grace, in the area where I am a missionary, I reflect on my responsibility and how I can ensure I hear these words: “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

I’ve also resolved to focus on something else at the start of this year: John 15:5 — “Apart from Me, you can do nothing.” How can I maintain an uninterrupted relationship with the Lord Jesus?

Every evening, you are in my prayers, and I give thanks that God has blessed me with such brothers and sisters (PIEI) who carry us in their hearts and support us both spiritually and financially! We pray that the Lord Jesus will reward them as He sees fit! Amen.

I would like to mention the PIEI committee members in Romania and the USA:

In Romania: Brother Timotei and his family, Brother Jenu and his family, and Brother Mike and his family. In the USA: Brother Cornel and Gabi Ștef, Brother Alex and Sister Rodica Popa, and Brother Dragomir and his family.

I also cannot forget our wonderful sponsors: the family of Ed and Daiana, the family of Matei Scheau, Sister Naomi, and Gabriela and Leontina Barac. For all of them, I pray with joy that the Lord Jesus will bless and reward them as He sees fit, meeting all their needs! Amen.

I close with a verse from John 14:3: “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with Me, that you also may be where I am.”

By God’s grace,
Traian Chilau - PIEI Romania Missionary