We have a wonderful God who always look up to us and is always ready to come to our help.
In March, I participated in an event of the Pentecostal church in Valeni, Olt County. Event organized especially for women on the occasion of March 8th. One of my responsibilities was to transport the sisters from Beciu to the event. The distance between the two localities is about 60 km and in order not to return home during the event, I preferred to wait for the sisters in front of the building.
In the yard of the church building there is also the pastor's house and someone invited all the men who were there to the house. When I entered the house, there were other brothers, including two brothers from Cluj Napoca. I told them a lot and we had a fellowship that we had not planned but God had planned. Now, I thank God for the special brothers whom I meet there; people of God living for His kingdom. Among other things, we talked about the way the mission work in Beciu, how things have evolved and evolved and about the needs of the mission here. I spoke to them about evangelical events and the difficulty of finding people willing to come and put their shoulder to the preaching of the gospel. Many preachers today want to be paid to come and do such events, and I understand them. It seems normal to me to pay people at least their travel expenses, but we do not always have this possibility.
We have learned to do the mission work with the things and possibilities we have, we do not complain as long as the Lord is with us. We give thanks to God because He has sent in these places brothers willing to pay their expenses. He should and will reward such servants. The brothers from Cluj Napoca that I met in Valeni at one point decided to pray for the work in Beciu and for our family. They said, "Florin, pray that God will give us the opportunity to help you in the ministry” .
At the end of June, I was called by the Pastor from Valeni, who informed me that in the middle of July, the brothers from Cluj Napoca will be comming in Beciu for a period of three days where they will do street evangelism, evangelistic events, plus the children ministry, and they came. So we enjoyed the wonderful way in which God answers the prayers raised to Him and the beautiful way in which He comes in help of those who have chosen to work for His glory.
We thank you, because we know you are praying for us, and we ask you to do this further.
May God bless you!
Florin Sfetcu - PIEI Missionary