As parents, we pray to the lord to give us wisdom and skills to know how to teach to our children to behave in such a way that they would love God and others. Through these pandemic times, God has given us the opportunity to invest more into the children.
For all things we must learn to give thanks to God and follow which direction he is leading us towards.
We thank God for the team we consider to be part of our family, people who encourage us, who have gotten involved by supporting us. Thank you for allowing the Lord to help through you.
I personally love each one of you, but I was most impressed by brother Cornel Stef, a man who could have lived quietly with what God has given him, but has chosen to be thankful through mission work. A brother who has chosen to be with me and many others like me, valuable servants in the eyes of people, but precious before God.
God reward you for all the work, for the fact that you have chosen to provide support from America to Romania and to be with us. Thank you for your prayers, we bless you in the name of the lord Jesus Christ!
We wish you happy holidays with God!
Florin Sfetcu, PIEI-Romania Missionary