Be Light

With our arrival in the village of Beciu, a kind of fight began between me and a priest. Not because we had something to do with him, but because people were hearing biblical truth for the first time and were being helped in their needs.

The Lord Jesus Christ says to his brethren: “The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify that its works are evil.” (John 7:7)

I hope and pray to God that one day this priest will be investigated by the Word of God and that his heart will be changed. I am glad that through our activities of helping and engaging in the lives of children and people in the local community we have provoked him to become more involved in the community. But he takes the children for pizza, takes them to visit several cities, and offers them a meal whenever they they meet.

I am glad that the children are being helped in physical needs, but my heart is sad that these children are being wandered away. We wish we could do more for these children but so far we don’t have the financial means. We know one thing, that as much as we could we have taught the children what God wants from them, we have given them all our love, and we have been light in the darkness for them. We invite you to pray with us for this cause.

God bless you!

Florin Sfetcu - PIEI Romnaia Missionary

Good Seed

The project "Good Seed" remains an effective project, an action in which we come into contact with people. Also providing them with a calendar with "Good Seed" and packages of seeds to plant. We also ask you to pray with us for the salvation of those who receive this gift. At the same time we thank God for those who have given us support in this project, both with seeds to plant and with calendars! May God be glorified in all things!

Florin Sfetcu - PIEI Romania Missionary

Do Not Fear For God Is With You

There are moments in life when our minds are full with all kinds of fears. If we let them stay there for a while, those fears will start to take control of our minds. In February it was like evil waging war against us.

There were a series of unwanted things that happened: a car accident, my mother's surgery, and the excessive cost more than 2500 euros for analysis and surgery. The incompetence of the doctors and also caused so much anxiety for my wife.

Alina was pregnant and every time she went for tests, she was told she was in her thirty-eighth week. At the last test they told her that the baby was ready to be born, sent her to take a PCR test, and then come in for her surgery. After three days the test results were negative, but she went to the clinic to give birth as they told her. Eventually other tests found that she had to wait at least a week because the baby was not ready yet. All these mistakes caused Alina anxiety and fear. This was not her first cesarean but the fifth, and there were absolutely no problems with the previous four. Fear began to nest in my mind, too, but I remembered that I have a God who has every situation in control.

It was as if God said to me ”Fear nothing, for I am with you.” With these words I went to my wife and reminded her that we were not alone. God has been with us every time: He has not left us prey to wickness. Even though the surgery was difficult and it lasted three hours, by the grace of God everything went well Our little girl was born and her name is Alina.

As I write to you now I have my Bible open to Isaiah 43:2

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they will shall not sweep over overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not burned. Nor shall flame scorch you."

We have a wonderful God. He can make things we often see impossible become possible. God casts fear away. 

We would like to thank all those who have prayed for us, in the situation we have been through, as well as all those who have helped us financially. 

God bless you and reward you!

Florin Sfetcu - PIEI Romaia Missionary

A Joyful Trip

Thirty years ago we enjoyed snowy winters. Then and now snow is fascinating for children. Before this winter, one of our children's wishes was for this winter to snow as much as possible. When I was a child one of my joys was sledding. Not even the lowest temperatures could keep us from fighting with snowballs. This joy continues in the hearts of children today. Even technology cannot compare to the beauty of God’s design.

This year I agreed to Florina's suggestion to take the children to the mountains to enjoy the snow. However, we have the same problem. A vehicle with a small number of seats. If we had a nine-seat minibus it could be useful for many opportunities in children’s work. Still we do not lose hope. Pray with us that one day God will answer this need as well.

In God’s providence, we are planning a summer trip to the mountains. We want to go tenting for two or three days. I hope the number of seats in a large vehicle will be greater. Pray with us, and that God may be glorified in it’s usefulness in ministry long term.

Florin Sfetcu - PIEI Romania Missionary

Perfect Place

The most important thing for a child of God is to be where the Father wants him or her to be. We are sent to preach the Gospel to everyone but very often people are too preoccupied to hear us, and make excuses that they are ”very busy”.

We are perhaps too often discouraged by the fact that few people open their hearts to God. The only one who can lead us is the One who sent us. He knows the right place where we must be and wants our every step we take to be with Him.

In this month God laid on my heart to help build a roof for the husband of a sister from our church. The previous roof was destroyed and they had to build a new one. As much as I could I've been involved in reaching this man to whom I have preached the Gospel many times and I pray to the Lord will touch his heart and he will realize that he needs salvation. All our sisters in Christ pray for the salvation of their unsaved husbands and it would be a tremendous joy for them to see their husbands come to the Lord.

That is why I desire to identify the right places where to be a tool in God’s hand and where to contribute to the salvation of these people. May God help us that we can always be where He wants us to be, to use us, and and may He help us to be fruitful for His kingdom.

Be blessed!

Florin Sfetcu - PIEI Romania Missionary


Availability can be a key to the kingdom of heaven.

 I thank God for these wonderful children, who call to me for any need of theirs. To be honest, it is not easy for me to make myself available every time. There are days when I come three or four times a day. The situations in which these children live is such that even their parents often ignore them. My heart’s desire is to be useful to win them for God. Sometimes I have to postpone what I have to do at that moment. I am glad to be of help to them, because I know that no one makes time for them. Hopefully when they grow up they will remember that there was someone who never drove them away.

To be available means to be a light in the darkness. That is why we are called.

We invite you to support us in prayer so together we can walk in the footsteps of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Be blessed,

Florin Sfetcu - PIEI Romania Missionary

A place for those loved by God

It has already been five years since we started preaching the Gospel in locality of Beciu, Teleorman County. At the beginning it was not easy, because for the local people what they heard was something new. Today we thank the Lord for the wonderful way He has used us to reach the hearts of these people. Throughout this time we enjoy six souls who have been moved by the Holy Spirit and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives.  We also praise God that approximately thirty children participate in the school meeting with children on Saturdays, as well as a few people who visit the church, but also the openness of local people to us.

With God's help, for a period of time we have been enjoying about the wonderful place where we can carry out our activities, a place which was offered to us by Mr. Gică Andrei, the mayor of this locality. For a limited time we can enjoy this place, until we succeed, with God's help, in having a place of our own.

We know that God has worked for us to see and be aware that He is with us. He wants us to walk forward confidently, glorifying Him.  We invite you to pray with us for God to continue to show His glory and to work mightily in the hearts of all who enter in this building. Be blessed!

Florin Sfetcu, PIEI-Romania Missionary


From the beginning of this mission work we tried as much as we could to get involved in people's lives and also in social needs. This approach had and still has an extraordinary effect in the hearts of those who were helped practically. I am happy to hear that many people in the village speak well of us; this reputation helps many more people take the time to listen to the Gospel.

When I visit a family with several children, an old man, widows or anyone in the village, I usually do not go with empty hands. I have something to offer those I intend to visit . The reality is that one does not always have these resources; but they must come from somewhere. When we did not have something, we took from what the Lord had blessed our family. I never went without having something to offer. 

There were also periods of crisis, when I was concerned about the situation because we relied on relationships. Relationships that at some point, for various reasons, broke down. During those times God intervened. He brought the "ravens" (1 Kings 4:4-6); brothers we had never known came to our aid and the work went on. I am convinced that what God begins, He leads things to the good end. He remains the most faithful friend!

Thank you all for listening when the Lord spoke to you, for staying close to God, and in this way close to us and the mission work in Beciu. It’s important for me to remember that we each have been called to the work by the Lord and not by people. No matter how one behaves, we must know we are serving God's work. This work must not be abandoned.

Be blessed!

Florin Sfetcu - PIEI Romania Missionary

The Greatest Example of Humility

In Philippians 2:5-7 Paul exhorts the Philippians and tells them:

Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, though being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.

The greatest example of humility ever encountered on this earth is seen in the life of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I look at Paul's life and I realize how much he tried to point to the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul says:

I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants in anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.

[1 Corinthians 3: 6-7]

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As I ponder these words, I ask:

How do I see myself?

How do you see yourself?

What do I think about myself?

Are we following in the footsteps of the Lord Jesus?

I am sorry to say that I have met Christians who have a very high opinion of themselves, people who have disgusted me with their behavior towards me and others. People who demand respect, but who have forgotten that they must become less so that the Lord Jesus Christ may grow in them. These people one has to tread carefully to avoid upsetting them.

Today, when I write these lines to you, I thank God with all my heart for the way He works, that I am surrounded by people who, although they could claim to be someone, choose instead to remain humble. I thank God for my brothers and sisters with whom I work in the gospel, and I also thank all the brothers and sisters in the PIEI organization for the hard work and effort they put into making the missionaries feel protected and loved.

Florin Sfetcu - PIEI Romania Missionary

On the Verge of Despair


Two questions on the verge of despair.

The person who addressed me in this way is Ion Sadoveanu. He is 39 years old, he is married and together with his wife Ionela they have nine children. He has been suffering from diabetes for six years. Lately Ion's health has deteriorated, so he has started taking insulin. For some time he began to have terrible back pain, which is why he was hospitalized for two weeks. Analysis showed that surgery was needed. The doctors did not give him much chance, telling him that the operation is a risk due to diabetes. Now he is at home and lying in bed. He does not want to have surgery because he is afraid.

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The other day when I visited him he told me that he didn't know who to go to and who to believe. He is confused by his relatives who told him that he must go to the grave of the priest Arsenie Boca. I asked him if a man who was dead could hear him or help him? After looking at me for a long time, he said he didn't know. I told him there was Someone who had died but had power over death because he had risen on the third day. I asked him if he had heard of the One I was talking about, and he said “yes.” He knew about the Lord Jesus Christ because Ion came to our church meetings for a long time. However, from the moment his relatives and friends began to laugh at him, he stopped coming to my meetings. When he came to church, he said that he was feeling better and that he was calmer. Now that he had been discharged from the hospital and is on the brink of despair, he told me that he regretted that he had given in to all those who laughed at him, thus keeping him from attending church.

I asked him what I could do for him. He told me that he wanted me to pray to God for him to be well. I also asked him what he was going to do if God would heal him. He told me that he would repent. I told him that he did not have to wait until then, that he could repent at that very moment. Thus John received the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of his life! Please pray with us for this man.

I never thought that a man without any direction, accustomed to seeking satisfaction in all kinds of sins, can be changed. Behold, what man cannot do, God succeeds!

Today my prayer to the Heavenly Father is for Him to bring about change in the lives of our young people. I would like these young people to experience the peace that God has given me. He has filled my heart with joy, and He has given me security, trust and forgiveness. This is why I became a disciple of God, because He paid the price for my iniquities. I decided to show gratefulness to Him to carry the message of salvation to others. May God work in the lives of the young people I work with and make them His disciples! We invite you to pray with us for these young people to become tools in the hands of God, A POWERFUL GENERATION FOR JESUS.

May God have all the glory!

Florin Sfetcu, PIEI-Romania Missionary

A Glimmer of Hope in the Eyes of an Old Man!

One day while distributing food to poor families, I met Pandele on the street. He was going to buy bread from the store. I stopped to speak with him as he seemed dejected and walked with a slow pace. I thanked God for this old man who radiated joy when I offered him a bag of food. He told me that he did not have enough money to buy necessary food from one month to the next. This bag of food was very important to him. I asked him if I could visit him from time to time, and he agreed.

A week later I visited Pandele in his home. He was very happy to see me again, and I was able to offer him more help. He lives in a house where it is almost raining in because of an old, deteriorated roof and whose ceiling and walls are ready to collaspe. I honestly do not know how long the house will last if someone does not come to his aid.

It is a great joy that I can be helpful to him. He appreciates and rejoices when he sees me. Pray that I may be able to offer more than just social assistance. Pray that I can help him realise that he needs salvation. May the Lord be glorified in all things!

Be blessed!

Florin Sfetcu – PIEI Missionary

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This month I had to find a solution to some financial difficulty. There were more expenses than usual; I had to pay the house and car tax, so I was left with little money until the next donation and I had to look for a way to earn some money.

It so happened that someone needed a worker for a few days to put tiles in a kitchen, so I took this opportunity. I did not know what the Lord was preparing for me, but the place where I had to work was a monastery five kilometers from our town. On this occasion I met the abbot Teofil and the priest Arsenie.

God had a plan for these people, and a friendship was forged between us. I had the opportunity to talk to them about all sorts of things. We talked about what's going on around the world because of the pandemic, about the wickedness of many people they had working for them, and about the fact that you can't trust anyone anymore. I thank God that from these discussions, I was able to ask them a few questions like; Why do you think people have sinful behavior and what can be done to change it? They believed that for certain people, they will not be able to change.

I started talking to them about the way I was 16 years ago. They couldn't believe what I was telling them, since they had a good impression of me from day one. From there I began to preach the gospel to them, to show them that there is a great difference between a religious man and one who is faithful to God. I told them that God has a solution for all people, not just the wicked and untrustworthy. I kept telling them that people need to know the TRUTH, they need GOD more than ever, showing them that I am one of those people for whom faith in God has produced a great change.


Please pray with us for these two people, we do not know how God will work. in them I kindly ask you to pray for me, we will visit them with the family. Pray that God will give us the wisdom and skill to know how to speak to these people so that they will be touched by the gospel.

Thank you for all you do for your mission work here, for your prayers and support.

Be blessed!

Florin Sfetcu, PIEI-Romania Missionary


At the beginning of this year, at the suggestion of our sister Florina Darvel, together with several missionary brothers from the PIEI organization, we considered that it would be good for us to help each other in terms of mission work. The first activity of this kind took place in Beciu community, and we thank God for surprising us once again with His wonderful way of working. Considering that it is still winter, we did not expect to meet such a large number of people. I was glad that the brothers who helped us in the ministry were encouraged by the way the whole activity went, and by the open people they met to preach the gospel to them. During this time of talking to people and preaching the gospel, there were three women to whom God touched their hearts and who surrendered their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ.


We are pleased that God has confirmed to us through the way He has worked that teamwork is very important. We pray for the next activity of this kind, for our unity and for the wisdom and skill in knowing how to approach people with whom we will come into contact from now on.

I know we support each other in prayer and I want to thank you for everything you do for us.

Be blessed!

Florin Sfetcu, PIEI-Romania Missionary

God's Providence to Reach Families

God blessed with greater intensity into the hearts of the people of Beciu. This has been a difficult year around the world, yet God has been, does, and will remain in control of all things. 

Although we did not hope for too many evangelistic opportunities due to the pandemic, the Lord gave us success in many projects. For example, this is the fourth year in which all children in school and kindergarten received gifts around the holidays. God is the One who allows us to bring joy to the hearts of children. We are not the ones who make things come together. God does. All glory, all honor, and all glory belong to Him alone!

Because of the pandemic, the gifts could not be given to children in school and kindergarten. We set up two gift places, and the children came to these two places. What was completely different from previous years is that most children came with their parents. Thus we were able to give an evangelistic message to parents as well! I know that the Lord has touched many parents' hearts, and that many people have changed the distorted view the village priest has spread about us. 

Pray with us that the Lord will bless us and our efforts in 2021. Pray that in His mercy He would grant salvation to those who have not yet accepted Him as Lord and Savior. God bless you who pray for us and the work here. 

In all things He is to be praised!

PIEI-Missionary Florin Sfetcu

Teaching Our Children

As parents, we pray to the lord to give us wisdom and skills to know how to teach to our children to behave in such a way that they would love God and others. Through these pandemic times, God has given us the opportunity to invest more into the children.

For all things we must learn to give thanks to God and follow which direction he is leading us towards.

We thank God for the team we consider to be part of our family, people who encourage us, who have gotten involved by supporting us. Thank you for allowing the Lord to help through you.

I personally love each one of you, but I was most impressed by brother Cornel Stef, a man who could have lived quietly with what God has given him, but has chosen to be thankful through mission work. A brother who has chosen to be with me and many others like me, valuable servants in the eyes of people, but precious before God.

God reward you for all the work, for the fact that you have chosen to provide support from America to Romania and to be with us. Thank you for your prayers, we bless you in the name of the lord Jesus ​​Christ!

We wish you happy holidays with God!

Florin Sfetcu, PIEI-Romania Missionary



In the mission work it is necessary to do more than preach the gospel, as very few people would be willing to listen to us if we did not take the time to show them that we really care about them. I have met people who just wanted to be heard, people in trouble, people who want to share their suffering with someone, and no one is willing to listen to them. Each person has their own problems, they don't want to deal with others. We thank God for teaching us to be like Him, for teaching us to be guided by the Holy Spirit, and for being attentive to our fellow men.

We thank God for the brothers and sisters who help us socially, so when we go to visit people we can give them something. We have noticed that when we show people that we care about them, they are willing to make time for us. May God be praised for putting us in touch with people open to mission work, simple people but with loving hearts. A hand extended to a man, a child, a widow, an old man, attracts the attention not only of the person in question but also of those around him. People listen to and observe us, and with the help of the Lord we become more and more loved, more trustworthy, a LIGHT that expands and fulfills its purpose. GLORY TO THE LORD!

Thank you for the prayers and more. Please keep praying for us!
Be blessed!

Florin Sfetcu, PIEI-Romania Missionary

God Will Never Abandon You

The other day I was visited by four children from two families, children I met on the street and whose situation I already knew.

Two children you see are Bianca and Andrei, two children who have seven other brothers but who were taken by the social services due to the fact that their parents are alcoholics. Many times, with this family we have to find a strategy to help them, we have to think about helping at least these two children left without support. This time we thought of calling the children to our home and in this way we can be useful to them.

Ionuț and Alexandra were abandoned by their mother about a year ago. I now take care of their grandparents who raise them and take care of them. Alexandra is pretty quiet, she's missing her mother.

What we want is to get as close as possible to these children, to be able to be a support for them and to teach them that there is someone who loves them unconditionally, more than their parents could have loved them. When they grow up to remember that they are loved by God.

We need your prayers further, pray that God will give us wisdom and skill to know how to behave in such situations, to know how to make ourselves loved by such children. We thank you for everything you do to make the mission work here work, thank you for the prayers and love you embrace with us.

God bless you!

Florin Sfetcu, PIEI-Romania Missionary


Some time ago I made a project for children in Beciu. The project included backpacks and school supplies for disadvantaged children. I was quite discouraged when we started talking about this project, I knew that this year was quite difficult for all people. Although we prayed to the Lord that He would take care of these children, my optimism was quite low. However, my only hope in such situations was only with God, only He could make the impossible possible. I thank God and we are grateful to Him for not delaying to respond and amaze us. Even before the start of the new school year, I had a set of 100 backpacks full of everything a child needs for school. This project had an extraordinary impact, the children's parents did not know how to thank us, they were amazed by the way we got involved in helping them.

There were parents who wrote to us to express their gratitude for the bags we received. Some of the parents wrote to tell us that their children slept with their backpacks in bed, they were so happy. We thank OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN for the wonderful way he works, for every blessing he receives. To Him be all the honor and all the glory, He makes the impossible possible. We pray to the Lord that He will search the hearts of children and their parents and open more hearts to His glory!

Thank you very much for knowing that you are praying for us and we invite you to continue to support us in our prayers. May God bless you and take care of you in all aspects of life!

Florin Sfetcu, PIEI-Romania Missionary


When you realize from where the Lord has taken you, you can only praise and thank Him for how He cares for you in every circumstance of life!

During the past weeks I made several trips by car. One day while driving I heard an annoying noise in the car. Realizing that something needed checking, I finally decided to take the car to service. When the mechanics put my car on the lift, the mechanics who checked it were amazed at what they saw. They told me that it was a miracle that nothing had happened to me, and that I could have died at any time because of the car's problems.


God is the One who has always taken care of me and my family, I have no doubt that He has taken care of me this time as well. This is why I always have reasons to praise God! This is why I say that when you realize from where God has saved you, you can't help rejoicing, you can't help thanking Him, and praising the One who gives you His protection every moment. Glorified and blessed be His Name!

Florin Sfetcu - PIEI- Missionary


We have been blessed by God, and we in turn want to give away what we have received!


This woman's name is Ioana. She is grandmother of nine grandchildren. One day some of her grandchildren came to buy tomatoes from us. I was amazed to see her holding a five lei banknote she handed me for the tomatoes she wanted to buy. I thought: these people live on child allowance and social assistance; they are quite poor and yet they never come to ask for something without paying for it. At the same time I thought about myself: I only have four children, not nine children and yet it’s difficult for us to manage from one month to the next. We make sacrifices, serving in the mission, and cultivating the land with vegetables, melons etc. so that we can cover all our necessary expenses. My heart does not allow me to take money from people like Ioana. On the contrary, I readily help them however I can. They came to buy 4.5 pounds of tomatoes and went home happy because we did not take their money. However, they received more than they expected. Leaving for home everyone had their own bag: one left with potatoes, another with melons, another with tomatoes, and another with bell peppers.


We thank God for blessing us so that we can also give to others from what we have received. God bless you and we know you are praying for us. We remember times when we had no support and the way you got involved.

May God bless and reward you!

Florin Sfetcu - PIEI Missionary