Biography — PIEI

Cornel & Gabriela Stef



We are dedicated to serve the Lord both on the mission field as we take several trips overseas each year, as well as at home in the U.S. where we connect with our support partners on behalf of our national missionaries. 

God is using our bilingual and bicultural background as a connecting link for His glory.

  • Connecting churches and missionaries

  • Establishing accountability

  • Leading short term mission teams

  • Encouraging the national missionaries and assessing their personal and ministry needs

  • Teaching / training / discipleship

While in the U.S. we are visiting with supporting partners (churches, families, and individuals) to maintain, tighten, and also recruit more support for our national missionaries, also to bring updates from the field.  We continue to connect with the national missionaries on a daily basis to mentor and help them in order to be more effective in their ministries and in their connection with their supporting partners.



We both started back when we lived in Romania, where we were raised and born, and where we grew up during the Ceausescu’s communist regime. We have both discovered our love for mission work since our teenage years, as we served in our local church on a youth ministry team, before we were married to each other! I, Cornel, was singing and playing my guitar, and Gabi was involved in children’s ministry. She was actually one of the very first people to receive training from the CEF team from Austria who came to Romania and did an underground teachers training course. As we serve together then, we continue to serve together today, each using our spiritual gifts that the Lord has given each of us.

Fast forward many years… We’ve lived in the U.S. for over 33 years, raised two godly children who love and serve the Lord, and over the years have lead many short term mission teams over to both Romania and the Romanian speaking region of Ukraine, have lead the partnership committee for these two countries here in the U.S., and we’ve both served Partners in Evangelism International in leadership positions, Cornel as president for over 10 years, currently still in the same position, and Gabi served as secretary for over eight years and also as office data entry for several years prior to that. We were able to do that on a part time basis, while I ran my own custom furniture business, Gabi worked with me, and she also worked as a nurse over the years.

The time has come for us to serve the Lord full time, trusting the Lord’s leading and provision. I have recently sold my company of 20+ years in Chicago so that we can dedicate our full time to ministry.  



As our ministry PIEI is made up of 100% volunteer workers stateside, we will only need to raise funds for our trips overseas as well as for the projects we are doing while on the national field, such as conferences, camps, as well as the Christian PIE Center Project in Romania.

We trust that the Lord will provide for our needs while in the US from our savings until we’ll be able to collect our retirement. We pray that we will be able to raise the necessary support for our overseas trips by God’s grace through projects, and by many brothers and sisters in the Lord who love us and believe in our work, and who will give generously to cover our travel expenses as well as contribute toward the projects we will be doing.

We give thanks to the Lord for His Word that is living and true, for revealing to us who He is and what He has done for us, and for supplying all our needs according to His riches in glory.

In Him,
Cornel and Gabi Stef