Peace to you dear my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ! I am grateful to my God Who loves us unlimited and protects us in such a dangerous world. Than closer is coming of Jesus Christ those more brightly appear signs of His returning. And we all can see them.
1. After the Baptism held in our church, we began to think about how to conduct services because the quarantine is going on and many people are sick. The decision had been agreed that we hold three services on Sunday to avoid the mass of people. Such measures give good results.
2. Now before us is the task of how to evangelize people in the pandemic situation. Because many people don't want to come and contact other people, they afraid to get ill. Nevertheless, God is doing His work. One woman came with her daughter to the Church last Sunday. She heard the sermon of Holly Word and knelt before God in the repent prayer. Praise the Lord!
3. We don't have a possibility to hold the children camp this summer so we held it online. This is an unusual method of communication with children but we need to get used to such practice. Almost all children held out until the end of the meeting and they got the presents.
Now the situation of the coronavirus is highly pressed and we pray that God protects all His children.
God bless and protect you too. I pray that your country has a good election.
Thank you very much for your support of my ministry. Take greetings from my wife Larisa.
With love and prayer for you pastor Grigory Pastushak.