I greet you all coworkers of the mission PIE on God`s field.
May God`s mercy and grace accompany all of us in our following Jesus Christ.
I am glad to inform you that God helps me in the ministry as in the church either among the people of our city.
During the last weeks occurred a lot of meetings with those who are believers and who have a lot of questions and problems in their lives. Besides that, I had meetings with unbelievers who need a personal touch and an impact on their situation. I testify to them about Christ as much as I can. Especially such appointments increased right before our local election.
For the last weeks, 6 persons had repented in our church, praise the Lord. Four of them have started to prepare for the baptism already. I am so glad about that because due to the pandemic the attending the church by people reduced considerably.
I pray that the Lord carries our local church through all these circumstances and we could grow as well spiritually as quantitatively.
Last Sunday we had the holiday in our church we ordinated new deacons. Among them is a missionary of the PIE mission it is Alex Pastushak. At once he has involved in the ministry in the Hertsa town. Praise the Lord.
I ask you do not to forget about us in your prayers. We need spiritual and moral support in this difficult time. Thanks for your financial support.
Send greetings to Marelyn and Karl please. I follow her on Facebook and look at her all posts. I am very glad of her, may God bless her.
We send greetings with my wife Larisa to all you dear brothers and sisters!
With prayer of you,
missionary in Chernivtsi City, Pastushak Grigoriy